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; but he let her have her fun。 Her idea to send out Ixian self…learning fighting meks to a few black market dealers had been a stroke of genius。
 He paused a moment for a wistful smile that made his long mustache sink into the seams around his mouth。 His daughter was stunningly beautiful; a work of art in every way; made to be an ornament in some great lord's household。。。but she was sharp…witted; too。 Kailea was a strange mixture; all right: fascinated by court games and styles and everything to do with the grandeur of Kaitain; but also doggedly determined to prehend the workings of House Vernius。 Even at her age; she understood that behind…the…scenes business plexities were a woman's real key to power in the Imperium  unless she joined the Bene Gesserit。
 Dominic didn't think his daughter understood Shando's decision to leave the Imperial Court and e with him to Ix。 Why would the lover of the most powerful man in the universe leave all that splendor to marry a weather…beaten war hero who lived in a city underground? At times; Dominic wondered the same thing; but his love for Shando knew no bounds; and his wife often told him she had never regretted her decision。
 Kailea offered a stark contrast with her mother in all but appearance。 The young woman couldn't possibly be fortable in her extravagant clothes and finery; yet she wore her best at all times; as if afraid she might miss an opportunity。 Perhaps she resented the lost chances in her life; and would rather be warded off to a sponsor in the Imperial Palace。 He'd noticed that she toyed with the affections of the twin sons of Ambassador Pilru; as if marriage to one of them might tie her to the embassy on Kaitain。 But C'tair and D'murr Pilru were scheduled to test for positions in the Spacing Guild; and if they passed the examination they would be off…planet within a week。 At any rate; Dominic was sure he could arrange a much more profitable match for his only female child。
 Perhaps even to Leto Atreides。。。
 A eye blinked yellow on the wall; interrupting his thoughts。 An important message; an update of the troubling rumors that had spread like poison through a cistern。
 〃Yes?〃 he said。 Without being asked; Kailea walked across the invisible floor and stood next to him to read the report as it imaged itself on the quicksilver surface of his desk。 Her emerald eyes narrowed as she read the words。
 The smell of his daughter's faint perfume and the glitter of bs in her dark bronze hair brought a paternal smile to his face。 Such a young lady。 Such a young businesswoman。
 〃Are you sure you want to concern yourself with this; child?〃 he asked; wishing to shelter her from the grim news。 Labor relations were so much more plex than technological innovations。 Kailea just looked at him in annoyance that he would even ask the question。
 He read more details on what he had been told earlier in the day; though he still couldn't quite believe everything Leto Atreides claimed he'd heard and seen。 A disturbance was brewing in the deep…ground manufacturing facilities; where the suboid workers had begun plaining  an unprecedented situation。
 Kailea took a deep breath; marshaling her thoughts。 〃If the suboids have such grievances; why haven't they elected a spokesman? Why haven't they delivered any formal demands?〃
 〃Oh; they're just grumbling; child。 They claim they're being forced to assemble machines in violation of the Butlerian Jihad; and they don't want to perform 'blasphemous labor。' 〃
 The message screen went dark after they finished reading the summary report; and Kailea stood up; hands on her hips。 Her skirts rustled as she huffed。 〃Wherever do they get such ridiculous ideas? How can they even begin to understand the nuances and plexities of running these operations? They were bred and trained in Ixian facilities  who put those thoughts in their minds?〃
 Dominic shook his gleaming head; and realized his daughter had raised a very good question。 〃You're right。 Suboids certainly couldn't e up with such extrapolations on their own。〃
 Kailea continued to be indignant。 〃Don't they realize how much we give them? How much we provide; and how much it costs? I've looked at the costs and benefits。 The suboids don't know how good they have it pared to workers on other planets。〃 She shook her head; and her curved mouth bent downward in a frown。 She looked through the floor at her feet; to the manufactories in the cavern far below。 〃Maybe they should visit Giedi Prime  or Arrakis。 Then they wouldn't plain about Ix。〃
 But Dominic wouldn't let go of her first thread of conversation。 〃Suboids are bred for limited intelligence; only enough to perform assigned tasks。。。and they're supposed to do it without plaining。 It's part of their mental makeup。〃 He joined his daughter in staring down at the floor of the grotto; which swarmed with Heighliner construction workers。 〃Could our bio…designers have overlooked something important? Do the suboids have a point? The definition of machine…minds enpasses a broad range; but there might be gray areas。。。。〃
 Kailea shook her head and tapped her crystal pad。 〃Our Mentats and legal advisors are meticulous about the precise strictures of the Jihad; and our quality…control methods are effective。 We're on solid ground; and they can prove every assertion we make。〃
 Dominic chewed his lower lip。 〃The suboids couldn't possibly have specifics; since there aren't any violations。 At least we haven't knowingly stepped over the line; not in any instance。〃
 Kailea studied her father; then looked down at the bustling work area again。 〃Maybe you should have Captain Zhaz and a team of inspectors turn over every stone; investigate every aspect of our design and manufacturing processes。 Prove to the suboids that their plaints are groundless。〃
 Dominic considered the idea。 〃Of course I don't want to be too hard on the workers。 I want no crackdowns; and certainly no revolts。 The suboids are to be treated well; as always。〃 He met her gaze; and she seemed very much an adult。
 〃Yes;〃 Kailea said; her voice hardening。 〃They work better that way。〃
 Like the knowledge of your own being; the sietch forms a firm base from which you move out into the world and into the universe。
 …Fremen Teaching
 Pardot Kynes was so fascinated by the Fremen culture; religion; and daily routine that he remained pletely oblivious to the life…and…death debate raging around him in the sietch。 Naib Heinar had told him he could talk to the people and describe his ideas  and so he talked; at every opportunity。
 For an entire cycle of the moons; the Fremen whispered their opinions in small caves and dens; or shouted them across tables in private meetings of the sietch elders。 Some of them even empathized with what the strange outworlder was saying。
 Though his fate remained undecided; Kynes didn't slow for a moment。 Sietch guides took him around and showed him many things they thought would interest him; but the Planetologist also stopped to ask questions of women working in the stillsuit factories; of old men tending water supplies; and of withered grandmothers operating solar ovens or filing rough burrs off scrap metal。
 The bustling activity around the sealed caves asto
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