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 even with the Harkonnens。〃
 〃Hey; kid; just take your breaks where you can get them。〃
 Duncan rummaged in one of the storage partments until he found two fruit…rice bars and a sealed bubble of juice。 Without asking; he tore into the packets and began stuffing himself。 The bars tasted only faintly of cinnamon; a flavor…enhancer to simulate melange。
 〃You're wele;〃 Janess said sarcastically。
 He didn't reply; chewed loudly。
 All night long the flitter soared over the lowlands toward the forbidding city of Barony。 For a moment Duncan thought she intended to dump him back into prison; where he would have to go through everything all over again。 He slipped his hand into his pocket; felt the handle of his dull knife。 But Janess flew the unmarked craft beyond the prison plex and headed south; past a dozen cities and villages。
 They had stopped for a day; hiding out during the afternoon; replenishing their supplies at a small way station。 Janess provided him with a blue singlesuit; cleaned up his wound as best she could; and crudely administered medical treatment。 She tended him with no special care; but merely expressed the hope that he would not draw attention to himself。
 At dusk they set off again; heading far south to an independent spaceport。 Duncan didn't know the names of the places they visited; nor did he ask。 No one had ever taught him geography。 Whenever he bothered to venture a question; Janess invariably snapped at him or ignored him entirely。
 The spaceport plex carried a flavor of rough mercantile personnel and the Guild rather than the cumbersome Harkonnen style。 It was functional and efficient; with endurance emphasized over luxury or eye appeal。 Corridors and rooms were large enough for the movement of enclosed tanks holding Guild Navigators。
 Janess parked the flitter…thopter where she could easily retrieve it; then set her own hot…wired security systems before leaving the craft behind。 〃Follow me;〃 she said。 With young Duncan in tow; she marched out into the bustle and chaos of the spaceport。 〃I've made some arrangements。 But if you get lost here; I'm not looking for you。〃
 Why shouldn't I just run? I don't trust you。〃
 I'm going to put you on a ship that'll take you away from Giedi Prime; far from the Harkonnens。〃 She looked down at him; goading。 〃Your choice; kid。 I don't need any more trouble from you。〃
 Duncan clenched his teeth and followed her without further ment。
 Janess tracked down a battered cargo craft swarming with workers who loaded scuffed cases on board。 Using suspensor pads; they dragged heavy pallets into the holding bay and stacked them haphazardly。
 〃Second mate of this ship is an old friend of mine;〃 Janess said。 〃He owes me a favor。〃
 Duncan did not ask what kind of people a woman like Janess Milam would consider friends。。。or what she had done to earn herself such a favor。
 〃I'm not going to pay a single solari for your passage; Idaho  your family has already cost my conscience enough; ruined my standing with the Harkonnen overlords; and got me nothing。 But my friend Renno says you can ride in the hold; just as long as you don't eat anything other than standard rations or cost anyone time or credits。〃
 Duncan watched the spaceport activities around him。 He had no real conception of what life would be like on any other world。 The cargo ship looked old and unimpressive  but if it provided him with passage away from Giedi Prime; then it was a golden bird from heaven。
 Janess took him roughly by his arm and marched him toward the loading ramp。 His sore shoulder throbbed。 〃They're hauling recyclable materials and other salvage; which they'll take to a processing station on Caladan。 That's the home of House Atreides。。。archenemies of the Harkonnens。 You know about the feud between those Houses?〃 When Duncan shook his head; Janess laughed。 〃Of course not。 How would a little dirt rodent like you have learned anything about the Landsraad and the Great Houses?〃
 She stopped one of the workers guiding a precariously loaded suspensor platform。 〃Where's Renno? Tell him Janess Milam is here and I want to see him right away。〃 She glanced down at Duncan; who stood up straight and tried to look presentable。 〃Tell him I brought the package I promised。〃
 Touching a municator on his lapel; the man mumbled something into it。 Then; without acknowledging Janess; he pushed his load up into the squat cargo hauler。
 Duncan waited; analyzing the activity around him; while Janess frowned and fidgeted。 Before long; a grubby…looking man emerged; his skin smeared with colored lubricants; grime; and oily sweat。
 〃Renno!〃 Janess waved to him。 〃It's about damn time!〃
 He gave her a tight embrace; followed by a long and wet kiss。 Janess broke away as quickly as she could and pointed to Duncan。 〃There he is。 Take him to Caladan。〃 She smiled。 〃I can't think of a better revenge than to deliver this boy right where they least want him to be  and where they're least likely to find him。〃
 〃You play dangerous games; Janess;〃 Renno said。
 〃I enjoy games。〃 She balled her fist and playfully punched him in the shoulder。 〃Don't tell anyone。〃
 Renno raised his eyebrows。 〃What's the point of ing back to this scummy port if you're not here waiting for me? Who'd keep me pany in a dark and lonely bunk? Nah; it wouldn't be worth my while to turn you in。 But you still owe me。〃
 Before going; Janess knelt and fixed her eyes on young Duncan Idaho。 She seemed to be trying for some semblance of passion。 〃Look; kid。 Here's what I want you to do。 When you get to Caladan; step off that ship and insist on seeing Duke Paulus Atreides himself。 Duke Atreides。 Tell him you've e from the Harkonnens; and demand to be taken into service in his household。〃
 Renno's eyebrows shot high on his forehead; and he muttered something unintelligible。
 Janess kept her face firm and intent; thinking to play a last cruel; joke on the boy she had betrayed。 She realized there would be no chance whatsoever that a dirty; nameless street urchin could possibly set foot in the Grand Hall of Castle Caladan  but that wouldn't stop him from trying。。。maybe for years。
 She'd already had her victory by stealing the boy from Rabban's hunting party。 She had known they were taking Duncan to the Forest Guard Station and so she made a particular effort to find him; to snatch him away and turn him over to the Harkonnens' greatest enemies。 Whatever else happened to the boy was now irrelevant to her; but Janess amused herself by imagining all the tribulations Duncan Idaho would undergo before finally giving up。
 〃e on;〃 Renno said gruffly; pulling Duncan's arm。 〃I'll find you a place in the cargo hold; where you can sleep and hide。〃
 Duncan didn't look back at Janess。 He wondered if she expected him to say goodbye or thank her for what she'd done; but he refused to do that。 She hadn't helped him because she cared; or even out of remorse。 No; he wouldn't demean himself; and he could never forgive Janess for her part in destroying his family。 Strange woman。
 He walked up the ramp; looking straight ahead; not knowing where he was going。 Lost and parentless; without any idea of what he would do next; Duncan Idaho headed off。。。。
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