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 But the suboids clearly held a deep potential for violence; a frightening darkness that they had managed to hide from their oblivious rulers above。
 Leto wondered with dread if perhaps there might be other enclaves of dissent; other groups with similarly charismatic speakers who could manage to tap into the low…level dissatisfaction of the vast worker population。
 As he rode up in the lift chamber; Leto looked down and saw the workers below; innocently acting out their roles; carrying out their daily routines。 He knew he had to report what he had overheard。 But would anyone believe him?
 He realized with a tightness in his stomach that he was learning far more about Ix than he had ever meant to know。
 Hope can be the greatest weapon of a downtrodden people; or the greatest enemy of those who are about to fail。 We must remain aware of its advantages and its limitations。
 her personal journals
 After weeks of aimless journeying; the cargo ship dropped out of the orbiting Heighliner and sped down toward the cloud…swirled atmosphere of Caladan。
 For Duncan Idaho; the end of his long ordeal seemed at hand。
 From his stowaway spot in the cluttered cargo bay; Duncan shifted a heavy box。 Its metal corners grated across the deckplates; but he finally got the burden out of the way so he could remove the cover flange on a small windowport。 Leaning close to the protective plaz; Duncan stared down at the ocean…rich world。 Finally; he began to believe。
 Caladan。 My new home。
 Even from high orbit; Giedi Prime had looked dark and forbidding; like an infected sore。 But Caladan; home of the legendary Duke Atreides  mortal enemy of the Harkonnens  seemed like a sapphire sparkling with a blaze of sunlight。
 After everything that had happened to him; it still seemed impossible that the surly and treacherous woman Janess Milam had actually been true to her word。 She had rescued him for her own petty reasons; her own spiteful revenge; but that did not matter to Duncan。 He was here。
 IT HAD BEEN worse than a nightmare; which he relived in the brooding days as the Heighliner journeyed from system to system in a roundabout way to Caladan:
 In the darkness of Forest Guard Station; as he had approached the mysterious flitter 'thopter; the woman had snatched Duncan; gripping tightly before he could defend himself。 The young boy had reacted with fear and frantic struggles; but Janess yanked his arm; breaking open the hardened newskin he'd placed over the deep cut in his shoulder。
 With surprising strength the dusky…skinned woman hauled him inside the small flitter and sealed the entry hatch。 Yowling like a wild animal; Duncan thrashed and clawed; trying to writhe away from her grip。 He pounded on the curved hatch; desperate to get out; to run once again into the night filled with armed hunters。
 But instead; the flitter's door remained locked。 Panting; Janess released the boy; tossed her chocolate hair; and glared at him。 〃If you don't stop it right now; Idaho; I'm going to dump you in the laps of those Harkonnen hunters。〃
 Turning away from him with disdain; she powered up the flitter's engines。 Duncan could feel an ominous hum travel through the small craft; vibrating through the seat and floor。 He crouched back against the wall。
 〃You've already betrayed me to the Harkonnens! You were the one who made those men take my parents and murder them。 You're the reason I had to train so hard; and why they're hunting me now。 I know what you did!〃
 〃Yeah; well; things have changed。〃 She raised a dusky hand in a meaningless gesture; turning toward the piloting controls。 〃I'm not helping Harkonnens anymore; not after what they did to me。〃
 Indignant; Duncan clenched his fists at his sides。 Blood from the reopened wound seeped onto his tattered shirt。 〃What did they do to you?〃 He couldn't imagine anything that even approached the anguish he and his family had endured。
 〃You wouldn't understand。 You're just a youngster; another one of their pawns。〃 Janess smiled as she raised the flitter up off the ground。 〃But through you; I can get back at them。〃
 Duncan sneered。 〃Maybe I'm just a boy; but I spent all night beating the Harkonnens at their hunting game。 I watched Rabban kill my mother and father。 Who knows what else they've done to my uncles; aunts; and cousins?〃
 〃I doubt there's anyone left alive on Giedi Prime with the name of Idaho  especially after the embarrassment you caused them tonight。 Tough luck。〃
 〃If they did that; it was a waste of effort;〃 he said; trying to hide the pain。 〃I didn't know my relatives anyway。〃
 Janess increased the flitter's speed; boosting them low across the dark trees and away from the wilderness preserve。 〃Right now; I'm helping you get away from the hunters; so just shut up and be glad。 You don't have any other options。〃
 She ran the craft without lights; keeping her engines masked; though Duncan couldn't imagine how they could ever escape from prying Harkonnen eyes。 He had killed several of the hunters  and worse; he had outwitted and humiliated Rabban。
 Duncan allowed himself the slightest satisfied smile。 ing forward; he slumped exhausted into a seat beside Janess; who had strapped herself into the pilot's chair。 〃Why should I trust you?〃
 〃Did I ask you to trust me?〃 She flashed a dark…eyed glance at him。 〃Just take advantage of the situation。〃
 〃Are you going to tell me anything?〃
 Janess flew in silence for a long moment; racing over the bunched treetops before she answered。 〃It's true。 Yeah; I reported your parents to the Harkonnens。 I'd heard rumors; knew your mother and father had done something to get the officials angry  and the Harkonnens don't like people who make them angry。 I was looking out for myself and saw an advantage。 By turning them in; I thought I might get a reward。 Besides; your parents caused the problem themselves in the first place。 They made the mistakes。 I was just trying to cash in on it。 Nothing personal。 Somebody else would have done it; if I hadn't。〃
 Duncan scowled; clenching his grimy hands。 He wished he had the nerve to use his knife on this woman; but that would cause the flitter to crash。 She was his only way out。 For now。
 Her face contorted into an angry grimace。 〃But what did the Harkonnens give me in return? A reward; a promotion? No  nothing。 A kick in the teeth。 Not even a 'thank you very much。' 〃 A troubled look crossed her face; disappearing as quickly as a tiny cloud scudding across the sun。 〃It's not easy to do something like that; you know。 You think I enjoyed it? But on Giedi Prime opportunities arise rarely enough; and I'd watched too many of them pass me by。
 〃This should have really changed things for me。 But when I approached them to ask for the slightest bit of consideration; they threw me out and ordered me not to e back again。 It was all for nothing; and that makes it even worse。〃 Her nostrils flared。 〃Nobody does that to Janess Milam without risking plenty。〃
 〃So you're not doing this for me at all;〃 Duncan said。 〃Not because you feel guilty about what you did and all the pain you caused people。 You just want to get even with the Harkonnens。〃
 〃Hey; kid; just take your breaks wher
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