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 clear that his wishes were law。
 And Leto had to admit that despite sore muscles; an aching back; and sunburned skin; those times of hard work had satisfied him in a way that grand banquets or receptions hosted in Castle Caladan could not。 As a result he thought he understood the mon folk; how they felt; how hard they worked。 Leto appreciated them for it; rather than scorning them。 The Old Duke had been proud of his son for prehending that fundamental point。
 Now as he walked among the suboids; Leto tried to understand them in the same way。 Powerful glowglobes hovered over the work site; driving back shadows; maintaining a starkness in the air。 The grotto was large enough that the construction sounds did not echo back; but reflected and faded into the distance。
 He saw one of the openings into the lower tunnels and since no one had yet questioned his business there; Leto decided this would be a good opportunity to learn more about the suboid culture。 Maybe he could discover things even Rhombur didn't know about his own world。
 When a crew of workers emerged from the archway; clad in service overalls; Leto slipped inside。 He wandered into the tunnels and spiraled down; passing hollowed…out living partments; identical and evenly spaced rooms that reminded him of the chambers in an insect hive。 Occasionally; though; he spotted homey touches: colorful fabrics or tapestries; a few drawings; images painted on the stone walls。 He smelled cooking; heard low conversations but no music and not much laughter。
 He thought of his days spent studying and relaxing in the inverted skyscrapers overhead; with their polished floors; ser…chrome and faceted crystalplaz windows; the soft beds and fortable clothes; the fine foods。
 On Caladan; ordinary citizens could petition the Duke whenever they wished。 Leto remembered when he and his father would walk in the marketplaces; talking to the merchants and craftsmen; allowing themselves to be seen and known as real people rather than as faceless rulers。
 He didn't think Dominic Vernius even noticed the differences between himself and his rade Paulus。 The hearty; bald Earl gave all of his attention and enthusiasm to his family and the workers in his immediate vicinity; paying attention to overall industrial operations and business politics to keep the Ixian fortunes pouring in。 But Dominic viewed the suboids as resources。 Yes; he cared for them well enough; just as he maintained his precious machinery。 But Leto wondered if Rhombur and his family treated the suboids as people。
 He'd already gone down many levels; and felt the unfortable tightness of stale air。 The tunnels ahead became darker and emptier。 The quiet corridors led deeper into open rooms; mon areas from which he heard voices; a rustling of bodies。 He was about to turn back; knowing he had a full day ahead of him: studies and lectures about mechanical operations and industrial processes。 Rhombur probably hadn't even eaten breakfast yet。
 Curious; Leto stopped at the archway to see many suboids gathered in a mon room。 There were no seats or benches that he could see; and so all the people remained standing。 He listened to the droning; curiously impassioned words of one suboid; a short; muscular man at the front of the room。 In the man's voice; and in the fire in his eyes; Leto detected emotions that he found peculiar; in view of what he had heard about the suboids; that they were placid and undemanding。
 〃We build the Heighliners;〃 he said; and his voice grew louder。 〃We manufacture the technological objects; yet we make none of the decisions。 We do as we are manded; even when we know those plans are wrong!〃
 The suboids began to mutter and mumble。
 〃Some of the new technologies go beyond what is forbidden by the Great Revolt。 We are creating thinking machines。 We don't need to understand the blueprints and designs; because we know what they will do!〃
 Hesitating; Leto drew back into the shadows of the archway。 He had walked enough among the mon people that he usually wasn't afraid of them。 But something strange was going on here。 He wanted to run; yet needed to listen。。。。
 〃Since we are suboids; we have no participation in profits from Ixian technology。 We have simple lives and few ambitions  but we do have our religion。 We read the Orange Catholic Bible and know in our hearts what is right。〃 The suboid speaker raised a massive; knuckled fist。 〃And we know that many of the things we've been building here on Ix are not right!〃
 The audience moved restlessly again; on the verge of being riled。 Rhombur had insisted that this group had no ambitions; did not have the capacity for them。 Here; though; Leto saw otherwise。
 The suboid speaker narrowed his eyes and spoke ominously。 〃What are we going to do? Should we petition our masters and demand answers? Should we do more?〃
 He swept his gaze over the gathered listeners  then suddenly; like two sharp flechettes; his eyes skewered Leto eavesdropping in the archway shadows。 〃Who are you?〃
 Leto stumbled backward; raising his hands。 〃I'm sorry。 I got lost。 I didn't mean anything by it。〃 Normally; he would know how to make himself wele; but now his confusion raised his senses to a fever pitch。
 The worker audience spun about; and their eyes slowly lit with prehension。 They realized the implications of what the speaker had said and what Leto had overheard。
 〃I'm really sorry;〃 Leto said。 〃I meant no trespass。〃 His heart pounded。 Sweat sparkled on his brow; and he sensed extreme danger。
 Several suboids began to move toward him like automatons; picking up speed。
 Leto offered them his most congenial smile。 〃If you'd like; I can speak with Earl Vernius for you; bring some of your grievances 〃
 The suboids closed in; and Leto bolted and ran。 He rushed back through the low corridors; turning at random; ducking down passageways as the workers hurried; ineffectually pursuing and growling in anger。 They flooded out; spreading into side corridors in their search for him; and Leto could not remember the way back to the open cavern。。。。
 The fact that he got lost probably saved him。 The suboids continued to block his retreat; attempting to intercept him in corridors that led to the surface。 But Leto didn't know where he was going and took blind turns; sometimes hiding in empty alcoves; until finally he reached a small maintenance door that spilled out into the dusty air under the glaring lights of industrial glowglobes。
 Several suboids; seeing his silhouette in the doorway; shouted from deep below; but Leto raced out to an emergency lift tube。 He swept his bioscram card through the reader and gained access to the upper levels。
 Shaking in the aftermath of a burned…out adrenaline rush; Leto couldn't believe what he had just heard and didn't know what the suboids would have done had they caught him。 He had been astonished enough to see their outrage and their reactions。 Intellectually; he couldn't believe they would have killed him  not the son of Duke Atreides; an honored guest of House Vernius。 He had offered to help them; after all。
 But the suboids clearly held a deep potential for violence; a frightening darkness that they had managed to hide from their oblivi
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