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o let him do his work; but this man Kynes answers only to the Emperor himself。。。if that。 There are unanswered questions about him。〃
 Wearily; Heinar sat down on a stone bench carved in the side of the wall。 A colorful tapestry of spun spice fibers hung across the cave opening; offering a limited sort of privacy。 Sietch inhabitants learned early that privacy was in the mind; not in the environment。
 〃I will speak with this Kynes and learn what he wants of us; why he has defended three stupid and careless youths against an enemy he had no cause to make。 Then I will take this matter to the Council of Elders and let them decide。 We must make the choice that is best for the sietch。〃
 Ommun swallowed hard; recalling how valiantly the man Kynes had fought against the ruthless soldiers。 But his fingers strayed to the pouch in his pocket; counting the water rings there  metal markers that tallied the accumulated wealth he had in the tribe。
 If the elders did decide to kill the Planetologist after all; then he; Turok; and Stilgar would divide the water treasure equally among them; along with the bounty from the six slain Harkonnens。
 WHEN TUROK FINALLY led him through the guarded openings; past a doorseal; and into the sietch proper; Kynes saw the place as a cave of infinite wonders。 The aromas were dense; rich; and redolent with humanity: smells of life; of a confined population。。。of manufacturing; cooking; carefully concealed wastes; and even chemically exploited death。 In a detached way; he confirmed his suspicion that the Fremen youths had not stolen the Harkonnen corpses for some sort of superstitious mutilation; but for the water in their bodies。 Otherwise; it would have gone to waste。。。。
 Kynes had assumed that when he finally found a hidden Fremen settlement; it would be primitive; almost shameful in its lack of amenities。 But here; in this walled…off grotto with side caves and lava tubes and tunnels extending like a warren throughout the mountain; Kynes saw that the desert people lived in an austere yet fortable style。 Quarters rivaled anything Harkonnen functionaries enjoyed in the city of Carthag。 And they were much more natural。
 As Kynes followed his young guide; he found his attention riveted on one fascinating sight after another。 Luxurious woven carpets covered portions of the floor。 Side rooms were strewn with cushions and low tables made of metal and polished stone。 Articles of precious off…planet wood were few and seemingly ancient: a carved sandworm and a board game that he couldn't identify; its ornate pieces made of ivory or bone。
 Ancient machinery recirculated the sietch air; letting no breath of moisture escape。 He smelled the sharp cinnamon sweetness of raw spice everywhere; like incense; barely masking the sour pungency of unwashed bodies packed into close quarters。
 He heard women talking; children's voices; and a baby crying; all with a hushed restraint。 The Fremen spoke among themselves; eyeing this stranger with suspicion as he passed; led by Turok。 Some of the older ones flashed him wicked smiles that gave the Planetologist some concern。 Their skin looked tough and leathery; leached of all excess water; every pair of eyes was a deep blue…within…blue。
 Finally Turok raised a hand; palm outward; signaling Kynes to halt inside a large meeting hall; a natural vault within the mountain。 The grotto had ample floor space for hundreds and hundreds to stand; additional benches and balconies zigzagged up the sheer reddish walls。 How many people live in this sietch? Kynes stared upward in the empty; echoing room to a high balcony; a speaking platform of some sort。
 After a moment; a proud old man stepped forward up there to look disdainfully down at the intruder。 Kynes noted that the man had only one eye; and that he carried himself with the presence of a leader。
 〃That is Heinar;〃 Turok whispered in his ear; 〃the Naib of Red Wall Sietch。〃
 Raising a hand in greeting; Kynes called out: 〃I am pleased to meet the leader of this wondrous Fremen city。〃
 〃What is it you want from us; Imperial man?〃 Heinar called down in a tone that was ruthless and demanding。 His words rang like cold steel against the stone。
 Kynes drew a deep breath。 He had been waiting for an opportunity such as this for many days。 Why waste time? The longer that dreams remained mere dreams; the more difficult it was to mold them into reality。
 〃My name is Pardot Kynes; Planetologist to the Emperor。 I have a vision; sir  a dream for you and your people。 One I wish to share with all the Fremen; if only you will listen to me。〃
 〃Better to listen to the wind through a creosote bush than to waste time with the words of a fool;〃 the sietch leader responded。 His words had a ponderous weight; as if this were an old and recognizable saying among his people。
 Kynes stared back at the old man and quickly made up his own platitude; hoping to make an impression。 〃And if one refuses to listen to words of truth and hope; who then is the greater fool?〃
 Young Turok gasped。 From side passages Fremen onlookers stared wide…eyed at Kynes; amazed by this stranger who spoke so boldly to their Naib。
 Heinar's face became dark and stormy。 He felt a sullenness permeate him; and he envisioned this upstart Planetologist lying slain on the cave floor。 He put his hand on the hilt of a crysknife at his waist。 〃Do you challenge my leadership?〃 Making up his mind; the Naib yanked the curve…bladed knife from its sheath and glowered down at Kynes。
 Kynes didn't flinch。 〃No; sir  I challenge your imagination。 Are you brave enough to meet the task; or are you too frightened to listen to what I have to say?〃 The sietch leader stood tense; holding his strange milky blade high as he stared down at the prisoner。 Kynes simply smiled up at him; his expression open。 〃It's difficult to talk to you way up there; sir。〃
 Finally; Heinar chuckled; looked down at the bare blade in his hand。 〃A crysknife; once drawn; must never be sheathed without tasting blood。〃 Then he quickly slashed its edge across his forearm; drawing a thin red line that coagulated within seconds。
 Kynes's eyes glittered with excitement; reflecting the light cast by the clusters of glowglobes that floated in the large meeting chamber。
 〃Very well; Planetologist。 You may talk until the breath flows out of your lungs。 With your fate undecided; you will remain here in the sietch until the Council of Elders deliberates over what must be done with you。〃
 〃But you'll listen to me first。〃 Kynes nodded with utter confidence。
 Heinar turned; took a step away from the high balcony; and spoke again over his shoulder。 〃You are a strange man; Pardot Kynes。 An Imperial servant and a guest of Harkonnens  by definition; you are our enemy。 But you have killed Harkonnens as well。 What a quandary you present for us。〃
 The sietch leader made quick gestures and barked mands; ordering a small but fortable room to be prepared for the tall and curious Planetologist; who would be their prisoner as well as their guest。
 And Heinar thought as he strode away; Any man who would speak words of hope to the Fremen after our many generations of suffering and wandering。。。is either confused; or a very brave man
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