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sizzling a blackened hole through its right haunch。 With a brassy roar; the creature bounded off into the darkness; howling and baying。
 The gaze hound's racket; as well as flashes from the lasgun fire; would draw the Harkonnen trackers。 Duncan set off into the starlight; running once more。
 HANDS ON HIS hips; Rabban stared down at the body of his ambushed hunter by the cave hollow。 Rage burned through him  as well as cruel satisfaction。 The devious child had lured the man into a trap。 Very resourceful。 All of the tracker's armor hadn't saved him from a dropped boulder and then the thrust of a dull dagger into his throat。 The coup de grace。
 Rabban simmered for a few moments; trying to assess the challenge。 He smelled the sour scent of death even in the cold night。 This was what he wanted; wasn't it  a challenge?
 One of the other trackers crawled into the low hollow and played the beam of his handlight around the cave。 It lighted the smears of blood and the smashed Richesian tracer。 〃Here is the reason; m'Lord。 The cub cut out his own tracking device。〃 The hunter swallowed; as if uncertain whether he should continue。 〃A smart one; this boy。 Good prey。〃
 Rabban glowered at the carnage for a few moments; his sunburn still stung on his cheeks。 Then he grinned; slowly; and finally burst out into loud guffaws。 〃An eight…year…old child with only his imagination and a couple of clumsy weapons bested one of my troops!〃 He laughed again。 Outside; the others in the party stood uncertainly; bathed in the light of their bobbing glowglobes。
 〃Such a boy was made for the hunt;〃 Rabban declared; then he nudged the dead tracker's body with the toe of his boot。 〃And this clod did not deserve to be part of my crew。 Leave his body here to rot。 Let the scavengers get him。〃
 Then two of the spotters saw flames in the trees; and Rabban pointed。 〃There! The cub's probably trying to warm his hands。〃 He laughed again; and finally the rest of the hunting crew snickered along with him。 〃This is turning into an exciting night。〃
 FROM HIS HIGH vantage Duncan gazed into the distance; away from the guarded lodge。 A bright light blinked on and off; paused; then fifteen seconds later flashed on and off again。 Some kind of signal; separate from the Harkonnen hunters; far from the lodge or the station or any nearby settlements。
 Duncan turned; curious。 The light flashed; then fell dark。 Who else is out here?
 Forest Guard Station was a restricted preserve for the sole use of Harkonnen family members。 Anyone discovered trespassing would be killed outright; or used as prey in a future hunt。 Duncan watched the tantalizing light flickering on and off。 It was clearly a message。。。。 Who's sending it?
 He took a deep breath; felt small but defiant in a very large and hostile world。 He had no place else to go; no other chance。 So far; he had eluded the hunters。。。but that couldn't last forever。 Soon the Harkonnens would bring in additional forces; ornithopters; life…tracers; perhaps even hunting animals to follow the smell of blood on his shirt; as the wild gaze hound had done。
 Duncan decided to make his way to the mysterious signaler and hope for the best。 He couldn't imagine finding anyone to help him; but he had not given up hope。 Maybe he could find a means of escape; perhaps as a stowaway。
 First; though; he would lay another trap for the hunters。 He had an idea; something that would surprise them; and it seemed simple enough。 If he could kill a few more of the enemy; he'd have a better chance of getting away。
 After studying the rocks; the patches of snow; the trees; Duncan selected the best point for his second ambush。 He switched on his handlight and directed the beam at the ground so that no sensitive eyes would spot a telltale gleam in the distance。
 The pursuers weren't far behind him。 Occasionally; he heard a muffled shout in the deep silence; saw the hunting party's firefly glowglobes illuminating their way through the forest; as the trackers tried to anticipate the path their quarry would take。
 Right then Duncan wanted them to anticipate where he would go。。。but they would never guess what he meant to do。 Kneeling beside a particularly light and fluffy snowdrift; he inserted the handlight into the snow and pushed it down through the cold iciness as far as he could。 Then he withdrew his hand。
 The glow reflected from the white snow like water diffusing into a sponge。 Tiny crystals of ice refracted the light; magnifying it; the drift itself shone like a phosphorescent island in the dark clearing。
 Slinging the lasgun in front of him; ready to fire; he trotted back to the sheltering trees。 He lay on a cushion of pine needles flat against the ground; careful to present no visible target; then rested the barrel of the lasgun on a small rock; propping it in position。
 The hunters came; predictably; and Duncan felt that their roles had reversed: Now he was the hunter; and they were his game。 He aimed the weapon; fingers tense on the firing stud。 At last the group entered the clearing。 Startled to find the shining snowdrift; they milled about; trying to figure out what it was; what their prey had done。
 Two of the trackers faced outward; suspicious of an attack from the forest。 Others stood silhouetted in the ghostly light; perfect targets  exactly as Duncan had hoped。
 At the rear of the party; he recognized one burly man with a manding presence。 Rabban! Duncan thought of how his parents had fallen; remembered the smell of their burning flesh  and squeezed the firing stud。
 But at that moment; one of the scouts stepped in front of Rabban to give a report。 The beam scored through his armor; burning and smoking。 The man flung out his arms and gave a wild shriek。
 Reacting with lightning speed for his burly body; Rabban hurled himself to one side as the beam melted all the way through the hunter's padded chest and sizzled into the snowdrift。 Duncan cut loose another blast; shooting a second tracker who stood outlined against the glowing snow。 Then the remaining guards began firing wildly into the trees; into the darkness。
 Duncan next targeted the drifting glowglobes。 Bursting one after another; he left his hapless pursuers alone in flame…haunted darkness。 He picked off two more men; while the rest of the party scrambled for cover。
 With the charge in his lasgun running low; the boy scrabbled back behind the ridge where he had set up his attack; and then he headed out at top speed toward the blinking signal light he had seen。 Whatever the beacon might be; it was his best chance。
 The Harkonnens would be startled and disorganized for a few moments; and overly suspicious for much longer than that。 Knowing he had one last opportunity; Duncan threw caution to the wind。 He ran; slipping; down the hillside; smashing against rocks; but taking no time to feel the pain of scrapes or bruises。 He could not cover his tracks in time; did not attempt to hide。
 Somewhere behind him; as he increased the distance; he heard muffled growls and snarls; and shouts from the hunters。 A pack of the wild gaze hounds had converged on them; seeking wounded prey。 Duncan hid a smile and continued toward the intermittently blinking l
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