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ir core planets; intentionally digging a societal ditch in which they could wallow。
 The Bene Tleilax were; however; true genetic wizards; willing to use unorthodox and socially heinous methods; dealing in live or dead flesh; in biological waste。 With their mysterious yet powerful axlotl tanks they could grow clones from live cells and gholas from dead ones。 The Tleilaxu had a slippery; shifty aura about them。 How can anyone take them seriously?
 〃Think about it; Shaddam。 Are the Tleilaxu not masters of organic chemistry and cellular mechanics; hm…m…m…m…ah?〃 Fenring sniffed。 〃Through my own web of spies I've learned that the Bene Tleilax; despite the distaste with which we view them; have developed a new technique。 I have certain。。。technical skills myself; you know; and I believe this Tleilaxu technique could be applicable to the production of artificial melange。。。our own source。〃 He fixed his bright birdlike eyes on Shaddam's。 〃Or are you unwilling to consider all alternatives; and let your father maintain control?〃
 Shaddam squirmed; hesitating to answer。 He would much rather have been playing a game of shield…ball。 He didn't like to think of the gnomelike men; religious fanatics; the Bene Tleilax were intensely secretive and did not invite guests。 Heedless of how other worlds regarded them; they sent their representatives out to observe and to make deals at the highest levels for unique bioengineered products。 Rumor held that no outsider had ever seen a Tleilaxu woman。 Never。 He thought they must be either wildly beautiful。。。or incredibly ugly。
 Seeing the Crown Prince shudder; Fenring pointed a finger at him。 〃Shaddam; don't fall into the same trap as your father。 As your friend and advisor; I must investigate unseen opportunities; hm…m…m…m…ah? Put aside such feelings and consider the possible victory if this works  a victory over the Landsraad; the Guild; CHOAM; and the scheming House Harkonnen。 How amusing to think that all the strings the Harkonnens pulled to gain Arrakis after the downfall of Richese would be for naught。〃
 His voice became softer; infinitely reasonable。 〃What difference does it make if we have to deal with the Tleilaxu? So long as House Corrino breaks the spice monopoly and establishes an independent source?〃
 Shaddam looked at him; turning his back on the teaching machine。 〃You're sure about this?〃
 〃No; I'm not sure;〃 Fenring snapped。 〃No one can be sure until it is done。 But we must at least consider the idea; give it a chance。 If we don't; somebody else will。。。eventually。 Maybe even the Bene Tleilax themselves。 We need to do this for our own survival。〃
 〃What will happen when my father hears about it?〃 Shaddam asked。 〃He won't like the idea。〃
 Old Elrood never could think for himself; and Fenring's chaumurky had already begun to fossilize his brain。 The Emperor had always been a pathetic pawn; shifted around by political forces。 Perhaps the senile vulture had made a deal with House Harkonnen to keep them in control of the spice production。 It wouldn't surprise Shaddam if the young and powerful Baron had old Elrood wrapped around his little finger。 House Harkonnen was fabulously wealthy; and their means of influence were legion。
 It would be good to bring them to their knees。
 Fenring put his hands on his hips。 〃I can make all of this happen; Shaddam。 I have contacts。 I can bring a Bene Tleilax representative here without anybody knowing。 He can state our case before the Imperial Court  and then if your father turns him down; we might be able to find out who's controlling the throne。。。the trail would be fresh。 Hmmm…ahh; shall I set it up?〃
 The Crown Prince glanced back at the teaching machine that obliviously continued to instruct a nonexistent pupil。 〃Yes; yes; of course;〃 he said impatiently; now that he had e to a decision。 〃Let's not waste more time。 And stop making that noise。〃
 〃It'll take a while for me to get all the pieces in place; but the investment will be worth it。〃
 From the next room came a high…pitched moan; then a thin squeal of ecstasy built higher and higher until it seemed that the walls themselves must crumble。
 〃Our tutor must have learned how to pleasure his little pet;〃 Shaddam said with a scowl。 〃Or perhaps she's just faking。〃
 Fenring laughed and shook his head。 〃That wasn't her; my friend。 That was his voice。〃
 〃I wish I knew what they were doing in there;〃 Shaddam said。
 〃Don't worry。 It's all being recorded for your later enjoyment。 If our beloved tutor cooperates with us and causes no trouble; we'll simply watch it for amusement。 If; however; he proves difficult; we'll wait until after your father's been given this concubine for his own private toy  then we'll show Emperor Elrood a glimpse of those images。〃
 〃And we'll have what we want anyway;〃 Shaddam said。
 〃Exactly; my Prince。〃
 The working Planetologist has access to many resources; data; and projections。 However; his most important tools are human beings。 Only by cultivating ecological literacy among the people themselves can he save an entire planet。
 …PARDOT KYNES; The Case for Bela Tegeuse
 As he gathered notes for his next report to the Emperor; Pardot Kynes encountered increasing evidence of subtle ecological manipulations。 He suspected the Fremen。 Who else could be responsible out there in the wastelands of Arrakis?
 It became clear to him that the desert people must be present in far greater numbers than the Harkonnen stewards imagined  and that the Fremen had a dream of their own。。。but the Planetologist in him wondered if they had developed an actual plan to acplish it。
 While delving into the geological and ecological enigmas of this desert world; Kynes came to believe that he had the power at his fingertips to breathe life into these sunblistered sands。 Arrakis was not merely the dead lump it appeared to be on the surface; instead; it was a seed capable of magnificent growth。。。provided the environment received the proper care。
 The Harkonnens certainly wouldn't expend the effort。 Though they had been planetary governors here for decades; the Baron and his capricious crew behaved as if they were unruly houseguests with no long…term investment in Arrakis。 As Planetologist; he could see the obvious signs。 The Harkonnens were plundering the world; taking as much melange as they could as quickly as possible; with no thought to the future。
 Political machinations and the tides of power could quickly and easily shift alliances。 Within a few decades; no doubt; the Emperor would hand control of the spice operations to some other Great House。 The Harkonnens had nothing to gain by making long…term investments here。
 Many of the other inhabitants were also indigents: smugglers; water merchants; traders who could easily pull up stakes and fly to another world; a different boomtown settlement。 No one cared for the planet's plight  Arrakis was merely a resource to be exploited; then discarded。
 Kynes thought the Fremen might have a different mind…set; though。 The reclusive desert dwellers were said to be fierce to their own ways。 They had wandered from world to world in their long history; been downtrodden and enslaved before making Arrakis their home  a planet the
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