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n again and moved the tiny device deep into the shadows where no one could see it。
 Better to leave the tracer there。 As bait。
 Crawling outside again; Duncan scooped up a handful of grainy snow。 Red droplets spattered on the pale sandstone ledge。 He packed the snow against the blood streaming from his shoulder; and the sharp cold deadened the pain of his self…inflicted cut。 He pressed the ice hard against the wound until pink…tinged snow melted between his fingers。 He grabbed another handful; no longer caring about the obvious marks he left in the drift。 The Harkonnens would e to this place anyway。
 At least the snow had stanched the flow of blood。
 Then Duncan scrambled up and away from the cave; careful to leave no sign of where he was going。 He saw the bobbing lights down in the valley split up; members of the hunting party had chosen different routes as they climbed the bluff。 A darkened ornithopter whirred overhead。
 Duncan moved as quickly as he could; but took care not to splash fresh blood again。 He tore strips from his shirt to dab the oozing wound; leaving his chest naked and cold; then he pulled the ragged garment back over his shoulders。 Perhaps the forest predators would smell the iron blood scent and hunt him down for food rather than sport。 That was a problem he didn't want to consider right then。
 With loose pebbles pattering around him; he circled back until he reached the overhang above his former shelter。 Duncan's instinct was to run blindly; as far as he could go。 But he made himself stop。 This would be better。 He squatted behind the loose; heavy chunks of rock; tested them to be sure of his strength; and dropped back to wait。
 Before long; the first hunter came up the slope to the cave hollow。 Clad in suspensor…augmented armor; the hunter slung a lasgun in front of him。 He glanced down at a handheld device; counterpart to the Richesian tracer。
 Duncan held his breath; making no move; disturbing no pebbles or debris。 Blood sketched a hot line down his left arm。
 The hunter paused in front of the hollow; noting the disturbed snow; the bloodstains; the targeting blip on his tracer。 Though Duncan couldn't see the man's face; he knew the hunter wore a grin of scornful triumph。
 Thrusting the lasgun into the hollow ahead of him; the hunter ducked low; bending stiffly in his protective chest padding。 On his belly; he crawled partway into the darkness。 〃Found you; little boy!〃
 Using his feet and the strength of his leg muscles; Duncan shoved a lichen…smeared boulder over the edge。 Then he moved to the second one and kicked it hard; pushing it to the abrupt dropoff。 Both heavy stones fell; tumbling in the air。
 He heard the sounds of impact and a crack。 A sickening crunch。
 Then the gasp and gurgle of the man below。
 Duncan scrambled to the edge; saw that one of the boulders had struck to one side; bouncing off and rolling down the steep slope; gathering momentum and taking loose scree along with it。
 The other boulder had landed on the small of the hunter's back; crushing his spine even through the padding; pinning him to the ground like a needle through an insect specimen。
 Duncan climbed down; gasping; slipping。 The hunter was still alive; though paralyzed。 His legs twitched; thumping the toes of his boots against the frost…hard ground。 Duncan wasn't afraid of him anymore。
 Squeezing past the man's bulky; armored body into the hollow; Duncan shone his handlight down into the man's glazed; astonished eyes。 This wasn't a game。 He knew what the Harkonnens would do to him; had already seen what Rabban had done to his parents。
 Now Duncan would play by their rules。
 The dying hunter croaked something unintelligible at him。 Duncan did not hesitate。 His eyes dark and narrow  no longer the eyes of a child  he bent forward。 The knife slipped in under the man's jawline。 The hunter squirmed; raising his chin as if in acceptance rather than defiance  and the dull blade cut through skin and sinew。 Jugular blood spurted out with enough force to splash and spatter before forming a dark; sticky pool on the floor of the cave。
 Duncan could not spend time thinking about what he had done; could not wait for the hunter's body to cool。 He rummaged through the items on the man's belt; found a small medpak and a ration bar。 Then he tugged the lasgun free from the clenching grip。 Using its butt; he smashed the blood…smeared Richesian tracer; grinding it into metal debris。 He no longer needed it as a decoy。 His pursuers could hunt him with their own wits now。
 He figured they might even enjoy the challenge; once they got past their fury。
 Duncan crawled out of the hollow。 The lasgun; almost as tall as he was; clattered as he dragged it behind him。 Below; the hunting party's trail of glowglobes came closer。
 Now better armed and nourished by his improbable success; Duncan ran off into the night。
 Many elements of the Imperium believe they hold the ultimate power: the Spacing Guild with their monopoly on interstellar travel; CHOAM with its economic stranglehold; the Bene Gesserit with their secrets; the Mentats with their control of mental processes; House Corrino with their throne; the Great and Minor Houses of the Landsraad with their extensive holdings。 Woe to us on the day that one of those factions decides to prove the point。
 Dispatches from Arrakis
 Leto had barely an hour to rest and refresh himself in his new quarters in the Grand Palais。 〃Uh; sorry to rush you;〃 said Rhombur as he backed through the sliding door into the crystal…walled corridor; 〃but this is something you won't want to miss。 It takes months and months to build a Heighliner。 Signal me when you're ready to go to the observation deck。〃
 Still unsettled but mercifully alone for a few moments; Leto rummaged through his luggage; made a cursory inspection of his room。 He looked at the carefully packed belongings; much more than he could ever need; including trinkets; a packet of letters from his mother; and an inscribed Orange Catholic Bible。 He had promised her he would read verses to himself every night。
 He stared; thinking of how much time he would need just to make himself at home  a whole year away from Caladan  instead left everything in its place。 There would be time enough to do all that later。 A year on Ix。
 Tired after the long journey; his mind still boggling at the weighty strangeness of this underground metropolis; Leto stripped off his fortable shirt and sprawled back on the bed。 He had barely managed to test out the mattress and fluff up the pillow before Rhombur came pounding on his door。 〃e on; Leto! Hurry up! Get dressed and we'll; uh; catch a transport。〃
 Still fumbling to get his arm through his left sleeve; Leto met the other young man in the hall。
 A bullet tube took them between the upside…down buildings to the outskirts of the underground city; and then a lift capsule dropped them to a secondary level of buildings studded with observation domes。 After emerging; Rhombur bustled through the crowds gathered at the balconies and broad windows。 He grabbed Leto's arm as they pushed past Vernius guards and assembled spectators。 The Prince's face was flushed; and he 
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