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ichese before us。 Elrood would like that; no doubt。 He and CHOAM can withdraw their contracts from any of your holdings at any time。 They might even give Arrakis and the spice production to; say; House Atreides。。。just to spite you。〃
 〃Atreides!〃 The Baron wanted to spit。 〃I'd never let my holdings fall into their hands。〃
 De Vries knew he had struck the right chord。 The feud between Harkonnen and Atreides had started many generations before; during the tragic events of the Battle of Corrin。
 〃You must do as the witch demands; Baron;〃 he said。 〃The Bene Gesserit have won this round of the game。 Priority: Protect the fortunes of your House; your spice holdings; and your illicit stockpiles。〃 The Mentat smiled。 〃Then get your revenge later。〃

 The Baron looked gray; his skin suddenly blotched。 〃Piter; from this instant forward I want you to begin erasing the evidence and dispersing our stockpiles。 Spread them to places where no one will think to look。〃
 〃On the planets of our allies; too? I wouldn't remend that; Baron。 Too many plexities setting it up。 And alliances change。〃
 〃Very well。〃 His spider…black eyes lit up。 〃Put most of it on Lankiveil; right under the nose of my stupid half brother。 They'll never suspect Abulurd's collusion in any of this。〃
 〃Yes; my Baron。 A very good idea。〃
 〃Of course it's a good idea!〃 He frowned; looked around。 Thinking of his half brother had reminded him of his cherished nephew。 〃Where is Rabban? Maybe the witch can use his sperm instead。〃
 〃I doubt it; Baron;〃 de Vries said。 〃Their genetic plans are usually specific。〃
 〃Well; where is he anyway? Rabban!〃 The Baron spun about and paced the hall; as if looking for something to stalk。 〃I haven't seen him in a day。〃
 〃Off on another one of his silly hunts; up at Forest Guard Station。〃 De Vries suppressed a smile。 〃You are on your own here; my Baron; and I think you'd better get to your bedchamber。 You have a duty to perform。〃
 The basic rule is this: Never support weakness; always support strength。
 …The Bene Gesserit Azhar Book;
 pilation of Great Secrets
 The light cruiser soared out over a night wasteland unmarked by Giedi Prime's city lights or industrial smoke。 Alone in a holding pen in the belly of the aircraft; Duncan Idaho watched through a plaz port as the expanse of Barony prison dropped behind them like a geometrical bubo; festering with trapped and tortured humanity。
 At least his parents were no longer prisoners。 Rabban had killed them; just to make him angry and willing to fight。 Over the past several days of preparations; Duncan's anger had indeed increased。
 The bare metal walls of the cruiser's lower hold were etched with a verdigris of frost。 Duncan was numb; his heart leaden; his nerves shocked into silence; his skin an unfeeling blanket around him。 The engines throbbed through the floor plates。 On the decks above; he could hear the restive hunting party shuffling about in their padded armor。 The men carried guns with tracking scopes。 They laughed and chatted; ready for the evening's game。
 Rabban was up there; too。
 In order to give young Duncan what they called 〃a sporting chance;〃 the hunting party had armed him with a dull knife (saying they didn't want him to hurt himself); a handlight; and a small length of rope: everything an eight…year…old child should need to elude a squadron of professional Harkonnen hunters on their own well…scouted ground 。。。。
 Above; in a warm and padded seat; Rabban smiled at the thought of the terrified; angry child in the hold。 If this Duncan Idaho were bigger and stronger; he would be as dangerous as any animal。 The kid was tough for his size; Rabban had to admit。 The way he had eluded elite Harkonnen trainers inside the bowels of Barony was admirable; especially that trick with the suspensor tube。
 The cruiser flew far from the prison city; away from the oil…soaked industrial areas; to a wilderness preserve on high ground; a place with dark pines and sandstone bluff faces; caves and rocks and streams。 The tailored wilderness even hosted a few examples of genetically enhanced wildlife; vicious predators as eager for a boy's tender flesh as the Harkonnen sportsmen themselves。
 The cruiser alighted in a boulder…strewn meadow; the deck canted at a steep angle; then shifted to norm as stabilizers leveled the craft。 Rabban sent a signal from the control band at his waist。
 The hydraulic door in front of the boy hissed open; freeing him from his cage。 The chill night air stung his cheeks。 Duncan considered just dashing out into the open。 He could run fast and take refuge in the thick pines。 Once there; he would burrow beneath the dry brown needles and drift into a self…protective slumber。
 But Rabban wanted the boy to run and hide; and he knew he wouldn't get very far。 For the moment Duncan had to act on instinct tempered with cleverness。 It wasn't the time for an unexpected; reckless action。 Not yet。
 Duncan would wait at the cruiser until the hunters explained the rules to him; though he could certainly guess what he was supposed to do。 It was a bigger arena; a longer chase; higher stakes。。。but in essence the same game he had trained for in the prison city。
 The upper hatch slid open behind him to reveal two light…haloed forms: a person he recognized as the hunt captain from Barony; and the broad…shouldered man who had killed Duncan's mother and father。 Rabban。
 Turning away from the sudden light; the boy kept his dark…adapted eyes toward the open meadow and the thick shadows of black…needled trees。 It was a starlit night。 Pain shot through Duncan's ribs from the earlier rough training; but he tried to put it out of his mind。
 〃Forest Guard Station;〃 the hunt captain said to him。 〃Like a vacation in the wilderness。 Enjoy it! This is a game; boy  we leave you here; give you a head start; and then we e hunting。〃 His eyes narrowed。 〃Make no mistake; though。 This is different from your training sessions in Barony。 If you lose; you'll be killed; and your stuffed head will join Lord Rabban's other trophies on a wall。〃
 Beside him; the Baron's nephew gave Duncan a thick…lipped smile。 Rabban trembled with excitement and anticipation; and his sunburned face flushed。
 〃What if I get away?〃 Duncan said in a piping voice。
 〃You won't;〃 Rabban answered。
 Duncan didn't press the issue。 If he forced an answer; the man would simply have lied to him anyway。 If he managed to escape; he would just have to make up his own rules。
 They dumped him out onto the frost…smeared meadow。 He had only thin clothes; worn shoes。 The cold of the night hit him like a hammer。
 〃Stay alive as long as you can; boy;〃 Rabban called from the door of the cruiser; ducking back inside as the throb of the engines increased in tempo。 〃Give me a good hunt。 My last one was very disappointing。〃
 Duncan stood immobile as the craft lifted into the air and roared off toward a guarded lodge and outpost。 From there; after a few drinks; the hunting party would march out and track down their prey。
 Maybe the Harkonnens would toy with him a while; enjoying their sport。。。or maybe by the time they caught him they would be chilled to the bone; longing for a hot beverage; and they'd simply u
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