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as it does; disgusts me。〃
 Knowing full well the Baron's sexual preferences; Mohiam made no response。 Unlike many nobles; he had no offspring; not even illegitimate ones lurking among planetary populations。
 〃Nevertheless; we want a Harkonnen daughter; Baron。 Not an heir; or even a pretender; so you need not worry about any。。。dynastic ambitions。 We have studied the bloodlines carefully and the desired mix is quite specific。 You must impregnate me。〃
 The Baron's eyebrows rose even higher。 〃Why; under all the moons of the Imperium; would I want to do that?〃 He raked his gaze up and down her body; dissecting her; sizing her up。 Mohiam was rather plain…looking; her face long; her brown hair thin and unremarkable。 She was older than he; near the end of her childbearing years。 〃Especially with you。〃
 〃The Bene Gesserit determine these things through genetic projections; not through any mutual or physical attraction。〃
 〃Well; I refuse。〃 The Baron turned about and crossed his arms over his chest。 〃Go away。 Take your little slaves with you and get off Giedi Prime。〃
 Mohiam stared at him for a few more moments; absorbing the details of his chambers。 Using Bene Gesserit analytical techniques; she learned many things about the Baron and his personality from the way he maintained this odorous private warren; a space that was not groomed and decorated for the view of formal visitors。 He unknowingly exhibited a wealth of information about his inner self。
 〃If that is your wish; Baron;〃 she said。 〃My shuttle's next stop will be Kaitain; where we have a meeting already scheduled with the Emperor。 My personal data library on the ship contains copies of all the records that give evidence of your spice…stockpiling activities on Arrakis; and documentation of how you have altered your production deliberately to hide your private stores from CHOAM and House Corrino。 Our preliminary analysis contains enough information to initiate a full…scale Guild bank audit of your activities and revocation of your temporary CHOAM directorship。〃
 The Baron stared back at her。 An impasse; neither of them budging。 But he saw behind her eyes the truth in her words。 He did not doubt the witches had used their diabolical intuitive methods to determine exactly what he had done; how he had been making a secret fool out of Elrood IX。 He also knew that Mohiam would not hesitate to follow through with her threat。
 Copies of all the records。。。Even destroying this ship would do no good。 The infernal Sisterhood obviously had other copies elsewhere。
 The Bene Gesserit probably had blackmail material on Imperial House Corrino as well; perhaps even embarrassing data on the important but surreptitious dealings of the Spacing Guild and the powerful CHOAM pany。 Bargaining chips。 The Sisterhood was good at learning the weaknesses of potential enemies。
 The Baron hated the Hobson's choice she gave him; but he could do nothing about it。 This witch could destroy him with a word; and in the end still force him to give her his bloodline。
 〃To make things easier on you; I have the ability to control my bodily functions;〃 Mohiam said; sounding reasonable。 〃I can ovulate at will; and I guarantee that this unpleasant task will not need to be repeated。 From a single encounter with you; I can guarantee the birth of a girl…child。 You need not worry about us again。〃
 The Bene Gesserit always had plans afoot; wheels within wheels; and nothing with them was ever as clear as it seemed。 The Baron frowned; running through the possibilities。 With this daughter they wanted so badly; did the witches  in spite of their denials  intend to create an illegitimate heir and claim House Harkonnen in the following generation? That was preposterous。 He was already grooming Rabban for that position; and no one would question it。
 〃I。。。〃 He fumbled for words。 〃I need a moment to consider this; and I must speak with my advisors。〃
 Reverend Mother Mohiam all but rolled her eyes at the suggestion; but granted him leave; gesturing for the Baron to take his time。 Tossing aside a bloodstained towel; she lounged back on the divan; fortable to wait。
 Despite his despicable personality; Vladimir Harkonnen was an attractive man; well built with pleasant features: reddish hair; heavy lips; pronounced widow's peak。 However; the Bene Gesserit instilled in all their Sisters the critical belief that sexual intercourse was a mere tool for manipulating men and for obtaining offspring to add to the genetically connected web of the Sisterhood。 Mohiam never intended to enjoy the act; no matter her orders。 Nevertheless; she did find it pleasurable to have the Baron under her thumb; to be able to force him into submission。
 The Reverend Mother sat back; closed her eyes; and concentrated on the flow and ebb of hormones in her body; the inner workings of her reproductive system。。。preparing herself。
 She knew what the Baron's answer had to be。
 〃PITER!〃 THE BARON strode down the halls。 〃Where's my Mentat?〃
 De Vries slipped out of an adjoining hall; where he'd been intending to use the hidden observation holes he'd placed in the Baron's private chambers。
 〃I'm here; my Baron;〃 he said; then swigged from a tiny vial。 The sapho taste triggered responses in his brain; firing his neurons; stoking his mental capabilities。 〃What did the witch request? What is she up to?〃
 The Baron wheeled; finally finding an appropriate target for his rage。 〃She wants me to impregnate her! The sow!〃
 Impregnate her? de Vries thought; adding this to his Mentat database。 At hyper speed he reassessed the problem。
 〃She wants to bear my girl…child! Can you believe it? They know about my spice stockpiles; too!〃
 De Vries was in Mentat mode。 Fact: The Baron would never have children any other way。 He loathes women。 Besides; politically; he is too careful to spread his seed indiscriminately。
 Fact: The Bene Gesserit have broad genetic records on Wallach IX; numerous breeding plans; the results of which are open to interpretation。 Given a child by the Baron  a daughter instead of a son?  what could the witches hope to acplish?
 Is there some flaw  or advantage  in Harkonnen genetics they wish to exploit? Do they simply wish to do this because they consider it the most humiliating punishment they can inflict upon the Baron? If so; how has the Baron personally offended the Sisterhood?
 〃The thought of it disgusts me! Rutting with that broodmare;〃 the Baron growled。 〃But I'm nearly mad with curiosity。 What can the Sisterhood possibly want?〃
 〃I'm unable to make a projection; Baron。 Insufficient data。〃
 The Baron looked as if he wanted to strike de Vries; but refrained。 〃I'm not a Bene Gesserit stud!〃
 〃Baron;〃 de Vries said calmly; 〃if they truly have information about your spice…stockpiling activities; you cannot afford to have that exposed。 Even if they were bluffing; your reaction has no doubt already told them all they need to know。 If they offer proof to Kaitain; the Emperor will bring his Sardaukar here to exterminate House Harkonnen and set up another Great House in our stead on Arrakis; just as they removed Richese before us。 Elrood would like that; no doubt。 He and CHOAM can withdraw their contracts from a
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