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Neither he nor Rhombur would ever get to be Emperor。 Serving as Duke of House Atreides would offer enough of a challenge; Leto thought。
 The young men exchanged the half handshake of the Imperium; interlocking fingertips。 The Ixian Prince wore a fire…jewel ring on his right hand; and Leto felt no rough calluses。
 〃I thought I was in the wrong place after I'd landed;〃 Leto said; finally letting his uneasiness and confusion show through。 〃I believed I was stranded on some uninhabited rock。 Is this really。。。Ix? The machine planet?〃 He pointed toward the spectacular peaks; the snow and rocks; the dark forests。
 Remembering what his father had told him about the Ixian penchant for security; Leto noted Rhombur's hesitation。 〃Oh; uh; you'll see。 We try not to make ourselves too obvious。〃
 The Prince gestured him into the tube; and the plaz door rotated shut。 They plunged through what seemed to be a kilometer of rock。 Rhombur continued to speak calmly even as they plummeted。 〃Because of the nature of our technical operations; Ix has countless secrets and many enemies who'd like to destroy us。 We try to keep our dealings and our resources hidden from prying eyes。〃
 The two young men passed through a luminescent honeyb of artificial material; then into a vast expanse of air that revealed a huge grotto…world; a fairyland protected deep within the crust of the planet。
 Massive crowns of graceful support girders came into view; connected to diamond lattice columns so tall that the bottoms were not visible below。 The plaz…walled capsule continued to descend; floating free on an Ixian suspensor mechanism。 The capsule's transparent floor gave Leto the unsettling illusion of dropping feetfirst through thin air。 He held on to the side railing while his floating suitcases bobbed around him。
 Overhead; he saw what looked like the cloudy Ixian sky and the blue…white sun peeking through。 Projectors concealed on the surface of the planet transmitted actual weather images onto high…resolution screens that covered the rock ceilings。
 This enormous underworld made the inside of even a Guild Heighliner look minuscule。 Hanging down from the roof of the stone vault; Leto saw geometric inverted buildings; like inhabited crystal stalactites connected to each other by walkways and tubes。 Teardrop…shaped aircraft sped noiselessly through the subterranean realm; flitting between structures and supports。 Hang gliders carrying people flashed by in streaks of brilliant color。
 Far down on the floor of the rough cavern he spotted a lake and rivers  all deep underground and protected from outsiders' eyes。
 〃Vernii;〃 Rhombur said。 〃Our capital city。〃
 As the capsule slid between the hanging stalactite buildings; Leto could make out groundcars; buses; and an aerial tube…transport system。 He felt as if he were inside a magical snowflake。 〃Your buildings are incredibly beautiful;〃 he said; his gray eyes drinking in all the details。 〃I always thought of Ix as a noisy industrial world。〃
 〃We; uh; foster that impression for outsiders。 We've discovered structural materials that are not only aesthetically pleasing but extremely light and strong。 Living here underground; we're both protected and hidden。〃
 〃And it lets you keep the surface of the world in pristine condition;〃 Leto pointed out。 The Prince of Ix looked as if he hadn't even considered that advantage。
 〃The nobles and administrators live in the upper stalactite buildings;〃 Rhombur continued。 〃Workers; shift supervisors; and all the suboid crews live below in warrens。 Everyone works together for the prosperity of Ix。〃
 〃More levels beneath this city? People live even deeper down there?〃 〃Well; not really people。 They're suboids;〃 Rhombur said; with a dismissive wave of one hand。 〃We've specifically bred them to perform drudgery without plaint。 Quite a triumph of genetic engineering。 I don't know what we'd do without them。〃
 Their floating partment skirted a tube…transport path and continued to follow the upside…down skyline。 As they approached the most spectacular of the inverted ceiling palaces  a huge; angled structure hanging suspended like an archaic cathedral  Leto said; 〃I assume your Inquisitors await me?〃 He raised his chin and prepared himself for the ordeal。 〃I've never had a deep mental scan before。〃
 Rhombur laughed at him。 〃I can; uh; arrange a mind probe if you really wish to undergo the rigors。。。。〃 The Ixian Prince studied Leto intently。 〃Leto; Leto; if we didn't trust you in the first place; you never would have been allowed on Ix。 Security has; um; changed a lot here since your father's day。 Don't listen to all those dark; sinister stories we spread about ourselves。 They're just to scare away the curious。〃
 The capsule finally settled onto a sprawling balcony constructed of interlocking tiles; and Leto felt a holding apparatus engage underneath them。 The chamber began to move laterally toward an armorplaz building。
 Leto tried not to let his relief show。 〃All right。 I'll defer to your judgment。〃
 〃And I'll do the same when we're on your planet。 Water and fish and open skies。 Caladan sounds。。。uh; wonderful。〃 His tone said the exact opposite。
 Household personnel clad in black…and…white livery streamed out of the armor…plaz building。 Forming a neat line on each side of the tube path; the uniformed men and women stood rigidly at attention。
 〃This is the Grand Palais;〃 Rhombur said; 〃where our staff will see to your every wish。 Since you're the only current visitor; you might be in for some pampering。〃
 〃All these people just to serve。。。me?〃 Leto remembered the times when he'd had to scale and fillet the fish he caught; if he wanted to eat。
 〃You are an important dignitary; Leto。 The son of a Duke; the friend of our family; an ally in the Landsraad。 Do you expect anything less?〃
 〃In truth; I'm from a House with no substantial wealth; on a planet where the only glamour es from fishermen; harvesters of floating paradan melons; and pundi rice farmers。〃
 Rhombur laughed; a friendly peal。 〃Oh; and you're modest; too!〃
 Followed by the suspensor…borne luggage; the young men walked side by side up three wide; elegant stairs into the Grand Palais。
 Looking around the central lobby; Leto identified Ixian crystal chandeliers; the finest in all the Imperium。 Crystal goblets and vases adorned marbleplaz tables; and on each side of a blackite reception desk were full…size lapisjade statuaries of Earl Dominic Vernius and his Lady Shando Vernius。 Leto recognized the royal couple from triphotos he had seen。
 The uniformed household staff filtered back into the building and took up positions where they would be available for instructions from superiors。 Across the lobby; double doors opened and big…shouldered; bald Dominic Vernius himself approached; looking like some djinn out of a bottle。 He wore a silver…and…gold sleeveless tunic trimmed in white at the collar。 A purple…and…copper Ixian helix adorned his breast。
 〃Ah; so this is our young visitor!〃 Dominic effused with blustery good humor。 Crow's…feet became laugh lines around his bright brown eyes。 His facial construction looked very much like that of his son Rhombur; except the fat he carried had set into r
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