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 Kynes doubted the information gleaned from those stations would be very reliable。 For now; he wanted his own data from his own instruments。 With the whir of a tiny fan; an air…sampler gulped an atmospheric specimen and spilled out the position readings: 23 percent oxygen; 75。4 percent nitrogen; 0。023 percent carbon dioxide; along with other trace gases。
 Kynes found the numbers most peculiar。 Perfectly breathable; of course; and exactly what one might expect from a normal planet with a thriving ecosystem。 But in this scorched realm; those partial pressures raised enormous questions。 With no seas or rainstorms; no plankton masses; no vegetative covering。。。where did all the oxygen e from? It made absolutely no sense。
 The only large indigenous life…forms he knew of were the sandworms。 Could there be so many of the beasts that their metabolisms actually had a measurable effect on the position of the atmosphere? Did some odd form of plankton teem within the sands themselves? Melange deposits were known to have an organic ponent; but Kynes had no idea what its source could be。 Is there a connection between the voracious worms and the spice?
 Arrakis was one ecological mystery built upon another。
 With his preparations plete; Kynes turned from the perfect spot for his meteorological station。 Then he realized with startling abruptness that parts of the seemingly natural alcove atop this isolated peak had been intentionally fashioned。
 He bent down; amazed; and ran his fingers over rough notches。 Steps cut into the rock! Human hands had done this not long ago; chopping out easy access to this place。 An outpost? A lookout? A Fremen observation station?
 A chill shot down his spine; borne on a trickle of sweat that the stillsuit greedily drank。 At the same time; he felt a thrill of excitement; because the Fremen themselves might bee allies; a hardened people who had the same agenda as he did; the same need to understand and improve 。。。。
 As Kynes turned around in the open air; searching; he felt exposed。 〃Hello?〃 he called out; but only the desert silence answered him。
 How is all of this connected? he wondered。 And what; if anything; do the Fremen know about it?
 Who can know whether Ix has gone too far? They hide their facilities; keep their workers enslaved; and claim the right of secrecy。 Under such circumstances; how can they not be tempted to step beyond the restrictions of the Butlerian Jihad?
 …COUNT ILBAN RICHESE; third appeal to the Landsraad
 Use your resources and use your wits;〃 the Old Duke had always told him。 Now; as he stood alone and shivering; Leto took stock of both。
 He contemplated his grim and unexpected solitude on the wilderness surface of Ix  or wherever this place was。 Had he been stranded here by accident or treachery? What was the worst case? The Guild should have kept a record of where he'd been unceremoniously discharged。 His father and House Atreides troops could rally out and find him when he didn't show up at his intended destination  but how long would that take? How long could he survive here? If Vernius was behind this treachery; would the Earl even report him missing?
 Leto tried to be optimistic; but he knew it might be a long time before help could e。 He had no food; no warm clothing; not even a portable shelter。 He had to take care of this problem himself。
 〃Hello!〃 he shouted again。 The vast emptiness snatched his words and drained them to nothing; without even bothering to echo them back。
 He considered venturing forth in search of some land mark or settlement; but decided to stay put for the time being。 Next; he mentally assessed the possessions he'd brought in his suitcases; trying to think of what he might use to send a message。
 Then; from beside him; in a blue…green thicket of spiny plants struggling to survive in the tundra; came a rustling sound。 Startled; Leto jumped back; then looked closer。 Assassins? A group intending to take him captive? The ransom of a ducal heir might bring a mountain of solaris。。。as well as the wrath of Paulus Atreides。
 He drew the curve…bladed fishing knife from its sheath at his back and made ready to fight。 His heart pounded as he tried to guess his peril; to prepare in some way。 An Atreides had no qualms about shedding necessary blood。
 The branches and pointed leaves moved; then opened to reveal a round plaz pad on the ground。 With a hum of machinery; a transparent lift tube emerged from beneath the surface; looking totally incongruous on the rugged landscape。
 A stocky young man stood inside the transparent tube; grinning a warm wele。 He had blond; unruly hair that looked tousled despite careful bing; he wore loose military…style trousers and a color…shifting camouflage shirt。 His pale; open face had soft edges from outgrown baby fat。 A small pack hung on the stranger's left shoulder; similar to the one he carried in his hand。 He appeared to be about Leto's age。
 The transparent lift came to a stop; and a curved door rotated open。 A breath of warm air brushed Leto's hands and face。 He crouched; ready to attack with his fishing knife; though he could not imagine this innocuous…looking stranger to be a killer。
 〃You must be Leto Atreides; right?〃 the young man said。 He spoke in Galach; the mon language of the Imperium。 〃So should we start out with a day hike?〃
 Leto's gray eyes narrowed and fixed on the purple…and…copper Ixian helix adorning the boy's collar。 Trying to hide his immense relief and maintain a professional; even suspicious facade; Leto nodded and lowered the tip of the knife; which the stranger had pretended not to notice。
 〃I'm Rhombur Vernius。 I; uh; thought you'd want to stretch a bit before we settle in down below。 I heard you like being outdoors; though I prefer to be underground myself。 Maybe after you spend a little time with us; you'll feel at home in our cavern cities。 Ix is really quite nice。〃
 He looked up at the clouds and high…altitude sleet。 〃Oh; why is it raining? Vermilion hells; I hate being in unpredictable environments。〃 Rhombur shook his head in disgust。 〃I told weather control to give you a warm; sunny day。 My apologies; Prince Leto  but this is just too dreary for me。 How about we go down to the Grand Palais?〃
 Catching himself rambling; Rhombur dropped both day packs inside the lift tube and nudged Leto's floating luggage inside as well。 〃It's good to meet you at last。 My father's been talking about Atreides this and Atreides that for so long。 We'll be studying together for some time; probably family trees and Landsraad politics。 I'm eighty…seventh in line to the Golden Lion Throne; but I think you rank even higher than I do。〃
 Golden Lion Throne。 The Great Houses were ranked according to an elaborate CHOAM…Landsraad system; and within each House was a sub…hierarchy based upon primogeniture。 Leto's ranking was indeed substantially higher than the Ixian Prince's  through his mother he was actually a great…grandson of Elrood IX; through one of his three daughters by his second wife; Yvette。 But the difference was meaningless; the Emperor had many great…grandchildren。 Neither he nor Rhombur would ever get to be Emperor。 Serving as Duke of House Atreides would offer e
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