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 〃You have ten seconds to exit the craft; sir; or you will be forcibly ejected。 The Guild operates on a tight schedule。 The Heighliner is already prepared to depart for the next system。〃
 Cursing under his breath; Leto nudged his drifting luggage and stepped onto the rubble…strewn surface。 Within seconds the white; bullet…shaped craft rose and dwindled to a pinpoint of orange light in the sky; before it disappeared from view entirely。
 His pair of suitcases hovered beside him; and a clean…smelling wind ruffled his hair。 Leto was alone。 〃Hello?〃 he shouted; but no one answered。
 He shivered as he stared at rugged mountain ridges dusted with snow and glacial ice。 Caladan; mostly an ocean world; had very few mountains approaching this grandeur。 But he had not e to see mountains。 〃Hello! I'm Leto Atreides; from Caladan!〃 he called out。 〃Is anyone here?〃
 A sick feeling clenched his chest。 He was far from home on an unknown world; with no way to find out where in the vast universe he was。 Is this even Ix? The brisk wind was cold and sharp; but the open plain remained eerily quiet。 Oppressive silence hung in the thin air。
 He had spent his life hearing the lullaby of the ocean; the songs of gulls; and the bustle of villagers。 Here he saw nothing; no weling party; no signs of habitation。 The world looked untouched。。。empty。
 If I've been stranded here; will anyone be able to find me?
 Thickening clouds concealed the sky; though he saw a distant blue sun through a break in the cover。 He shivered again and wondered what he should do; where he should go。 If he was going to be a Duke; he had to learn to make decisions。
 A drizzle of sleet began to fall。
 The paintbrush of history has depicted Abulurd Harkonnen in a most unfavorable light。 Judged by the standards of his older half brother; Baron Vladimir; and his own children Glossu Rabban and Feyd…Rautha Rabban; Abulurd was a different sort of man entirely。 We must; however; assess the frequent descriptions of his weakness; inpetence; and foolhardy decisions in light of the ultimate failure of House Harkonnen。 Though exiled to Lankiveil and stripped of any real power; Abulurd secured a victory unmatched by anyone else in his extended family: He learned how to be happy with his life。
 …Landsraad Encyclopedia of Great Houses; post…Jihad edition
 Though the Harkonnens were formidable foes in the arena of manipulations; subterfuge; and disinformation; the Bene Gesserit were undisputed masters。
 In order to achieve the next step in their grand breeding scheme; a plan that had been in place since ten generations before the downfall of thinking machines; the Sisterhood needed to find a fulcrum that would make the Baron bend to their will。
 It didn't take them long to figure out the weak point in House Harkonnen。
 Presenting herself as a new domestic servant on cold and blustery Lankiveil; the young Bene Gesserit Sister Margot Rashino…Zea infiltrated the household of Abulurd Harkonnen; the Baron's younger half brother。 Beautiful Margot; hand…selected by Kwisatz Mother Anirul; had been trained in the ways of spying and ferreting out information; of connecting mismatched tidbits of data to construct a broader picture。
 She also knew sixty…three ways to kill a human being using nothing but her fingers。 The Sisterhood worked hard to maintain their appearance as brooding intellectuals; but they also had their mandos。 Sister Margot was counted among their best。
 The lodge house of Abulurd Harkonnen sat on a rugged spit of land that extended into deep water bordered by narrow Tula Fjord。 A fishing village surrounded the wooden mansion; farms pushed inland into the thin and rocky valleys; but most of the planet's food supply came from the frigid sea。 Lankiveil's economy was based on the rich whalefur industry。
 Abulurd lived at the base of dripping mountains; whose tops were rarely seen through the looming steel…gray clouds and lingering mist。 The main house and surrounding village was the closest thing to a capital center this frontier world had to offer。
 Since strangers were rare; Margot took precautions not to be noticed。 She stood taller than many of the stocky and muscular natives; so she disguised herself with a slight stoop。 She dyed her honey…blonde hair dark and cut it thick and shaggy; a style favored by many of the villagers。 With chemicals; she treated her smooth; pale skin to make it weathered and lend it a darker cast。 She blended in; and everyone accepted her without a second glance。 For a woman trained by the Sisterhood; maintaining the sham was easy。
 Margot was only one of numerous Bene Gesserit spies dispatched to the widespread Harkonnen holdings; where they would surreptitiously scour any and all business records。 The Baron had no reason to suspect such scrutiny at this time  he'd had very few dealings with the Sisterhood  but if any of their female spies were discovered; the lean and vicious man would have no punctions against torturing them for explanations。 Luckily; Margot thought; any well…trained Bene Gesserit could stop her own heart long before inflicted pain could force her to reveal secrets。
 Traditionally; the Harkonnens were adept at manipulation and concealment; but Margot knew she would find the necessary incriminating evidence。 Though other Sisters had argued for digging closer to the heart of Harkonnen operations; Margot had concluded that Abulurd would make the perfect patsy。 The younger Harkonnen demibrother had; after all; run the spice operations on Arrakis for seven years: He must have some information。 If anything needed to be hidden; the Baron would likely do it here; unexpectedly; right under Abulurd's nose。
 Once the Bene Gesserit uncovered a few of the Harkonnens' mistakes and held proof of the Baron's financial indiscretions; they would have the blackmail weapon so desperately needed to advance their breeding program。
 Dressed as an indigenous villager in dyed wools and furs; Margot slipped into the rustic great house at the docks。 The structure stood tall and was posed of massive wood; stained dark。 Fireplaces in every room filled the air with resinous smoke; and glowglobes tuned to yellow…orange did their best to approximate sunlight。
 Margot cleaned; she dusted; she helped with the cooking。。。she searched for financial records。 Two days in a row; the Baron's amiable half brother greeted her; smiling; weling; he noticed nothing whatsoever amiss。 A trusting sort; he seemed unconcerned for his own safety; and allowed locals and strangers to wander into the main rooms and guest quarters of his mansion; even close to his person。 He had gray…blond hair; long to his shoulders; and a seamed; ruddy face that was disarmed by a perpetual half smile。 It was said that he'd been a favorite of his father Dmitri; who had encouraged Abulurd to take over the Harkonnen holdings。。。but Abulurd had made so many bad choices; so many decisions based on people rather than business necessities。 It had been his downfall。
 Wearing warm and prickly Lankiveil clothing; Margot kept her gray…green eyes downcast and concealed behind lenses that made them appear brown。 She could have made herself into a golden…haired beauty and had; in fact; co
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