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eering out from beneath her black hood。
 The Sisters moved to the sides of the chamber and seated themselves on empty white benches; as Mother Superior had。 Presently the rustling of robes ceased; and no one spoke。 From somewhere; the old building creaked。 Outside; drizzle fell in silent curtains; muffling the struggling blue…white sunlight。
 〃Anirul; I await your report;〃 Mother Superior finally said with just a glimmer of annoyance at her tardiness。 Harishka manded the entire Sisterhood; but Anirul was vested with full authority to make mand decisions on the project。 〃You have promised us your genetic summary and projections。〃
 Anirul took her position in the center of the chamber。 Overhead; a vaulted ceiling spread like a flower to the tops of Gothic stained…glasplaz windows; within each window section; panes contained the family crests of great historical leaders of the order。
 Fighting back nervousness; Anirul took a deep breath and suppressed the multitude of voices within her。 Many of the Bene Gesserit Order would not like what she had to say。 Though the voices of past lives might offer her fort and support; she was about to give her own assessment; and had to stand by it。 She also had to be pletely honest; Mother Superior was adept at sensing the slightest deceit。 Mother Superior noticed everything; and now her almond eyes flashed with expectation; as well as impatience。
 Anirul cleared her throat and covered her mouth as she began her report in a directed…whisper that carried to the ears of everyone in the sealed room; but nowhere else。 Nothing escaped into the ambient air for any concealed listening device。 They all knew of her work; but she gave them the details anyway; adding to the import of her announcement。
 〃Thousands of years of careful breeding have brought us closer than ever before to our goal。 For ninety generations; a plan begun even before the Butlerian warriors led us to freedom from the thinking machines; we of the Sisterhood have planned to create our own weapon。 Our own superbeing who will bridge space and time with his mind。〃
 Her words droned on。 The other Bene Gesserit did not stir; though they appeared bored with her standard summary of the project。 Very well; I will give them something to awaken their hopes。
 〃With the dance of DNA; I have determined we are; at most; only three generations removed from success。〃 Her pulse accelerated。 〃Soon; we will have our Kwisatz Haderach。〃
 〃Take care when you speak of this secret of all secrets;〃 Mother Superior warned; but her delight could not be covered by her sternness。
 〃I take care with every aspect of our program; Mother Superior;〃 Anirul countered; in too haughty a tone。 She caught herself; kept her narrow face expressionless; but others had already seen the slip。 There would be more murmurings about her brashness; her youth and unsuitability for such an important role。 〃That is why I am so certain of what we must do。 The gene samples have been analyzed; all possibilities projected。 The path is plainer now than ever before。〃
 So many Sisters before her had worked toward this incredible goal; and now it was her duty to administer the final breeding decisions and supervise the birth and upbringing of a new girl…child; who would in all probability be the grandmother of the Kwisatz Haderach himself。
 〃I have the names of the final genetic pairings;〃 Anirul announced。 〃Our mating index indicates that these will produce the highest likelihood of success。〃 She paused; savoring the absolute attention the others paid to her。
 To any outsider; Anirul appeared to be no more than another Reverend Mother; indistinguishable from the rest of her Sisters and not terribly talented or gifted in any way。 The Bene Gesserit were good at keeping secrets; and the Kwisatz Mother was one of the greatest of these。
 〃We need a particular bloodline from an ancient House。 This will produce a daughter  our equivalent to the mother of the Virgin Mary  who must then take the mate we choose。 These two will be the grandparents; and their offspring; also a daughter; will be trained here on Wallach IX。 This Bene Gesserit woman will bee the mother of our Kwisatz Haderach; a boy…child to be raised by us; under our plete control。〃 Anirul let out her last words with a slow sigh; and considered the immensity of what she had said。
 Only a few decades more; and the astounding birth would occur potentially within Anirul's lifetime。 Thinking back through the tunnels of Other Memory; grasping the canvas of time that had spread out in preparation for this event; Anirul realized how lucky she was to be alive now; in this period of time。 Her predecessors stood in a spectral line inside her mind; eagerly watching and waiting。
 When the unparalleled breeding program finally came to fruition; the Bene Gesserit would no longer need to remain a subtle; manipulative presence in the politics of the Imperium。 Everything would belong to them; and the archaic galactic feudal system would fall。
 Though no one spoke; Anirul detected concern in the hawkish eyes of her Sisters; bordering on a doubt that none of them dared express。 〃And what is this bloodline?〃 Mother Superior asked。
 Anirul did not hesitate; drew herself taller。 〃We must have a daughter by。。。the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen。〃
 She read the surprise on their faces。 Harkonnens? They had been part of the overall breeding programs; of course  all Landsraad Houses were  but no one would have imagined the Bene Gesserit savior springing from the seed of such a man。 What did such a lineage bode for the Kwisatz Haderach? Given a Harkonnen…bred superman; could the Bene Gesserit hope to control him?
 All of these questions…and many more…passed between the Sisters; without the utterance of a sound or even a directed…whisper。 Anirul saw it plainly。
 〃As all of you know;〃 she said at last; 〃the Baron Harkonnen is a dangerously cunning and manipulative man。 Though we can be certain he is generally aware of the numerous Bene Gesserit breeding programs; our plan cannot be revealed。 Still; we must find a way for him to impregnate a chosen Sister without telling him why。〃
 Mother Superior pursed her wrinkled lips。 〃The Baron's sexual appetites run exclusively to men and boys。 He will have no interest in accepting a female lover  especially not one thrust upon him by us。〃
 Anirul nodded soberly。 〃Our seductive abilities will be taxed as never before。〃 She gave a challenging look to the powerful Reverend Mothers in attendance。 〃But I have no doubt that with all the resources of the Bene Gesserit; we will find a way to coerce him。
 In response to the strict Butlerian taboo against machines that perform mental functions; a number of schools developed enhanced human beings to subsume most of the functions formerly performed by puters。 Some of the key schools arising out of the Jihad include the Bene Gesserit; with their intense mental and physical training; the Spacing Guild; with the prescient ability to find a safe path through foldspace; and the Mentats; whose puterlike minds are capable of extraordinary acts of reasoning。
 …Ikbhan's Treatise on the Mind; Volume I
 As he made ready to depart from home for an entire year; 
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