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ion: a male Bene Gesserit whose organic mental powers would bridge space and time。
 …Terminology of the Imperium
 It was another cold morning。 The small blue…white sun Laoujin peeked over terra…cotta…tiled rooftops; dissipating the rain。
 Reverend Mother Anirul Sadow Tonkin held the collar of her black robe shut against the moisture…laden wind that whipped up from the south and dampened her short bronze…brown hair。 Her hurried footsteps carried her across the wet cobblestones; straight toward the arched doorway of the Bene Gesserit administration building。
 She was late and ran; even though it was unseemly for a woman of her status to be seen rushing about like a red…faced schoolgirl。 Mother Superior and her selected council would be waiting in the chapter chamber  for a meeting that could not begin without Anirul。 Only she had the Sisterhood's plete breeding projections and the full knowledge from Other Memory in her head。
 The sprawling Mother School plex on Wallach IX was the base of Bene Gesserit operations throughout the Imperium。 The historic first sanctuary of the Sisterhood had been erected here; dating from post…Butlerian Jihad days at the beginnings of the great schools of the human mind。
 Some of the buildings in the training enclave were thousands of years old and echoed with ghosts and memories; others had been constructed in more recent centuries; with styles carefully designed to match the originals。 The bucolic appearance of the Mother School plex fostered one of the primary precepts of the Sisterhood: minimal appearance; maximum content。 Anirul's own features were long and narrow; giving her a doelike face; but her large eyes had a depth of millennia in them。
 The half…timbered stucco…and…wood structures; a bination of classical architectural styles; had moss…streaked sienna roof tiles and beveled fume…enhancement windows; designed to concentrate natural light and warmth from the tiny sun。 The simple; narrow streets and alleys; in tandem with the quaintly archaic appearance of the instructional enclave; belied the subtle plexities and sheer weight of history taught inside。 Haughty visitors would not be impressed; and the Sisterhood did not care a whit。
 Throughout the Imperium the Bene Gesserit kept a low profile; but they were always to be found in vital areas; tilting the political equilibrium at crux points; watching; nudging; achieving their own aims。 It was best when others underestimated them; the Sisters encountered fewer obstacles that way。
 With all of its superficial deficiencies and difficulties; Wallach IX remained the perfect place to develop the psychic muscles required of Reverend Mothers。 The planet's intricate hive of structures and workers was too valuable; too steeped in history and tradition to be replaced。 Yes; there were warmer climates on more hospitable worlds; but any acolyte who could not endure these conditions had no place among the agonies; harsh environments; and often painful decisions a true Bene Gesserit would face。
 Keeping her quick breaths under control; Reverend Mother Anirul mounted the rain…slick steps of the administration building; then paused to look back across the plaza。 She stood straight; tall; but she felt the weight of history and memory bearing down on her  and for a Bene Gesserit; there was little difference between the two。 The voices of past generations echoed in Other Memory; a cacophony of wisdom and experience and opinions available to all Reverend Mothers; and particularly acute in Anirul。
 On this spot the first Mother Superior; Raquella Berto…Anirul  after whom Anirul herself had taken her name  had delivered her legendary orations to the embryonic Sisterhood。 Raquella had forged a new school from a group of desperate and pliable acolytes still stinging from centuries under the yoke of thinking machines。
 Did you realize what you were beginning; so long ago? Anirul asked herself。 How many plots; how many plans。。。so much you pinned upon a single; secret hope。 Sometimes; the buried presence of Mother Superior Raquella actually answered her from within。 But not today。
 From her access to the multitude of memory…lives buried in her psyche; Anirul knew the precise stairstep on which her illustrious ancestor had stood; and could hear the exact; long…ago words。 A chill coursed her spine; making her pause。 Though still young in years and smooth…skinned; she contained an Oldness within her; as did all living Reverend Mothers  but in her; the voices spoke louder。 It was reassuring to have the forting crowd of memories there to provide advice in times of need。 It prevented foolish mistakes。
 But Anirul would be accused of distraction and foolish delay if she did not get to the meeting。 Some said she was far too young to be the Kwisatz Mother; but Other Memory had revealed more to her than to any other Sister。 She prehended the precious; millennia…old genetic quest for the Kwisatz Haderach better than the other Reverend Mothers because the past lives had revealed everything to her; while keeping the details hidden from most Bene Gesserit。
 The idea of a Kwisatz Haderach had been the Sisterhood's dream for thousands upon thousands of years; conceived in dark underground meetings even before the victory of the Jihad。 The Bene Gesserit had many breeding programs aimed at selecting and enhancing various characteristics of humanity; and no one understood them all。 The genetic lines of the messiah project had been the most carefully guarded secret for much of the Imperium's recorded history; so secret in fact that even the voices in Other Memory refused to divulge the details。
 But to Anirul they had told the whole scheme; and she grasped the full implications。 Somehow she had been chosen as this generation's Kwisatz Mother; the guardian of the Bene Gesserit's most important goal。
 The notoriety and the power; however; did not excuse her for being late to the council meetings。 Many still saw her as young and impetuous。
 Swinging open a heavy door covered with hieroglyphics in a language only Reverend Mothers remembered; she passed through into a foyer where ten other Sisters; all dressed in hooded black aba robes like her own; stood in a cluster。 A low murmur of conversation filled the air inside the nondescript building。 Treasures can be hidden within a drab and unpretentious shell; said one popular Bene Gesserit dictum。
 The other Sisters moved aside for Anirul as she glided through their midst like a swimmer parting water。 Though her body was tall and large…boned; Anirul succeeded in projecting a grace in her movements。。。but it did not e easily to her。 Whispering; they fell in behind her as she entered the octagonal chapter chamber; the meeting place of the ancient order's leadership。 Her footsteps creaked across the worn planks of the floor; and the door groaned shut; locking behind them。
 White Elacca…wood benches rimmed the timeworn room; Mother Superior Harishka sat on one; like a mon acolyte。 Of mixed parentage; showing bloodlines from distinctive branches of humanity; the Mother Superior was old and bent; with dark almond eyes peering out from beneath her black hood。
 The Sisters moved to the sides of the chamber and seated 
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