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lpted during the early decades of Elrood's reign。
 It was early evening; and two of Kaitain's four moons hung low in the sky beyond the gigantic Imperial building。 Illuminated gliders rode the calm skies of dusk; chased by flocks of songbirds。 Sometimes; Shaddam just needed to get away from the sprawling Palace。
 〃A hundred and thirty…six years as Padishah Emperor;〃 Fenring continued in his nasal voice。 〃And old Elrood's father ruled for more than a century himself。 Think about it; hmm…m…m…ah? Your father took the throne when he was only nineteen; and you're almost twice that age。〃 The narrow…faced man looked with huge eyes at his friend。 〃Doesn't that bother you?〃
 Shaddam didn't respond; stared at the skyline; knowing he should return to the game。。。but he and his friend had bigger games to play。
 After his long years of close association Fenring knew that the Imperial heir could not deal with plex problems when other amusements distracted him。 Very well; then; I will end this diversion。
 〃My turn;〃 he said。 Fenring lifted a rod on his side of the shimmering shield globe and dipped it through the shield to engage a spinning interior disk。 This in turn caused a black ball in the center of the globe to levitate into the air。 With expert timing; Fenring withdrew the rod; and the ball dropped into the center of an oval receptacle bearing the highest mark。
 〃Damn you; Hasimir; another perfect game for you;〃 Shaddam said; returning from the balcony。 〃When I'm Emperor; though; will you be wise enough to lose to me?〃
 Fenring's oversize eyes were alert and feral。 A genetic…eunuch; incapable of fathering children because of his congenital deformities; he was still one of the deadliest fighters in the Imperium; so single…mindedly ferocious that he was more than a match for any Sardaukar。
 〃When you're Emperor?〃 Fenring and the Crown Prince held so many deadly secrets between them that neither could imagine keeping knowledge from the other。 〃Shaddam; are you listening to what I'm telling you; hmmm?〃 He gave an annoyed sigh。 〃You're thirty…four years old; sitting on your hands and waiting for your life to begin  your birthright。 Elrood could last another three decades; at least。 He's a tough old Burseg; and the way he gulps spice beer; he might outlive both of us。〃
 〃So why even talk about it?〃 Shaddam toyed with the shield…ball controls; clearly wanting to play another round。 〃I've got what I need here。〃
 〃You'd rather play games until you're an old man? I thought you had better things in store for you; hm…m…m…m…ah? The destiny of your Corrino blood。〃
 〃Ah; yes。 And if I don't achieve my destiny;〃 Shaddam said in a bitter tone; 〃where does that leave you?〃
 〃I'll do fine; thank you。〃 Fenring's mother had been trained as a Bene Gesserit before entering Imperial service as lady…in…waiting to Elrood's fourth wife; she had raised him well; preparing him for great things。
 But Hasimir Fenring was disgusted with his friend。 At one time; in his late teens; Shaddam had been much more ambitious to claim the Imperial throne; even to the point of encouraging Fenring to poison the Emperor's eldest son; Fafnir; who had been forty…six and eagerly awaiting the crown himself。
 Now Fafnir was dead for fifteen years; and still the old vulture showed no signs of ever dying。 At the very least; Elrood should abdicate with good grace。 Meanwhile; Shaddam had lost his drive; and instead occupied his time enjoying the pleasures of his station。 Being Crown Prince posed few hardships in life。 But Fenring wanted much more  for his friend; and for himself。
 Shaddam glowered at the other man。 The Crown Prince's mother; Habla; had cast him aside as an infant  her only child by Elrood  and let her lady…in…waiting; Chaola Fenring; serve as wet nurse。 From boyhood; Shaddam and Hasimir had talked about what they would do when he ascended to the Golden Lion Throne。 Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV。
 But for Shaddam such conversations no longer held their childhood magic。 Too many years of reality had settled in; too much waiting to no purpose。 His grip on hope and his enthusiasm for the job had faded into apathy。 Why not spend the days playing shield…ball?
 〃You're a bastard;〃 Shaddam said。 〃Let's start another game。〃
 Ignoring his friend's suggestion; Fenring shut down the console。 〃Maybe so; but the Imperium has too many critical matters that require attention; and you know as well as I do that your father is bungling the job。 If a pany head ran his business the way your father runs the Empire; he'd be sacked。 Think of the CHOAM scandal; for example; the soostone skimming operation。〃
 〃Ah; yes。 Can't argue with you on that; Hasimir。〃 Shaddam heaved a deep sigh。
 〃Royal impersonators  a Duke; a Duchess。。。a whole damned family of fakes; right under your father's nose。 Who was watching? Now they've disappeared to a rogue planet somewhere beyond Imperial control。 That should never have occurred; hmm…m…m…m? Just imagine the lost profits for Buzzell and the adjoining systems。 What was Elrood thinking?〃
 Shaddam looked away。 He didn't like to bother with serious Imperial matters。 They gave him headaches。 Given his father's apparent vigor; such details seemed distant and; by and large; irrelevant to him。
 But still Fenring persisted。 〃The way it looks now; you won't get a chance to do better。 One hundred and fifty…five years; and still in remarkable health。 Fondil III before him lived to be one hundred seventy…five。 What's the longest a Corrino Emperor has ever lived?〃
 Shaddam frowned and looked longingly at the gaming apparatus。 〃You know I don't pay attention to things like that; even when the tutor gets angry with me。〃
 Fenring jabbed a finger at him。 〃Elrood will live to two hundred; mark my words。 You have a serious problem; friend。。。unless you listen to me。〃 He raised his thin eyebrows。
 〃Ah; yes; more ideas from the Assassins' Handbook; I suppose。 Be careful with that information。 You can get in a lot of trouble with it。〃
 〃Timid people are destined for nothing better than timid jobs。 You and I; Shaddam; have much more in our futures。 Think of the possibilities; hypothetically of course。 Besides; what's wrong with poison? It works nicely and affects only the targeted person; as required by the Great Convention。 No collateral deaths; no loss of revenue; no destruction of inheritable property。 Nice and neat。〃
 〃Poisons are for House…to…House assassinations; not for what you're talking about。〃
 〃You didn't plain when I took care of Fafnir; hm…m…m…m…ah? He'd be in his sixties now; still waiting to taste the throne。 Do you want to wait that long?〃
 〃Stop;〃 Shaddam insisted; digging in his heels。 〃Don't even imagine such a course。 This isn't right。〃
 〃And denying you your birthright is? How effective an Emperor would you be if you couldn't exercise power until you were old and senile  like your father? Look what's happened on Arrakis。 By the time we replaced Abulurd Harkonnen; the damage to spice production was already done。 Abulurd had no idea how to crack the whip; so the workers didn't respect him。 Now the Baron cracks it too much; and so morale is way down; leading to rampant defections and sabotage。 But you can't really 
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