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 The old man laughed。 〃What a foolish notion! I've been out of the ring for only one reason: The bulls went downhill for a while; some genetic imbalance that made them unworthy。 That's changed; though; and new bulls are being brought in now; tougher than ever。 Yresk says they're ready to fight; and so am I。〃 He put his arm around Leto's narrow shoulders。 〃What better occasion for a corrida de toros than the leave…taking of my son? You'll attend this bullfight  your first。 Your mother can't say you're too young anymore。〃
 Leto nodded; reluctantly。 His father would never be swayed; once his mind was made up。 At least Paulus had the training; and would wear a personal shield。
 Using personal shields; Leto himself had fought human opponents; aware of a shield's advantages and limitations。 A shield could block projectile fire and fast…moving weapons of death; but any blade traveling below the threshold speed could pass through to the unprotected flesh beneath。 A rampaging Salusan bull; with its sharp horns; might well move slowly enough to pierce even the most finely tuned shield。
 He swallowed hard; wondering about the new; enhanced bulls。 The old ones Stablemaster Yresk had shown him seemed dangerous enough  they'd killed three matadors that Leto could remember 。。。。
 Consumed by his fresh idea; Duke Paulus made the announcement at the bazaar; over the public address system implanted in booths and stalls。 Upon hearing this; people in the marketplace cheered and their eyes glittered。 They laughed; partly in anticipation of the performance itself  and also because of the declared day of rest and celebration。
 Leto's mother wouldn't like this at all; he knew  Paulus in the fight and Leto in attendance  but Leto also understood that as soon as Helena began to object; the Old Duke would be more determined than ever。
 THE BOWL OF the Plaza de Toros sprawled under the noonday sun。 The stands spread out in an immense broad grid; so filled with people that in the farthest reaches they looked like tiny colored pixels。 The Duke had never charged any fee to witness his performances; he was too proud of them; enjoyed showing off too much。
 Enormous green…and…black banners flapped in the breeze; while fanfare blasted from speakers。 Pillars emblazoned with Atreides hawk crests sparkled with emblems that had been newly polished and painted for the event。 Thousands of floral bouquets harvested from the fields and lowlands had been placed about the bullring  an unsubtle hint that the Duke liked the people to strew the ground with blossoms each time he dispatched a bull。
 Below; in the preparation chambers at ground level; Paulus girded up before the fight。 Leto stood with him behind a barricade; listening to the impatient crowd。 〃Father; I'm uneasy about the risk you're taking。 You shouldn't do this。。。especially not for me。〃
 The Old Duke brushed aside the ment。 〃Leto; lad; you must understand that governing people and winning their loyalty consists of more than just signing papers; collecting taxes; and attending Landsraad meetings。〃 He straightened his magenta cape; preened in front of a mirror。
 〃I depend on those people out there to produce the most that Caladan can provide。 They must do so willingly; with hard work  and not just for their own profit; but for their honor and glory。 If House Atreides was ever to go to war again; these people would shed their blood for me。 They would lay down their lives under our banner。〃 He fiddled with his armor。 〃Tighten this for me?〃
 Leto grabbed the string fasteners of the back leather plate; tugged them; and cinched the knots tight。 He kept silent but nodded to show he understood。
 〃As their Duke; I need to give them something back; prove that I'm worthy。 And it's not just for entertainment; but to instill in their minds that I'm a man of grand stature; of heroic proportions。。。someone blessed by God to rule them。 I can't do that unless I put myself before them。 Leadership is not a passive process。〃
 Paulus checked his shield belt; then smiled through his beard。 〃 'No one is too old to learn;' 〃 he quoted。 〃That's a line from the Agamemnon play  just to show you that I'm not always sleeping when I appear to be。〃
 Thufir Hawat; the stern…faced weapons master; stood beside his Duke。 As a loyal Mentat; Hawat would not speak out against his superior's decisions; instead; he gave the best advice he could; whispering to Paulus the patterns he had seen in the movements of this new batch of mutated Salusan bulls。
 Leto knew his mother would be up in the stands in the ducal spectator box。 She would be dressed in her finery; wearing colorful gauzy veils and robes; playing her part; waving to the people。 The night before; once again; there had been much heated discussion behind the bedroom doors; finally; Duke Paulus had simply silenced her with a barked mand。 Afterward he had gone to sleep; resting for the following day's exertions。
 The Duke put on his green…bordered cap; then took the equipment he would need to conquer the wild bull: his poniards and a long; feathered vara with nerve toxin on the lance tip。 Thufir Hawat had suggested that the stablemaster slightly tranquilize the bull to deaden its rampaging impulses; but the Duke was a man who loved to face a challenge。 No drug…dulled opponent for him!
 Paulus clipped the activation pack onto his shield belt and powered up the field。 It was only a half shield; used to guard his side; the Duke used a garishly brilliant cape called a muleta to cover his other side。
 Paulus bowed first to his son; then his Mentat; and then the trainers waiting at the entrance to the arena。 〃Time for the show to begin。〃 Leto watched him swirl about and; like a bird on a mating display; strut out into the open Plaza de Toros。 At his appearance; cheers thundered out with a roar far louder than any Salusan bull's。
 Leto stood behind the barricade; blinking into the glare of the open sun。 He smiled as his father made a slow circuit of the arena; waving his cape; bowing; greeting his ecstatic people。 Leto could sense the love and admiration they had for this brave man; and it warmed his heart。
 Waiting there in the shadows; Leto vowed to do all he could to study his father's triumphs; so that one day he would mand such respect and devotion from the people。 Triumphs。。。this would be another in a long list of them for his father; Leto assured himself。 But he couldn't help worrying。 Too much could change in the flicker of a shield; the flash of a sharp horn; the stamp of a hoof。
 Tones sounded; and an announcer's voice gave introductory details of the impending corrida de toros。 With a flourish of a sequined glove; Duke Paulus gestured toward the broad reinforced doors on the opposite side of the arena。
 Moving to another archway for a better view; Leto reminded himself that this would be no sham performance。 His father would be battling for his very life。
 Stableboys had been tending the ferocious beasts; and Stablemaster Yresk had personally selected one for the day's corrida。 After inspecting the animal; the Old Duke had been satisfied; certain the crowd would be equally pleased by its ferocity。 He looked forward to the fight。
 Heavy gates opene
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