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ne; far out of earshot。
 〃Are you sure you aren't just reacting because Ix is the main rival to House Richese; Mother?〃 he asked。
 〃I think not!〃 Her long; slender fingers paused as they laced up an elegant collar on his shirt。 〃House Richese relies on old; tried…and…true technology  established devices that fall safely within prescribed guidelines。 No one questions Richesian adherence to the strictures of the Jihad。〃
 She looked at him; her dark eyes hard; then cracking with tears。 She stroked his shoulder。 From a recent spurt of growth; he was almost her height。 〃Leto; Leto; I don't want you to lose your innocence there; or your soul;〃 she told him。 〃There's too much at stake。〃
 Later; in the dining hall during a quiet family meal of fish stew and biscuits; Helena had once again begged the Old Duke to send him somewhere else。 Paulus merely laughed at her concerns; though; until finally her quiet but firm refusal to back down drove him to rage。 〃Dominic is my friend  and by God our son couldn't learn at the hands of a better man!〃
 Trying to concentrate on his own meal; yet disturbed over his mother's protestations; Leto had nonetheless stood by his father。 〃I want to go there; Mother;〃 he said; gently resting his spoon beside his bowl; then repeated the line she always told him。 〃It's for the best。〃
 During Leto's upbringing; Paulus had made many choices with which Helena disagreed: putting the young man to work with villagers; taking him out to meet citizens face…to…face; letting him make friends with moners; encouraging him to get his hands dirty。 Leto could see the wisdom in this; since he would be Duke of these people someday; but Helena still objected on various grounds; often quoting passages from the Orange Catholic Bible to justify her opinions。
 His mother was not a patient woman and not warm to her only child; though she maintained a perfect front during important meetings and public events。 She always fussed about her own appearance; and often said she would never have any more children。 Bringing up one son and running the ducal household already took up most of her valuable time; which could otherwise have been spent studying the Orange Catholic Bible and other religious texts。 It was obvious that Helena had borne a son only out of duty to House Atreides; rather than out of any desire to nurture and raise a child。
 No wonder the Old Duke sought out the panionship of other women who proved less prickly。
 Sometimes at night; behind the massive doors of layered Elaccan teak; Leto heard the loud; reverberating arguments of his father and mother。 Lady Helena could disagree all she wanted about sending their son to Ix; but Old Duke Paulus was House Atreides。 His word was law; in the Castle and on Caladan; no matter how much his distraught wife tried to sway his opinion。
 It's for the best。
 Leto knew that theirs had been an arranged marriage; a bargain struck among the Houses of the Landsraad to fulfill the requirements of the important families。 It had been a desperate action on the part of crumbling Richese; and House Atreides could always hope the former grandeur of the innovative technological House might rise again。 In the meantime; the Old Duke had received substantial concessions and rewards for taking in one of the many daughters of House Richese。
 〃A noble household has little room for the swooning and romanticism lesser peoples feel when hormones guide their actions;〃 his mother had once said to him; explaining the politics of marriage。 He knew such a fate undoubtedly lay in store for him as well。 His father even agreed with her in this regard; and was more adamant about it than she。
 〃What's the first rule of the House?〃 the Old Duke would say; ad nauseam。 And Leto would have to repeat it; word for word: 〃Never marry for love; or it will bring our House down。〃
 At fourteen; Leto had never been in love himself; though he had certainly felt the fires of lust。 His father encouraged him to dally with the village girls; to toy with anyone he found attractive  but never to promise anything。 Leto doubted; given his position as heir apparent to House Atreides; that he would ever have much chance to fall in love; especially not with the woman he would eventually take as his wife 。。。。
 One morning; a week before Leto was scheduled to leave; his father clapped a hand on his shoulder and took him along as he went about his rounds to meet the people; making a point to greet even the servants。 The Duke led a small honor guard into the seaside town below the Castle; doing his own shopping; seeing his subjects and being seen。 Paulus often went on such outings with his son  and Leto always considered these to be wonderful times。
 Out under the pale blue sky; the Old Duke laughed easily; beaming with infectious good nature。 The people smiled when the hearty man walked among them。 Leto and his father strolled together along the bazaar; past the stalls of vegetables and fresh fish to inspect beautiful tapestries woven from beaten ponji fibers and fire…threads。 There Paulus Atreides often bought baubles or keepsakes for his wife; especially after they had quarreled; though the Duke didn't seem to understand Helena's interests enough to select anything appropriate for her。
 At an oyster stall the Old Duke suddenly paused and gazed up at the cloud…scudded sky; struck by what he considered a brilliant idea。 He looked down at his son; and a broad grin split his bushy beard。 〃Ah; we need to send you off with an appropriate spectacle; lad。 Make your leave…taking a memorable event for all of Caladan。〃
 Leto forced himself not to cringe。 He had heard his father's crazy ideas before; and knew the Old Duke would follow through; regardless of mon sense。 〃What do you have in mind; sir? What do I need to do?〃
 〃Nothing; nothing。 I shall announce a celebration in honor of my heir and son。〃 He grabbed Leto's hand and raised it up in the air; as if in a triumphant wave; then his voice boomed out; subduing the crowds。 〃We are going to have a bullfight; an old…fashioned extravaganza for the populace。 It will be a day of celebration for Caladan; with holoprojections transmitted around the globe。〃
 〃With Salusan bulls?〃 Leto asked; picturing in his mind the spine…backed beasts; their black heads studded with multiple horns; their eyes faceted。 When he had been a younger boy; Leto had often gone into the stables to look at the monstrous animals。 Stablemaster Yresk; one of his mother's old retainers from Richese; tended the bulls for Paulus's occasional spectacles。
 〃Naturally;〃 the Old Duke said。 〃And as usual; I'll fight them myself。〃 He swept his arm out in a flourish; as if imagining a colorful cape there。 〃These old bones are agile enough to dodge around a lumbering monster like that。 I'll have Yresk prepare one  or would you like to pick the beast yourself; lad?〃
 〃I thought you weren't going to do that anymore;〃 Leto said。 〃It's been almost a year since you。。。〃
 〃Wherever did you get that idea?〃
 〃Your advisors; sir。 It's too risky。 Isn't that why others have been fighting the bulls in your place?〃
 The old man laughed。 〃What a foolish notion! I've been out of the ring for only one reason: The bull
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