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 And he was at the center of the field!
 Duncan thrashed; desperate to move。 He drifted toward the opposite edge of the levitation zone; away from the guards。 They continued to fire; but the change in air pressure pushed their stun blasts even farther off the mark than before。 He saw the uniformed men making adjustments。
 Below him were other doorways; ramps; and platforms that led into the bowels of Barony。 Maybe he could reach one。。。if he could just escape the confining field。
 Another stun blast tore past and this time caught the edge of his back near his shoulder; numbing him; making the muscles and skin crawl with a sensation like a thousand stinging insects。
 Duncan finally wrenched himself away from the field and dropped。 Falling facedown; he saw the platform just in time。 He reached out with his good arm and snagged a railing。 The bullet…train screamed past; whistling as it displaced air。。。missing him by centimeters。
 He hadn't had time to pick up much momentum in his fall; even so; the jarring stop nearly ripped his other arm out of its socket。 Duncan scrambled up and ran into a tunnel; but found only a tiny alcove with metawalls。 He could see no exit。 The hatch was sealed and locked。 He pounded on it; but couldn't go anywhere。
 Then; the outer door clanged shut behind him; sealing him into a small armor…walled box。 He was trapped。 This time it was over。
 Moments later; the guards unsealed the rear hatch。 Their stares; as pointed as their weapons; held a mixture of anger and admiration。 Duncan waited with resignation for them to gun him down。
 Instead; the hunt captain smiled without humor and said; 〃Congratulations; boy。 You made it。〃
 EXHAUSTED AND BACK in his cell; Duncan sat with his mother and father。 They ate their daily meal of bland cereals; starch…cakes; and protein chips  nutritionally satisfying yet almost maliciously made with either foul flavors or no taste whatsoever。 So far the boy hadn't been told more by his captors; just that he'd 〃made it。〃 That had to mean freedom。 He could only hope。
 The family's cell was filthy。 Though his parents tried to keep it clean; they had no brooms; mops; or soap; and very little water; which couldn't be wasted on mere sanitation。
 During the months of confinement; Duncan had undergone vigorous and violent 〃training;〃 while his family sat fearfully offstage; doing nothing with their days。 All of them had been given numbers; slave…cell addresses; and (with the exception of Duncan) nothing to do  no labor; no entertainment。 They simply awaited any change in their sentence。。。and dreaded that such a change would someday e。
 Now with excitement and pride Duncan told his mother of his adventures; how he had outwitted the pursuers; how he had been resourceful enough to defeat even the best Harkonnen trackers。 None of the other children had succeeded on this day; but Duncan was certain he'd done what was necessary to buy freedom。
 Any minute now they'd be released。 He tried to imagine his family standing together again; free; outside; looking up into a clear; starlit night。
 His father gazed proudly at the boy; but his mother found it difficult to believe that such a thing could possibly be true。 She had good reason not to trust Harkonnen promises。
 Before long; the cell lights flickered; and the opaque door field became transparent; then opened。 A group of blue…uniformed prison guards stood beside the smiling hunt captain who had chased him。 Duncan's heart leaped。 Are we going to be set free?
 He didn't like the hunt captain's smile; though。
 The uniformed men stepped aside in deference to a man with broad shoulders; thick lips; and big muscles。 His face was sunburned and ruddy; as if he had spent a great deal of time far from gloomy Giedi Prime。
 Duncan's father sprang to his feet; then bowed clumsily。 〃M'Lord Rabban!〃
 Ignoring the parents; Rabban's eyes sought out only the round…faced young trainee。 〃The captain of the hunt tells me you're the best boy;〃 he said to Duncan。 As he stepped into the cell; the guards hustled in behind him。 Rabban grinned。
 〃You should have seen him in today's exercise; m'Lord;〃 the hunt captain said。 〃Never had a more resourceful pup。〃
 Rabban nodded。 〃Number 11368; I've seen your records; watched holos of your hunts。 How are your injuries? Not too bad? You're young; so you'll heal quickly。〃 His eyes hardened。 〃Lots more fun left in you。 Let's see how you do against me。〃
 He turned about。 〃e with me for the hunt; boy。 Now。〃
 〃My name is Duncan Idaho;〃 the boy responded; in a defiant tone。 〃I'm not a number。〃 His voice was thin and high…pitched; but held a gruff bravery that shocked his parents。 Surprised; the guards turned to stare at him。 Duncan looked to his mother for support; as if hoping for some kind of challenge or reward。 Instead; she tried to hush him。
 Rabban coolly snatched a lasgun from the guard standing next to him。 Without the slightest pause; he fired a lethal blast into the chest of Duncan's father。 The man slammed against the wall。 Before his corpse could slide to the floor; Rabban shifted his weapon and incinerated the head of Duncan's mother。
 Duncan screamed。 Both of his parents tumbled to the floor; lifeless mounds of blistering; burned flesh。
 〃Now you have no name; 11368;〃 Rabban said。 〃e with me。〃
 The guards grabbed him; not even letting Duncan rush to his fallen parents。 Not even giving him time to cry。
 〃These men will have to prepare you before we can begin the next round of fun。 I need a good hunt for a change。〃
 The guards dragged Duncan; kicking and screaming; out of the noisome cell。 He felt dead inside  except for an icy flame of hatred that blossomed in his chest and burned away all vestiges of his childhood。
 The populace must think their ruler is a greater man than they; else why should they follow him? Above all a leader must be a showman; giving his people the bread and circuses they require。
 The weeks of preparation for his sojourn on Ix passed in a blur as Leto tried to drink up a year's worth of memories and store them; fixing all the images of his ancestral home in his mind。 He would miss Caladan's moist salty air; its fog…shrouded mornings; and the musical afternoon rainstorms。 How could a stark; colorless machine planet pare with this?
 Of the many palaces and vacation villas on the water…rich planet; Castle Caladan; perched high on a cliff over the sea; was the true place where Leto belonged; the main seat of government。 Someday; when he finally put on the ducal signet ring; he would be the twenty…sixth Duke Atreides to sit in the Castle。
 His mother Helena spent much time fussing over him; seeing omens in many things; and quoting passages she considered important from the Orange Catholic Bible。 She was distressed to be losing her son for a year; but would not countermand the Old Duke's orders  not in anyone's hearing; at least。 Her expression was troubled; and Leto realized it especially alarmed her that Paulus had chosen to send him to Ix; of all places。 〃It's a festering hotbed of suspect technology;〃 she said to him when her husband was gone; far out of earshot。
 〃Are you sure you aren't just reacting becaus
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