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 〃I hope not; but I'd like you to uncover the truth。 In essence; I'm making you my Imperial Spice Czar; secretly overseeing the melange operations on Arrakis as well as the progress of our synthetic…spice experiments on Xuttah。 You'll shuttle back and forth between those planets and the Imperial Palace。 You will transmit only coded messages; and only to me。〃
 As the magnitude of the task and its repercussions sank in; Fenring felt a renewed fervor that burned away his discontent。 Yes; he did see the possibilities now。 He couldn't wait to tell Margot  with her Bene Gesserit mind; she would no doubt see additional advantages。
 〃That sounds provocative; Sire。 A challenge worthy of my particular talents。 Um…m…m…m; I might actually enjoy it。〃
 Turning back to the game; Fenring engaged the spinning interior disk and guided the floating shield…ball。 It dropped into the number 〃8〃 receptacle。 Dissatisfied; he shook his head。
 〃Too bad;〃 Shaddam said。 With a deft movement he dropped his final ball into number 〃10;〃 winning the game。
 Progress and profit require a substantial investment in personnel; equipment; and capital funding。 However; the resource most often overlooked; yet which can often provide the greatest payoff; is an investment in time。
 The Secret Workings of Ix
 Nothing left to lose。
 Nothing left at all。
 The renegade Earl and war hero once known as Dominic Vernius was dead; erased from records and removed from the bosom of the Imperium。 But the man himself lived on in different guises。 He was a person who would never give up。
 Dominic had once fought for the glory of his Emperor。 In war; he had killed thousands of enemies with fighter craft and handheld lasguns; he had also felt the blood of his victims up close when he used bladed weapons; or even his bare hands。 He fought hard; worked hard; and loved hard。
 And the payment for his lifetime's investment was dishonor; banishment; the death of his wife; the disgrace of his children。
 Despite all that; Dominic was a survivor; a man with a purpose。 He knew how to bide his time。
 Though the bitter vulture Elrood was already dead; Dominic felt no glimmer of forgiveness within him。 The power of the Imperial throne itself had brought about such abuses and such pain。 Even the new ruler Shaddam would turn out no better。。。。
 He had watched Caladan from a distance。 Rhombur and Kailea seemed safe enough; their sanctuary was holding; even without the charismatic presence of the Old Duke。 He had mourned the death of his friend Paulus Atreides; but he dared not attend the funeral or even send coded messages to the young heir Leto。
 He had; though; been sorely tempted to arrive on Kaitain during the Trial by Forfeiture。 Rhombur had foolishly left Caladan and e to the Imperial Court to lend support to his panion; though in doing so he had risked capture and summary execution。 If things had gone wrong; Dominic would have gone there and sacrificed himself to buy the life of his son。
 But that had been unnecessary。 Leto had been freed; given amnesty; impossibly forgiven  and so; too; Rhombur and Kailea。 How had it all e about? Dominic's mind was in a turmoil and his brow furrowed on his shaved…smooth head。 Shaddam himself had saved young Leto。 Shaddam Corrino IV; son of the despicable Emperor Elrood who had destroyed House Vernius; had  seemingly on a whim  dismissed the case。 Dominic suspected enormous bribes and coercion had gone into that resolution; but he couldn't imagine what a sixteen…year…old untried Duke could possibly use to blackmail the Emperor of the Known Universe。
 One risk; though; Dominic decided he had to take。 Against good judgment but blinded by grief; he had dressed in shabby clothes; tinted his skin a ruddy copper; and traveled alone to Bela Tegeuse。 Before he could go anywhere else; he felt pelled to see where his wife had been slaughtered by Elrood's Sardaukar。
 Using air and ground vehicles he searched the planet in silence; not daring to ask questions; though many reports hinted at where the massacre had taken place。 Finally he found an unmarked spot where the crops had been leveled; plowed under; and then salted so that nothing would ever grow there again。 A manor house had been burned to the ground and then covered with syncrete。 Of Shando's grave there was nothing; but he felt her presence。
 My love has been here。
 Under the dim double suns; Dominic knelt on the ruined land and wept until he lost all track of time。 And when the tears had run out of him; his heart was filled with a great; hard emptiness。
 Now he was at last ready for the next step。
 And so Dominic Vernius traveled the backwater worlds of the Imperium; gathering loyal men who had escaped from Ix  men who would prefer to work with him; no matter his goals; than drowse through quiet lives on agricultural planets; eking out mundane livings。
 He rounded up fellow officers who had fought with him during the Rebellion on Ecaz; people to whom he owed his life a dozen times over。 In searching out these men; he knew he put himself at great peril; but Dominic trusted his former rades。 Despite the large bounty that remained on his head; he knew none of them would be willing to pay the price in conscience of betraying their former mander。
 Dominic hoped that the overwhelmed new Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV would not think to track down the subtle movements and disappearances of men who had fought under Vernius back when Shaddam had barely been in his teens and not even the heir apparent to the throne。。。back in the days when Crown Prince Fafnir had been first in the line of succession。
 Many years had passed now; long enough that most of those veterans sat around talking about the glory days; convincing themselves the war and the bloodshed had been more exciting and more glorious than it really was。 About a third of them chose not to join him; but the others quietly signed on and awaited further orders。。。。
 When Shando had gone into hiding; she'd erased all records; changed her name; used unmarked credits to buy a small estate on the gloomy world of Bela Tegeuse。 Her one mistake had been in underestimating the persistence of the Emperor's Sardaukar。
 Dominic would not make his wife's mistake。 For what he had in mind; he would go where no one could see him。。。a place where he could prey upon the Landsraad and be a thorn in the Emperor's side。
 That was about the only weapon he had left。
 Ready to begin his real work; Dominic Vernius took the pilot controls of an unregistered smuggler's craft loaded with a dozen loyal men。 These rades had gathered up hoarded cash and equipment in order to join him in striking a blow for glory and honor  and perhaps vengeance along the way。
 Then he went to the Vernius family's stockpile of atomics  forbidden weapons; nevertheless held in reserve by every Great House of the Landsraad。 Absolutely restricted by the articles of the Great Convention; the Ixian atomics had been secreted away for generations; sealed on the dark side of a moonlet orbiting the fifth planet in the Alkaurops system。 The Tleilaxu vermin on Ix knew nothing of this。
 Now Dominic's smuggler ship carried enough doomsday firepower to 
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