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 Such possessions would increase her husband's standing in Arrakeen; where they would set up a private residence; many kilometers from the Harkonnen seat of power in Carthag。 This show of independence and luxury would emphasize to the Harkonnen governors and their functionaries the power of Shaddam and his omnipresent watchful eyes。
 Smiling; Fenring watched Margot go about her finishing tasks。 She was a flow of bright colors and lovely honey…blonde hair; encouraging smiles; and sharp words for anyone who moved too slowly。 What a magnificent woman! He and his new bride kept such fascinating secrets from each other; and the process of mutual discovery was proving most enjoyable。
 By nightfall they would be dispatched to the desert planet; which the natives called Dune。
 LATER IN THE day; during a relaxed hour in which neither the Emperor nor his lifelong friend would utter the apologies that needed to be said; Fenring sat at the shield…ball console; waiting for Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV to make the next move。 They sat alone in a plaz…walled retiring room at the top of one of the Palace pinnacles。 Flitter…thopters buzzed by in the distance; higher than ribbon…festooned kites and gleam…bubbles。
 Fenring hummed to himself; though he knew Shaddam hated the mannerism。 Finally; the new Emperor slid a rod through the shimmering shield at precisely the correct speed  not too fast and not too slow。 The aimed rod engaged a spinning interior disk; causing the black ball in the center of the globe to float into the air。 Focusing hard; Shaddam yanked the rod free; and the ball plunked into the number 〃9〃 receptacle。
 〃You've been practicing; Sire; hm…m…m…m?〃 Fenring said。 〃Doesn't an Emperor have more pressing duties? But you'll need to do better than that to beat me。〃
 The Emperor stared at the rod he had just used; as if it had failed him。
 〃You want to change sticks; Sire?〃 Fenring offered; in a taunting tone。 〃Something wrong with that one?〃
 Shaddam shook his head stubbornly。 〃I'll stay with this one; Hasimir  this will be our last game for some time。〃 He drew a deep breath; flaring his nostrils。 〃I told you I could handle things on my own。〃 He fumbled a bit。 〃But that doesn't mean I no longer value your advice。〃
 〃Naturally; Sire。 That's why you sent me to a dust pit populated by sandworms and unwashed barbarians。〃 Dispassionately; he stared past the shield…ball at Shaddam。 〃I think it's a grave mistake; Highness。 In these first days of your rule; you will require good; objective counsel more than ever before。 You can't handle it alone; and whom can you trust more than me?〃
 〃Well; I handled the Leto Atreides crisis rather well。 I alone avoided disaster。〃
 Delaying his turn at the shield…ball station; Fenring said; 〃I agree the result was favorable  but we still haven't learned what he knows about us and the Tleilaxu。〃
 〃I didn't want to appear overly worried。〃
 〃Um…m…ah…m…m。 Maybe you're right; but if you solved the problem; then tell me this: If not Leto; who really did fire on the Tleilaxu ships? And how?〃
 〃I'm considering alternatives。〃
 Fenring's overlarge eyes flashed。 〃Leto is incredibly popular now; perhaps even a threat to your throne one day。 Whether he engineered the crisis or not; Duke Atreides has turned it into an undeniable victory for himself and the honor of his House。 He overcame an insurmountable obstacle and behaved with marvelous grace。 The members of the Landsraad notice things like that。〃
 〃Ah yes; true; true。。。but nothing to worry about。〃
 〃I'm not so certain; Sire。 The discontent among the Houses might not have dissipated entirely; as we were led to believe。〃
 〃We do have the Bene Gesserit on our side; thanks to my wife。〃
 Fenring sniffed。 〃Whom you married at my suggestion; Sire  but just because the witches say a thing; does not make it true。 And what if the alliance isn't sufficient?〃
 〃What do you mean?〃 Shaddam slid back from the game station and impatiently motioned for Fenring to take his turn。
 〃Think about Duke Leto; how unpredictable he is。 Maybe he's setting up secret military alliances for an assault on Kaitain。 His tremendous acclaim translates into bargaining power for him; and he's obviously ambitious。 Leaders of Great Houses are eager to talk with him now。 You; on the other hand; have no such popular basis of support。〃
 〃I have my Sardaukar。〃 But creases of doubt crept into the Emperor's face。
 〃Watch your legions to make certain they aren't infiltrated。 I'm going to be away on Arrakis; and I worry about such things。 I know you said you could handle it all yourself; and I believe you。 I'm just giving you my best advice  as I always have; Sire。〃
 〃I appreciate that; Hasimir。 But I cannot believe my cousin Leto created the Heighliner crisis in order to achieve this particular end。 It was too clumsy; too risky。 He couldn't have known I'd testify for him。〃
 〃He knew you'd do something; once you learned he had secret information。〃
 Shaddam shook his head。 〃No。 The potential for failure was enormous。 He nearly lost his family's entire holdings。〃
 Fenring held out a long finger。 〃But consider the potential glory he reaped; hm…m…m…m? For proof; just look at what has happened to him in the meantime。 I doubt he could have planned it this way; but Leto's a hero now。 His people love him; all the nobles admire him  and the Tleilaxu have been made to look like whining fools。 I'd suggest; Sire  since you insist on doing this alone  that you keep a careful eye on the ambitions of House Atreides。〃
 〃Thank you for your advice; Hasimir;〃 Shaddam said; turning back to study the game console。 〃Oh; by the way; did I mention that I'm。。。promoting you?〃
 Fenring gave a quiet snort。 〃I wouldn't exactly call the Arrakis assignment a promotion。 'Imperial Observer' doesn't sound terribly exalted; does it?〃
 Shaddam smiled and raised his chin in a very Imperial gesture。 He had intended to do this all along。 〃Ah; yes。。。but how does Count Fenring sound?〃
 Fenring was taken aback。 〃You're。。。making me a Count?〃
 Shaddam nodded。 〃Count Hasimir Fenring; Imperial Observer assigned to Arrakis。 Your family fortunes are improving; my friend。 Eventually; we'll see about establishing you in the Landsraad。〃
 〃With a CHOAM directorship; as well?〃
 Shaddam laughed。 〃All in good time; Hasimir。〃
 〃That makes Margot a Countess; I presume?〃 His large eyes glittered as Shaddam nodded to him。 He tried to hold his pleasure inside; but the Emperor could see it clearly on his face。
 〃And now I'll tell you why this is such a critically important assignment; for you and for the Imperium。 Do you remember a man named Pardot Kynes  the Planetologist my father stationed there several years ago?〃
 〃Of course。〃
 〃Well; he hasn't been much help lately。 A few erratic reports; inplete and seemingly censored。 One of my spies even sent word that Kynes has grown too close to the Fremen; that he may have crossed the line and bee one of them。 Gone native。〃
 Fenring's eyebrows arched。 〃An Imperial servant mixing with that nasty; primitive brood?〃
 〃I hope not; but I'd like you to uncover the truth。 In essence; I'm making you my Imperial Spice Czar; secretly overseeing the melange operat
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