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 〃But we haven't studied the merits of the matter;〃 Shaddam protested; clearly stalling。 He had been watching the rising popularity and influence of Duke Leto Atreides。 Did this upstart have connections that extended even to the Spacing Guild? He looked around his empty gardens; wishing Fenring were with him after all; but the ferretlike man was preparing for his journey to Arrakis。 Perhaps it was a mistake to save Leto after all。
 Keeping his phraseology lean and to the point; Leto presented the noble case of the Ixians; asserting that House Vernius had never manufactured forbidden technology。 Despite their promises; the Tleilaxu had brought no case and no evidence to the governing body of the Landsraad; and had instead taken matters into their own hands in their greed to acquire the riches of Ix。 Based upon conversations he'd had with Rhombur; Leto provided a value for the fief and how much damage the Tleilaxu had caused。
 〃That sounds excessive;〃 Shaddam said; too quickly。 〃Reports from the Bene Tleilax indicate a much lower figure。〃
 He's been there himself; Leto thought; and is concealing it。 〃Of course the Tleilaxu would try to establish a low number; Sire; in order to reduce reparations; if they are ever forced to pay them。〃
 Leto went on to estimate the loss of Ixian life; and even mented on Elrood's unwarranted blood price for the death of the Lady Shando。 Then; in an emotion…filled voice; he conjectured about the desperate plight of Earl Vernius; who remained in hiding on some unknown; distant world。
 During an extended pause on his end of the conversation; Shaddam seethed。 He desperately wondered how much this brash Duke truly knew about the Tleilaxu matter。 There had been hints; nuances。。。but was he bluffing? As new Emperor; Shaddam needed to do something quickly; to keep the situation under control  but he could never afford to allow House Vernius to return to its ancestral home。 The Tleilaxu synthetic…spice research was vital and not easily moved。 The Vernius family was an unfortunate casualty  Shaddam didn't care about his father's stung pride or petty revenge  but those people could not be rescued now; as if nothing had happened。
 Finally the Emperor cleared his throat and said; 〃The best we can offer is limited amnesty。 Since Rhombur and Kailea Vernius are in your personal care; Duke Leto; we grant them our full protection and pardon。 From this day forth there shall be no price on their heads。 They are absolved of any wrongdoing。 You have my guarantee on this。〃
 Seeing a look of disbelieving exultation on the faces of the two exiled Ixians; Leto said; 〃Thank you; Sire; but what about reparations to the family fortunes?〃
 〃No reparations!〃 Shaddam said in a much sterner tone than the Guildsman managed to duplicate。 〃And no restoration of House Vernius to its position on Xuttah; formerly Ix。 Ah; yes。 The Bene Tleilax have in fact presented extensive; conclusive documentation to me; and I am satisfied as to its veracity。 For reasons of Imperial security I cannot divulge details。 You have taxed my patience enough。〃
 Irritated; Leto growled; 〃Any evidence that is denied scrutiny is no evidence at all; Sire。 It should be presented before a court。〃
 〃What about my father and other surviving members of House Vernius?〃 Rhombur said into the microphone Leto had been using。 〃Can he have your amnesty as well; wherever he is? He's not hurting anybody。〃
 Shaddam's response; directed at Leto; was swift and stinging; like the bite of a venomous serpent。 〃I've been lenient with you; Cousin  but I caution you not to press your luck。 If I weren't so favorably inclined toward you; personally; I would never have mitted myself by testifying on your behalf; nor would I have granted this impromptu audience today  or the concessions for your friends。 Amnesty for the two children; and that is all。〃
 Hearing the harsh relayed words; Leto reeled; but maintained his posure。 It was clear he could not push Shaddam further。
 〃We suggest you accept these terms while we remain in a mood to grant them;〃 Shaddam said。 〃At any moment additional evidence could be presented to me against House Vernius; causing me to judge them less kindly。〃
 Away from the voice pickup; Leto conferred with Rhombur and Kailea。 Reluctantly; the siblings leaned toward acceptance。 〃At least we've won a small victory; Leto;〃 Kailea said in her soft voice。 〃We'll have our lives; and our personal freedom  if not our heritage。 Besides; living here with you is not so terrible。 Like Rhombur always says; we can make the best of things。〃
 Rhombur put a hand on his sister's shoulder。 〃If that's good enough for Kailea; it'll be good enough for me。〃
 〃The bargain is sealed then;〃 Shaddam said; their acceptance had been sent through the Guildlink intermediaries。 〃The official papers will be prepared。〃 Then his words became like razors。 〃And I expect never to hear of this matter again。〃
 Abruptly; the Emperor ended the Guildlink; and the two separated Navigators broke their mental contact。 Leto drew both Rhombur and Kailea into a hug; knowing that at last they both were safe。
 Only fools leave witnesses。
 I am going to miss Kaitain;〃 Fenring said in an odd; somber tone。 Within the day; he was scheduled to report to Arrakis as Shaddam's Imperial Observer。 Exiled into the desert! But Margot had told him to see the opportunities。。。Fenring was good at that。 Could the Emperor have more in mind than simple punishment? Could this be turned into a powerful position after all?
 Fenring had grown up at the side of Shaddam; both of them more than two decades younger than Fafnir; the former heir apparent to the Golden Lion Throne。 With an elder Crown Prince in place and a brood of daughters by his various wives; Elrood had not expected much from the junior Prince; and on the quiet suggestion of his Bene Gesserit mother; Fenring had been allowed to attend classes with him。
 Over the years Fenring had made himself into an 〃expediter;〃 a person willing to plete necessary tasks for his friend Shaddam; no matter how unpleasant they might be  including the murder of Fafnir。 The panions shared many dark secrets; too many for them to split up now without serious repercussions。。。and both men knew it。
 Shaddam owes me; dammit!
 Given time to reconsider; the new Emperor would understand that he couldn't afford to have Fenring as an enemy; or even as a disgruntled Imperial servant。 Before long; Shaddam would summon him back from Arrakis。 It was only a matter of time。
 Somehow he would find a way to turn every circumstance to his advantage。
 Lady Margot; whom he had married in a simple ceremony three days earlier; took mand of the subchamberlains and unattached servants。 Issuing orders with every breath; she created a whirlwind of packing and shipping。 As a Bene Gesserit Sister; she had few needs and no extravagant tastes。 But understanding the importance of trappings and public appearances; she arranged to send a cargo ship full of amenities; including House Corrino clothing and furniture; Imperial tableware; fine tapestries; and linens。 Such possessions would increase her husband's standing in Arrakeen; where they would set up a priva
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