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precedented system; and one most intriguing to the Spacing Guild。 They wanted it for themselves。
 A senior tribunal member suggested the possibility of using a mentally enhanced Navigator on both ends; rather than a mere human; like C'tair Pilru。 Another questioned whether the link was more mental than technological; an enhanced connection because of the former closeness of the twins; the similarity of their brain patterns。
 Perhaps; among the vast pool of Pilots; Navigators; and Steersmen; the Guild could find others with similar mental connections。。。though it would likely be rare。 Nevertheless; despite the cost and difficulty; this method of munication was perhaps a service that could be tested; and then offered at great expense to the Emperor。
 〃You may retain your status as Pilot;〃 Grodin said; releasing him from the inquiry。
 FOR SEVERAL WEEKS after returning in triumph from Kaitain; Duke Leto Atreides and Rhombur Vernius had awaited a response from the new Emperor to their request for an Imperial audience。 Leto was prepared to board a shuttle and travel to the Imperial Palace the moment a Courier arrived with a confirmed slot in the Emperor's calendar。 He had vowed to make no mention of his bluff message; decided not to pursue the matter of a Corrino…Tleilaxu connection。。。but Shaddam IV had to be curious。
 If another week passed without a response; however; Leto would go there even without an appointment。
 Attempting to ride the momentum of his increasing stature and popularity; Leto wished to discuss amnesty and reparations for House Vernius。 He believed this would be the best chance to bring the situation to a fortuitous conclusion; but as the days passed in Imperial silence; he saw the opportunity slipping like silt through his fingertips。 Even optimistic Rhombur became agitated and frustrated; while Kailea grew more and more resigned to their limited options in life。
 Finally; in a standard munique via human Courier bearing a message cylinder; the Emperor suggested  since he had very little free time for conversation with his cousin  that they make use of a new and untried method being offered by the Spacing Guild; an instantaneous process called Guildlink。 It involved the mental connection of two Guild Navigators positioned in separate star systems; a Heighliner in orbit around Caladan and another over Kaitain could theoretically arrange a conversation involving Duke Leto Atreides and Emperor Shaddam IV
 〃At last I'll be able to speak my piece;〃 Leto said; though he had never before heard of this munication method。 Shaddam seemed anxious to try it for his own purposes; and this way no one would see him actually meeting with Duke Leto Atreides。
 Kailea's emerald eyes lit up; and she even ignored the distasteful bull's…head that hung in the dining hall。 She went to change her dress into proud Vernius colors; though it wasn't likely she would be seen in the transmission at all。 Rhombur came at the appointed hour; acpanied by Thufir Hawat。 Leto sent all the other retainers; guards; and household staff out of the room。
 The Heighliner that had brought the original Courier remained in geostationary orbit over Caladan; another already waited over Kaitain。 The sophisticated Guild Steersmen aboard each ship  separated from one another by vast distances  would use an unfathomable procedure that allowed them to stretch their minds across the void; joining thoughts to form a connection。 The Guild had tested hundreds of their Navigators before finding two that could establish a tentative direct link  through telepathy; melange…fostered prescience; or some other method; to be determined。
 Leto took a deep breath; wishing he had more time to practice his words; though he had already waited far too long。 He dared not request another delay。。。。
 From a magnificent hedge…lined arboretum at the Imperial Palace; Shaddam spoke into a tiny microphone on his chin; which transmitted to speakers in the navigation chamber of the Heighliner over his planet。 〃Can you hear me; Leto Atreides? It's a sunny morning here; and I've just returned from my morning walk。〃 He took a sip from a goblet of syrupy juice。
 As the Emperor's words reached the navigation chamber of the ship orbiting Kaitain; the Steersman in the other Heighliner over Caladan experienced them in his mind; in an echo of what his patriot had heard。 Breaking the link temporarily; the Steersman over Caladan repeated the Emperor's words into the glittering speaker globe that floated within his spice…filled chamber。 In turn; standing in the echoing dining hall of Castle Caladan; Leto heard the words over his own speaker system; distorted and slow; without the nuances of emotion。 But still; they were the Emperor's own words。
 〃I've always preferred the morning sun of Caladan; Cousin;〃 Leto responded; using the familiar form of address; trying to begin on friendly terms。 〃You should visit our humble world someday。〃
 By the time Leto said this; the Navigator above Caladan was again in Guildlink with his associate; and Leto's words were heard in the other ship; then transmitted down to Kaitain。
 〃This new munication is marvelous;〃 Shaddam said; avoiding the meat of Leto's request。 He did; however; seem to be enjoying the possibilities of Guildlink; as if it were a new toy for him。 〃Much faster than human messengers; though it'll likely be prohibitively expensive。 Ah yes; we have here the makings of another monopoly for the Guild。 Hopefully they won't charge too much for urgent messages。〃
 Receiving the words in his dining hall; Leto wondered if that message was for his benefit; or the Guild eavesdroppers。
 Shaddam coughed uneasily; sounds that were not repeated in the translation process。 〃There are so many important issues on Imperial planets; and such a shortage of time in which to address them。 I have too little time for friendships I'd like to nurture; such as yours; Cousin。 What is it you wish to talk with me about?〃
 Leto drew a sharp breath; and the hawklike features on his narrow face darkened。 〃Exalted Emperor Shaddam; we beseech you to grant amnesty to House Vernius and restore them to their rightful place in the Landsraad。 The world of Ix is economically vital and must not remain in the hands of the Tleilaxu。 They have already destroyed important manufacturing facilities and have curtailed products vital to the security of the Imperium。〃 Then he added; with just another hint of his bluff; 〃We both know what is really going on there; even now。〃
 The Tleilaxu connection again; Leto thought。 Let's see if I can make him believe I know more than I really do。 Standing beside him in the room; Prince Rhombur fixed him with a wary gaze。
 〃I cannot discuss such matters through intermediaries;〃 Shaddam said quickly。
 Leto's eyes widened at the possible mistake Shaddam had just made。 〃Are you suggesting that the Guild can't be trusted; Sire? They haul armies for the Imperium and the Great Houses; they know or suspect battle plans before they are implemented。 This Guildlink is even more secure than a face…to…face discussion in the Imperial audience chamber。〃
 〃But we haven't studied the merits of the matter;〃 Shaddam protested; clearly stalling。 He ha
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