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 Solemnly; the Crown Prince climbed the steps of the royal dais and seated himself on the throne; staring fixedly ahead。 Following time…honored procedure; the High Priest moved behind him and raised the jeweled crown high in the air。
 〃Do you; Crown Prince Shaddam Raphael Corrino IV; swear fidelity to the Holy Empire?〃
 The priest's voice carried throughout the theatre; over speakers of such high quality that everyone in the audience heard pletely natural; undistorted sounds。 The same words were transmitted around the planet of Kaitain; and would be spread throughout the Imperium。
 〃I do;〃 Shaddam said; his voice booming。
 The High Priest lowered the symbol of office onto the seated man's brow; and to the gathered dignitaries he said; 〃I give you the new Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV; may his reign shine as long as the stars!〃
 〃May his reign shine as long as the stars!〃 the audience intoned in a thunderous response。
 When Shaddam rose from the throne with the glittering crown on his head; he did so as Emperor of the Known Universe。 Thousands inside the chamber applauded and cheered him。 He looked across the audience that was a microcosm of everything he ruled; and his gaze came to rest on doe…eyed Anirul; who had moved to stand just below the dais with her honor guard and ladies…in…waiting。 The Emperor extended a hand; beckoning her。
 Harishka; Mother Superior of the Bene Gesserit; guided Anirul to Shaddam's side。 The magnificent women moved with the faultless glide…walk of the Sisterhood; as if Shaddam were a magnet drawing them into his presence。 Then ancient Harishka returned to her seat with the other Bene Gesserit。
 The priest said words over the couple; while the new Emperor slipped two diamond rings onto the marriage finger of Anirul's hand; followed by a breathtaking red soostone band that had belonged to his paternal grandmother。
 When they were pronounced Emperor and Lady; the High Priest of Dur presented them to the assemblage。 In the audience; Hasimir Fenring leaned over and whispered to Margot; 〃Shall we step forward and see if the High Priest can squeeze in another quick ceremony?〃
 She giggled; nudged him playfully。
 THAT EVENING; HEDONISM in the capital city reached a fever pitch of adrenaline; pheromones; and music。 The royal couple attended a sumptuous dinner banquet followed by a grand ball and then by a magnificent culinary orgy that made the earlier meal appear to have been no more than an appetizer。 As the newlyweds departed for the Imperial Palace; they were showered with merh…silk roses and chased by the nobles。
 Finally Emperor Shaddam IV and Lady Anirul retired to their marriage bed。 Outside their room drunken noblemen and ladies rang crystal bells and floated bright glowglobes at the windows  the traditional shivaree that would bring blessings of fertility upon the union。
 These festivities continued much as they had for millennia; going back to pre…Butlerian days; to the very roots of the Imperium。 More than a thousand expensive gifts were arrayed on the lawn of the Palace。 These offerings would be gathered by Imperial servants and distributed later to the populace; in conjunction with an additional week of festivities on Kaitain。
 After all the celebrations were plete; Shaddam would finally be able to get down to the business of ruling his Empire of a Million Worlds。
 In the final analysis; the legendary event called Leto's Gambit became the basis of the young Duke Atreides's immense popularity。 He successfully projected himself as a shining beacon of honor in a galactic sea of darkness。 To many members of the Landsraad; Leto's honesty and naivete became a symbol of honor that shamed many of the Great and Minor Houses to alter their behavior toward each other。。。for a short time; at least; until familiar old patterns reemerged。
 …Origins of House Atreides: Seeds of the Future in the Galactic Imperium; by Bronso of Ix
 Furious that his plot had failed; Baron Harkonnen raged up and down the halls of his family Keep on Giedi Prime。 He screamed demands that his personal staff find a dwarf for him to torture; he needed a creature to dominate; something he could crush entirely。
 When Yh'imm; one of the Baron's entertainment monitors; plained that it wasn't exactly sporting for him to persecute a man solely on the basis of his physical size; the Baron ordered Yh'imm's legs amputated at the knees。 In that way; the soon…to…be…shortened entertainment monitor would fit the Procrustean bill nicely。
 As the howling; pleading man was hauled away to the Harkonnen surgeons; the Baron summoned his nephew Glossu Rabban and the Mentat Piter de Vries to attend him for a vital discussion; to be held in the Baron's workroom。
 Waiting for them at a worktable spread with papers and ridulian crystal reports; the Baron boomed in his basso voice; 〃Damn the Atreides; from the boy…Duke to his bastard ancestors! I wish they'd all died in the Battle of Corrin。〃
 He whirled when de Vries entered the workroom doorway; and the Baron nearly lost his balance with suddenly clumsy muscle control。 He grasped the edge of the table to steady himself。 〃How could Leto survive that trial? He had no proof; no defense。〃 Muted glowglobes floated overhead in the room。 〃He still doesn't have a clue what really happened。〃
 The Baron's bellow echoed through the enclosure and out an open door into the halls; which were lined with polished stone and brasswork。 Rabban hurried down the corridor。 〃And damn Shaddam for his meddling! Just because he's Emperor; what gives him the right to take sides? What's in it for him?〃
 Both Rabban and de Vries hesitated at the iron…arched entrance to the workroom; not anxious to step into the maelstrom of the Baron's wrath。 The Mentat closed his eyes and rubbed his thick eyebrows; trying to think of what to say or do。 Rabban went to an alcove and poured himself a strong glass of kirana brandy。 He made slurping animal noises as he drank。
 The Baron stepped away from the table and paced the floor; his movements oddly jerky; as if he were having difficulty controlling his equilibrium。 His clothes seemed tight on him from his recent weight gains。
 〃It was supposed to start a sudden war; and after the carnage who could pick up the pieces? But somehow the damned Atreides kept everyone from killing each other。 By insisting on a risky Trial by Forfeiture  ancient rites be damned!  and his willingness to sacrifice himself just to protect his precious friends and crew; Leto Atreides has gained favorable attention in the Landsraad。 His popularity is soaring。〃
 Piter de Vries cleared his throat。 〃Perhaps; my Baron; it was a mistake to pit them against the Tleilaxu。 Nobody cares about the Tleilaxu。 It was difficult to foster a general sense of outrage among the Houses。 We never planned for this matter to e to trial。〃
 〃We made no mistakes!〃 Rabban grunted; immediately defending his uncle。 〃Do you value your life; Piter?〃
 De Vries didn't respond; nor did he show any fear。 He was a formidable fighter in his own right; with tricks and experience that could undoubtedly defeat Rabban's brawn; should it e to physical bat。
 The Baron looked at his nephew; disappointed。 You never seem 
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