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rough his; saying; 〃You'll sit with me; then?〃
 〃Yes;〃 he said with a wink; 〃and maybe a little more than that。〃
 She smiled prettily; and he thought of how difficult it would be to kill this woman。 If it ever came to that。
 EACH HOUSE MAJOR had received a dozen tickets to the double event in the Grand Theatre; while the rest of the population in the Imperium watched over planetary relays。 Everyone would talk about the details of the magnificent ceremony for at least the next decade  exactly as Shaddam intended。
 As the representative of his restored House; Duke Leto Atreides sat with his entourage in blackplaz seats in the second row; main level。 The Emperor's 〃beloved cousin〃 had maintained pretenses since the ending of the Landsraad trial; but Leto did not believe the feigned friendship would last beyond his return to Caladan  unless; of course; Shaddam intended to collect on the favor。 Beware of what you buy; the Old Duke had said; for there may be hidden costs。
 Thufir Hawat sat on Leto's right and a proud and effusive Rhombur Vernius on his left。 On the other side of Rhombur sat his sister Kailea; who had joined the delegation after Leto was freed。 She had rushed to Kaitain to see the coronation and to stand beside her brother  her emerald eyes dazzled with every fresh sight。 Not a moment went by without Kailea gasping or exclaiming in delight at some new marvel。 Leto's heart warmed to see such utter joy in her; the first he'd noticed since their flight from Ix。
 While Rhombur wore Vernius purple and copper; Kailea chose to drape her creamy shoulders with an Atreides cloak sporting red hawk armorial crests; like Leto's。 Clutching his forearm and letting him escort her to their seats; Kailea told him with a soft smile; 〃I chose these colors out of respect for the host who granted us sanctuary; and to memorate the restored fortunes of House Atreides。〃 She kissed him on the cheek。
 Since the matter of the death sentence on House Vernius still hung like a thick cloud on the horizon; the siblings attended the festivities at considerable personal risk。 In the present atmosphere of celebration; however; Thufir Hawat surmised that they were probably safe; provided they didn't overstay their wele。 When Leto first heard this; he laughed。 〃Thufir; do Mentats ever provide guarantees?〃 Hawat did not find this amusing。
 Though the coronation and Imperial wedding were among the safest places in the universe because of the intense public attention; Leto doubted that Dominic Vernius would show his face。 Even now; after vindictive Elrood's death; Rhombur's father had not ventured out of hiding; had not sent them any sort of message whatsoever。
 Across the rear of the cavernous theatre; on both the main and upper levels; sat representatives of Houses Minor and various factions among CHOAM; the Spacing Guild; the Mentats; the Suk doctors; and other power bases scattered across the million worlds。 House Harkonnen had their own segregated section in an upper balcony; the Baron; attending without his nephew Rabban; refused even to glance in the direction of the Atreides seats。
 〃The colors; the sounds; the perfumes  it's making me dizzy;〃 Kailea said; drawing a deep breath and leaning closer to Leto。 〃I've never seen anything like this  on Ix; or on Caladan。〃
 Leto said; 〃No one in the Imperium has seen anything like this in almost a hundred and forty years。〃
 In the first row; directly in front of the Atreides; sat a contingent of Bene Gesserit women in identical black robes; including withered Mother Superior Harishka。 On the other side of the aisle from the quiet and manipulative women stood fully armed Sardaukar in ceremonial uniforms。
 The Bene Gesserit delegation greeted fresh…faced Reverend Mother Anirul; the Empress…to…be; as she passed the group; acpanied by a large honor guard and garishly dressed ladies…in…waiting。 Rhombur searched for the stunning blonde woman who'd given him the mysterious message cube; and found her sitting with Hasimir Fenring instead of with the other Sisters。
 An air of expectation filled the high…ceilinged; tiered facility。 Finally; a hush fell over the Grand Theatre; and everyone stood respectfully; holding their hats and caps。
 Crown Prince Shaddam; attired in a formal Sardaukar mander's uniform with silver epaulets and the Golden Lion crest of House Corrino; marched down the aisle on a carpet of velvet and damask。 His red hair was pomaded with glitter。 Members of his royal Court followed him; all of them wearing scarlet and gold。
 Bringing up the rear was the green…robed High Priest of Dur; who had by tradition crowned every Emperor since the fall of the thinking machines。 Despite the varying fortunes of his ancient religion; the High Priest proudly sprinkled the iron…red holy dust of Dur right and left onto the audience。
 Seeing Shaddam's stately pace and how smartly uniformed he was; Leto recalled when the Crown Prince had marched up another aisle only days earlier to testify on his behalf。 In a way; it seemed to him that his royal cousin had looked even more regal then; swathed in the fine silks and jewels of an Emperor。 Now he looked more like a soldier  the mander in chief of all Imperial forces。
 〃An obvious political move;〃 Hawat said; leaning over to mutter in his ear。 〃Do you notice? Shaddam is letting the Sardaukar know that their new Emperor considers himself a member of their organization; that they are important to his reign。〃
 Leto nodded; understanding this practice well。 Like his father before him; the young Duke fraternized with his men; dining with them and joining them in everyday functions to show that he would never ask his troops to do what he wouldn't do himself。
 〃Looks to me like more show than substance;〃 Rhombur said。
 〃In ruling a vast empire; there's a place for show;〃 Kailea said。 With a pang; Leto recalled the Old Duke's penchant for bullfights and other spectacles。
 Shaddam reveled in the grandeur; bathed himself in glory。 He bowed as he strutted past his future wife and the Bene Gesserit contingent。 His coronation would e first。 At the designated place; Shaddam came to a stop and turned to face the High Priest of Dur; who now held the glittering Imperial crown on a gilded pillow。
 Behind the Crown Prince; a wide curtain opened to reveal the royal dais; which had been moved here。 The massive Imperial throne; empty now; had been carved from a single piece of blue…green quartz  the largest such gem ever found; dating back to the days of Emperor Hassik III。 Hidden projectors shot fine…tuned lasers into the depths of the block of crystal; refracting a nova of rainbows。 The audience gasped at the translucent beauty of the throne。
 Indeed; there is a place for ceremony in the daily workings of the Imperium; Leto thought。 It has a unifying influence; making people feel they belong to something significant。
 Such ceremonies cemented the impression that Humanity; not Chaos; reigned over the universe。 Even a self…serving Emperor like Shaddam could do some good; Leto felt。。。and fervently hoped。
 Solemnly; the Crown Prince climbed the steps of the royal dais and seated himself on the throne; staring fixedly ahead。 Following time…honored pr
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