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s; he doubted he would have any opportunity to unravel the secret。
 Before he could advance his pleasant conversation with Margot; though; he heard thunderous crowds outside and resonating trumpets。 〃Shaddam and the royal entourage are ing;〃 Margot said with a toss of her honey…blonde hair。 〃We'd best go find our seats。〃
 Fenring knew the Crown Prince's carriage would now be entering the quadrangle containing the theatre and Imperial government buildings。 He tried to cover his disappointment。 〃But you'll be in the Bene Gesserit section; my dear。〃 He stared at her with glittering dark eyes as he dipped a piece of pheasant Kaitain into a bowl of plum sauce。 〃Would you like me to dress in one of those costumes and pretend to be in the Sisterhood?〃 He swallowed the morsel; savored its sweetness。 〃I'd do it; to be next to you; hm…m…m…m?〃
 She tapped him on the chest playfully。 〃You aren't what you appear to be; that's for certain; Hasimir Fenring。〃
 His overlarge eyes narrowed。 〃Meaning?〃
 〃Meaning。。。we have much in mon; you and I。〃 She pressed one of her soft breasts against his arm。 〃Perhaps it would be wise for the two of us to continue  and formalize  this alliance we seem to be forming。〃
 Fenring glanced around to see if anyone was eavesdropping。 He didn't like snoopers。 Leaning close to her; he spoke in a passionless voice。 〃I never intended to take a wife。 I am a genetic…eunuch and cannot father children。〃
 〃Then we may be required to make certain sacrifices; each in our own ways。 That need be nothing personal。〃 She arched her golden eyebrows。 〃Besides; I imagine you have your ways of pleasing a woman? I; too; have had extensive。。。training。〃
 A cruel smile slashed his face。 〃Ah…um…m…m…m。 Is that so? My dear Margot; it sounds as if you're presenting me with a business plan。〃
 〃And you; Hasimir; seem to be a man who prefers practicality over romanticism。 I think we're well matched;〃 she said。 〃Both of us are skilled at recognizing layered plans; the labyrinthine ways in which seemingly unrelated actions are actually connected。〃
 〃The results are often quite deadly; aren't they?〃
 She reached over with her napkin to wipe plum sauce from the side of his mouth。 〃Mmm; you need someone to take care of you。〃
 He studied her; the finishing…school way she held her chin high; the perfection and steady tempo of her speech  such a contrast to his occasional slurs and verbal hesitations。 Her gray…green eyes gazed at him without apparent concealment。 But he could see the sparkle of secrets held behind those lovely pupils。。。so many secrets。
 And he could spend years and years reveling in the challenge of uncovering them。
 Fenring reminded himself how clever these witches were; they did not take individual action。 Nothing was as it seemed。 〃You and your Sisterhood have a larger purpose in mind; Margot; my dear。 I know something of the ways of the Bene Gesserit。 You are a group organism。〃
 〃Well; I've informed the organism of what I wish to do。〃
 〃Informed them; or asked them? Or did they send you after me in the first place?〃
 The Dame of House Venette strolled by; leading a brace of small; coiffed dogs。 Her gilded dress was so voluminous that other guests had to back out of her way。 With each step; the noblewoman fixed her blank gaze forward; as if just concentrating on keeping her balance。
 Margot watched the spectacle; then turned back to Fenring。 〃There are obvious advantages to all of us; and Mother Superior Harishka has already given me her blessing。 You would gain a valuable connection with the Sisterhood; though I wouldn't necessarily tell you all of our secrets。〃 She nudged him playfully; nearly causing him to spill his plate of food。
 〃Mm…m…m…m;〃 he said; looking over the perfection of her figure; 〃and I am a key to the power of Shaddam。 He trusts no one more than me。〃
 Bemused; Margot raised her eyebrows。 〃Oh? Is that why he sent you away to Arrakis? Because you're so close to him? I'm told that you aren't happy with the new duty。〃
 〃How did you find out about that?〃 Fenring scowled; felt the unfortable sensation of losing his balance。 〃I just learned of the assignment myself two days ago。〃 This clever witch had more to say; and he waited for her。
 〃Hasimir Fenring; you must learn to use every circumstance to your advantage。 Arrakis is the key to melange; and the spice opens the universe。 Our new Emperor may think he has merely reassigned you; but in reality he has entrusted you with something vitally important。 Think of it  Imperial Observer on Arrakis。〃
 〃Yes; and the Baron Harkonnen won't like it one bit。 I suspect he's been hiding many small details all along。〃
 She graced him with a lush; full smile。 〃No one can hide such things from you; my dear。 Or me。〃
 He smiled back at her。 〃Then we can while away the miserable days ferreting out his secrets。〃
 She ran her long; thin fingers along his sleeve。 〃Arrakis is a most difficult place in which to live; but。。。perhaps you would enjoy it more in my pany?〃
 He grew wary; as was his nature。 Though the crowd was filled with extravagant costumes and exotic plumage; Margot was the most beautiful woman in the entire hall。 〃I might。 But why would you want to go there? A horrible place; by all accounts。〃
 〃My Sisters describe it as a planet of ancient mysteries; and my spending time there would greatly increase my standing among the Bene Gesserit。 It could be an important step in my training to bee a Reverend Mother。 Use your imagination: sandworms; Fremen; spice。 It could be most interesting if you and I were to solve those mysteries together。 I'm stimulated by your panionship; Hasimir。〃
 〃I'll give your。。。proposal some thought。〃
 He was drawn to this woman physically and emotionally。。。bothersome feelings。 When he had experienced such strong emotions in the past; he had felt pelled to dismiss the attraction; get rid of it in any manner necessary。 This Sister Margot Rashino…Zea was different; though  or seemed to be。 Only time would tell。
 He'd heard stories of Bene Gesserit breeding programs; but because of his congenital deformity; the Sisterhood would not be after his genetic line; there had to be something else to it。 Obviously Margot's motives went beyond her personal feelings  if she truly had any feelings for him。 This woman had to see the opportunities in him; both for herself and for her order of Sisters。
 And Margot offered him something as well  a new avenue to power he'd never dreamed existed。 Until now; his only advantage had rested with Shaddam; his fortuitous childhood panion。 But that status had been recently damaged when the Crown Prince began behaving strangely。 Shaddam had stepped beyond his abilities; attempting to make his own decisions and think for himself。 A dangerous; foolhardy course of action; and he didn't even seem to know it yet。
 Given the circumstances; Fenring needed new contacts in powerful places。 Such as the Bene Gesserit。
 With the arrival of the Imperial carriage outside; guests began streaming into the Grand Theatre。 Fenring discarded his plate on a side table; and Margot slipped her arm through his; saying; 〃You'll sit with me; then?〃
 〃Yes;〃 he said with a wink; 〃and maybe a little mo
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