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 While the audience muttered in shock; the Tleilaxu attendees worked controls on the machine; causing hidden saw blades to whir; and electrical arcs to crackle from one long needle to another。 The ominous machine was outrageous and exaggerated  obviously by design。
 〃With this device; we will exsanguinate Duke Leto Atreides in this very courtroom; draining him of every drop of his blood。 We will flay the skin from his body; and remove his eyes for our testing and experimentation。 Every cell will be ours; for whatever purposes the Tleilaxu determine to use them。〃 He sniffed。 〃It is our right!〃
 Then the grayish little man smiled at Leto。
 Leto held steady and tried desperately not to show the disfort raging inside。 A trickle of cold sweat ran down his back。 He wanted his lawyers to say something; but they held their damnable silence。
 〃Perhaps the accused can even see an advantage to this fate;〃 the Tleilaxu spokesman suggested with a wicked grin; 〃since he has no heirs。 If he loses; there will be no more House Atreides。 With his cells; however; we have the option of resurrecting him as a ghola。〃
 To do their bidding; Leto thought; with horror。
 At the defense table; Rhombur glared defiantly at the Tleilaxu; while Thufir Hawat sat beside him like a statue。 Flanking Leto on either side; the two Elaccan attorneys scribbled notes。
 〃Enough of this showmanship;〃 boomed Lord Bain O'Garee。 〃We can decide this matter later。 Let us get on with the trial。 I want to hear what the Atreides has to say for himself。〃
 Though he fought not to show it; Leto suddenly knew he was lost。 Every person present in the hall knew his professed hatred for the Tleilaxu; his clear support of the ousted Ixian family。 He could summon character witnesses; but no one here really knew him。 He was young and untried; thrust by tragedy into his role as Duke。 The only time these members of the Landsraad had seen Leto Atreides was when he'd spoken before the Council; revealing a glimpse of his hot temper。
 Sparks crackled from the Tleilaxu vivisection and execution device; like a hungry; waiting beast。 Leto knew there would be no appeal。
 Before the first witness could be called; though; the immense brass…inlaid doors at the rear of the hall slammed open against the stone walls。 A hush fell over the courtroom; and Leto heard the crisp cadence of metal…heeled boots on the marbleite floor。
 Looking back to the grand entrance doors; he saw Crown Prince Shaddam; dressed in scarlet…and…gold Imperial fur…satins instead of his customary Sardaukar uniform。 Followed by an escort of his elite force; the soon…to…be…crowned Emperor strode forward; manding the full attention of those in the hall。 Four heavily armed men scanned the crowd in all directions; every muscle poised for violence。
 The Trial by Forfeiture was already highly unusual for the Landsraad court  but the appearance of the future Padishah Emperor himself was unprecedented。
 Shaddam made his way up the long aisle and passed Leto with hardly a glance。 The Sardaukar took positions behind the defense table; increasing Leto's feeling of uneasiness。
 Shaddam's face was stony; his upper lip slightly twisted。 He gave no sign of his intentions。 Did my message offend him? Leto wondered。 Does he mean to call my bluff? WILL he crush me here in the hall before all the Landsraad? Who could oppose him if he did?
 Reaching the towering bench; Shaddam looked up and announced; 〃Before this trial actually begins; I have a statement to make。 Will the court recognize me at this time?〃
 Though Leto didn't trust his distaff cousin; he had to admit that Shaddam looked especially regal and elegant。 For the first time; he saw this man as a genuine presence in his own right; not just the shadow of his ancient father Elrood。 Shaddam's coronation was set for two days hence; to be followed immediately by his magnificent wedding to Anirul  events that Leto might never live to see。 The powerful Bene Gesserit faction had thrown its support to Shaddam's uping reign; and all of the Great and Minor Houses of the Landsraad wanted to stay on his good side。
 Does he feel threatened by me?
 The head magistrate bowed deeply and made an expansive gesture。 〃Sire; we are honored by your presence and your interest in this case。 Of course the Landsraad tribunal will hear you。〃 Leto knew only the most basic facts about this magistrate; the Baron Lar Olin from the titanium…rich planet of Risp VII。 〃Please speak。〃
 Shaddam pointed over his shoulder; in Leto's direction。 〃With the permission of the court; I'd like my cousin Leto Atreides to stand with me。 I wish to address the matter of these malicious accusations and; I hope; prevent the court from wasting the valuable time of all its members。〃
 Leto's mind raced; and he looked over at Hawat。 What is he doing? 〃Cousin〃? The way he says it; the word sounds like a term of endearment。。。but he and I have never been close。 Leto was merely the grandson of one of Elrood's daughters; by the ancient Emperor's second wife; not even Shaddam's mother。 The Corrino family tree sprawled among the Houses of the Landsraad; any blood connection should have meant little to Shaddam。
 The head magistrate nodded。 At the table beside Leto; his lawyers sat in astonishment; not knowing how to respond。 Warily; Leto levered himself to his feet。 With shaking knees; he marched forward to join the Crown Prince; standing a pace away from his side; on his left。 While of similar height and facial appearance; the men were dressed in radically different fashion; representing two social extremes。 Leto stood in his rough fisherman clothes; feeling like a dust mote in the middle of a whirlwind。
 He made a formal bow before Shaddam closed the gap between them; placing a hand on Leto's shoulder。 The fine; loosely fitted satin of the Crown Prince's tunic cascaded over the arm of the young Atreides。
 〃I speak from the heart of House Corrino; the blood of the Padishah Emperors;〃 Shaddam began; 〃with the supportive voices of all my ancestors who have ever associated with House Atreides。 This man's father; Duke Paulus Atreides; fought bravely for the Imperial cause against the rebels on Ecaz。 Through battle and high peril; the Atreides family has never to my knowledge mitted any treasonous or dishonorable act  all the way back to their heroism and sacrifice at the Bridge of Hrethgir during the Butlerian Jihad。 Never! Never have they been cowardly murderers。 I challenge any of you to disprove this。〃 He narrowed his eyes; and the magistrates looked away unfortably。
 Shaddam stared from magistrate to magistrate。 〃Who among you; knowing the histories of your Houses; can make the same claim? Who has displayed the same loyalty; the same unblemished honor? Few of us; if the truth be told; can pare with noble House Atreides。〃 He let the silence hang; disturbed only by a sharp static discharge from the ominous Tleilaxu vivisection machine。 〃Ah; yes。 And that is why we are here today; is it not; gentlemen? Truth and honor。〃
 Leto saw some of the magistrates nod in agreement; because they were expected to。 But they looked perplexed。 Imperial leaders never voluntarily addressed Landsraad courts。 Why was Shaddam involvi
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