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 Leto heaved a long sigh of relief; but Hawat cautioned him; 〃We will still hear plenty of damning testimony; my Duke。〃
 Silently; he acpanied his advisors into the crowded Landsraad courtroom。 At the head of a long aisle he took a seat between them at the defense table below a towering bench for the magistrates who would hear the case。 Ruitt whispered in his ear; but he didn't focus on her words。 Instead he closely studied the names of the assigned magistrates: seven Dukes; Barons; Earls; Counts; and Lords randomly chosen from among the Great and Minor Houses of the Landsraad。
 These men would decide his fate。
 Since the Tleilaxu belonged to no royal House and had been spurned for membership even after their takeover of Ix; they were not represented in the Landsraad。 In the days preceding the trial; outraged Bene Tleilax dignitaries had shouted in the Palace courtyards; demanding justice  but after the Tleilaxu attempt on Leto's life; Sardaukar guards had kept them silent。
 Now; with a rustle of robes and formal uniforms; the chosen magistrates filed solemnly into the courtroom。 They took seats at the curved stonewood bench that loomed over the defense table。 The colorful banners and crests of their Houses hung behind each chair。
 Having been coached by his attorneys and Thufir Hawat; Leto recognized all of them。 Two of the magistrates; Baron Terkillian Sor of IV Anbus and Lord Bain O'Garee of Hagal; had been strong economic trading partners with House Atreides。 One; the black…haired Duke Prad Vidal of Ecaz; was an avowed enemy of the Old Duke; an ally of the Harkonnens。 Another; Count Anton Miche; was reputed to be susceptible to bribery; making him easily adaptable to the needs of the Harkonnens; since neither Rhombur nor the loyal Mentat had gotten to him first。
 Two to two; he thought。 The other three magistrates could go either way。 But he detected the rank odor of betrayal in the air; he saw it in the cold expressions of the judging panel; the way they avoided making eye contact with him。 Have they already decided my guilt?
 〃We have more bad news。。。Duke Leto。〃 Bruda Viol hesitated before using his former title。 Her face was squarish and stern; but oddly passionless; as if she'd seen so much injustice and manipulation that nothing bothered her anymore。 〃We've only just discovered that one of the three undecided magistrates; Rincon of House Fazeel; lost an immense fortune to Ix in a secret trade war。 It had to do with ring…asteroid mining in the Klytemn system。 Five years ago; Rincon's advisors barely kept him from declaring a blood feud against Dominic Vernius。〃
 The other attorney nodded and lowered her voice。 〃We have heard a rumor; Monsieur Atreides; that Rincon sees your personal downfall as his only chance to get even with Ix; now that House Vernius has gone renegade。〃
 Leto broke out in a cold sweat and made a disgusted sound。 〃Does any part of this trial concern what actually happened in the Heighliner?〃
 Both Bruda Viol and Clere Ruitt looked at him as if he had uttered the most ridiculous ment imaginable。
 〃Three to two; my Duke;〃 Hawat said。 〃We must therefore win over both of the undecided judges and lose none of the tentative support we've counted on。〃
 〃It'll turn out all right;〃 Rhombur said。
 The windowless; armored courtroom had once been a ducal chancery during the construction work on Kaitain。 Its vaulted Gothic ceiling was inset with military paintings and the designs and shields of the Great Houses。 Leto focused on the red hawk crest of the Atreides among the other shields and coats of arms。 Though he tried to remain stoic; a terrible feeling of loss swept over him; a longing for what might never be again。 In a short time he had brought down everything his father had left him; and House Atreides was crashing toward ruin。
 When he felt tears welling in his eyes; he cursed himself for the momentary weakness。 All was not lost。 He could still win。 He would win! Iciness infused him; and he stemmed the threatening flow of despair。 The Landsraad was watching; and he had to be strong enough to face whatever needed to be done here。 He could ill afford despair; or any other emotion。
 Behind him; observers filed into the courtroom; speaking in low; excited tones。 Two larger tables flanked the defense table at which he sat。 His enemies took seats at the table on the left  designated representatives of the Tleilaxu; probably sponsored by the Harkonnens and other Atreides foes。 But the hated Baron and his entourage sat far back in the simple spectator seats; as if to keep their hands pletely clean of the matter。 At the other table sat allies and friends of the Atreides。 Leto nodded to each of them with a confident smile。
 But his thoughts were far from brave; and he had to admit he didn't have much of a case; even now。 The prosecutors would present the evidence of weapons fired from the Atreides bat pod; firsthand accounts of dozens of neutral parties who claimed the shots couldn't have e from anywhere but the tiny craft berthed in Leto's ship。 Even without the Tleilaxu pilot as a witness; the other observers would be sufficient。 The offsetting testimony of his panions and crew wouldn't be enough; nor would the numerous family friends who would act as character witnesses。
 〃Perhaps the denial of Truthsayers will give us sufficient grounds for an appeal;〃 Clere Ruitt suggested; but Leto took no fort from this。
 Then; through a side passage; the somber Tleilaxu prosecution team entered with their own attorneys and twisted Mentat scholars。 They came with minimal fanfare; but much clanking and motion as they brought with them a diabolical…looking machine。 It rolled in on creaking wheels with a clatter of hinges and bars。 A hush fell over the room as the spectators craned forward to get a better look at the most frightening contraption any of them had ever seen。
 This has to be intentional; Leto thought; to make me more uneasy。
 The Tleilaxu ponderously hauled the ominous machine past Leto's defense table; the gray…skinned men glared at him with fiery; dark eyes。 The audience began to buzz and whisper。 Presently the Tleilaxu team stopped; leaving their device in the center of the main speaking floor; below the curved stonewood bench of the chosen judges。
 〃What is this?〃 One of the central magistrates; Baron Terkillian Sor; leaned forward; scowling。
 The leader of the Tleilaxu team; a wiry man who had not been introduced by name; looked hatefully at Leto; then gazed up at the questioner。 〃My Lords; in all the recorded annals of Imperial Law; the specific subsections pertaining to Trial by Forfeiture are few; but clear。 'Should the accused not succeed in his legal bid; he shall lose everything he possesses; without exception。' Everything。〃
 〃I can read。〃 Terkillian Sor continued to scowl。 〃And what does this have to do with your contraption here?〃
 The Tleilaxu spokesman drew a deep breath。 〃We intend to claim not only the holdings of House Atreides; but also the actual person of the heinous criminal Duke Leto Atreides himself; down to his cells and genetic material。〃
 While the audience muttered in shock; the Tleilaxu attendees worked controls on the machine; causing h
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