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might have had something to do with poor; dear Leto's plight。 You have that。。。gloating manner about you。〃
 The Baron's nephew frowned and drew a deep breath; still defiant。 〃But I want to be there so I can look in his eyes when he receives his sentence。〃
 〃That is exactly why you must be gone。 Can't you understand? You'll give something away。〃
 With a deep breath and a grunt; Rabban finally backed down。 〃May I e to the execution at least?〃 He sounded dangerously close to pouting。
 〃It depends on the timing。〃 The Baron stared at his ring…studded fingers and tinkled their metal against the smooth surface of the sphere in his lap in his habitual rhythm。 〃At the very least I'll make sure the event is recorded for your enjoyment。〃
 The Baron got out of his chair with an effort and cinched the sash around his tighter…than…usual lounge robe。 With a sigh he circled the elaborate room on bare feet; saw the ornate bathtub with its plicated temperature and massage controls。 Since his body continued to be plagued by mysterious pains; he decided to take a long and luxurious bath  if he could find someone to serve him properly here on Kaitain。
 Rabban; still displeased; stood on the threshold of the Baron's opulent guest quarters。 〃What shall I do; then; Uncle?〃
 〃Take a lighter and board the first available Heighliner。 I want you to go to Arrakis and watch over the spice production there。 Keep adding to our profits。〃 The Baron smiled at him; then waggled his fingers to shoo the nephew away。 〃Oh; don't look so gloomy。 Go hunt a few more Fremen if you like; just to amuse yourself。 You've already done your part in this plot; and done it well。〃 He made his voice sound soothing。 〃But we have to be very careful。 Especially now。 just pay attention to what I do and try to learn from it。〃
 Grabbing something to eat from a sampling tray that hovered by the archway; Rabban departed。 Alone at last; the Baron began to contemplate how best to find a young; soft…skinned boy to tend him in his bath。 He wanted to be pletely relaxed and prepared for the following day。
 Tomorrow; he would have nothing to do but observe and enjoy the event as young Leto Atreides found himself caught in more traps than he could begin to understand。
 Soon there would be no more House Atreides at all。
 What matters more; the form of justice or the actual oute? No matter how a court may dissect the evidence; the foundation of genuine truth remains unblemished。 Unfortunately for many of the accused; such genuine truth is often known only to the victim and the perpetrator。 All others must make up their own minds。
 …Landsraad Law; codicils and analyses
 On the morning of the trial in Landsraad court; Leto Atreides chose his wardrobe carefully。 Others in the same situation might have worn their most expensive finery; the grandeur of merh…silk shirts; pendants and earrings; along with whale…fur…lined capes; and stylish caps adorned with feathers and baubles。
 Instead; Leto dressed in plain dungarees and a blue…and…white…striped shirt with a navy blue fisherman's cap  the simple garb he would have to wear if he could no longer be a Duke。 In a sash at his waist he carried a pouch of fishing lures and an empty sheath for a knife。 He wore no Atreides insignia and no ducal signet ring。 An ordinary moner  which was all he would be if found guilty  Leto showed the Landsraad by his humble demeanor that he would survive; somehow。 Even simple things would be enough for him。
 Following his father's example; he had always tried to treat his loyal men well; to such an extreme that many of the servants and soldiers considered Leto one of their number; a rade…in…arms。 Now; as he groomed himself for trial; he began to think of himself as a plain man。。。and discovered that the feeling wasn't so bad。 It made him realize the tremendous burden of responsibility he had shouldered since the death of the Old Duke。
 Being a poor fisherman might actually be a relief; in certain ways。 He wouldn't have to worry about plots; shifting alliances; and betrayals in the Imperium。 Unfortunately; though; Kailea would never want to be a fisherman's wife。
 And I cannot let my people down。
 In a curt letter from Caladan; his mother had expressed her plete disagreement with his demand for a Trial by Forfeiture。 To her; the loss of stature associated with the destruction of House Atreides would be a huge blow; even though she now (temporarily; in her mind) lived an austere life among the Sisters in Isolation。
 With the decline of House Richese; Helena had married into House Atreides as a way to stabilize her family's waning fortunes; after Emperor Elrood had withdrawn their quasi…fief of Arrakis and turned it over to the Harkonnens。
 As for Helena's dowry; House Atreides had received political power; a CHOAM directorship; Landsraad voting privileges。 But Duke Paulus had never brought his wife the fabulous riches she had wanted; and Leto knew she must harbor hopes of returning to the former glories of her family。 All of that would be forever impossible if he lost this gambit。
 After receiving the early…morning summons; Leto met his legal team in the corridor outside his cell: two brilliant Elaccan lawyers; Clere Ruitt and Bruda Viol  women renowned for their criminal…defense work。 They had been offered by the Ixian Ambassador…in…exile; Cammar Pilru; and thoroughly interviewed by Thufir Hawat。
 The attorneys wore dark business suits and would follow the legal forms; though in this unusual trial Leto knew it would be primarily up to him and his own personality。 He certainly had no hard evidence in his favor。
 Clere Ruitt handed him a thin sheet of ridulian crystal that contained a brief legal pronouncement。 〃I am sorry; Lord Leto。 This came to us only moments ago。〃
 Already feeling dread; Leto scanned the words。 Beside him; Hawat's shoulders sagged; as if he had guessed the document's contents。 Rhombur pressed close; trying to read the etchings on the crystal。 〃What is it; Leto? Let me see。〃
 〃The tribunal of magistrates has ruled that no Bene Gesserit Truthsayers may speak on my behalf。 Such testimony will not even be introduced。〃
 Rhombur sputtered in indignation。 〃Vermilion hells! But everything is admissible in a Trial by Forfeiture! They can't make such a ruling。〃
 The other Elaccan attorney shook her head; and her expression remained bland。 〃They have taken the position that the weight of all other Imperial Law argues against it。 Numerous rules and statutes explicitly forbid Truthsayer testimony。 The requirements of evidence may be loosened in a forfeiture proceeding such as this; but the magistrates have determined that even loose rules must not go too far。〃
 〃So。。。no Truthsayers。〃 Rhombur scowled; fully sullen now。 〃That was the best thing we had going for us。〃
 Leto held his head high。 〃Then we'll just have to do this on our own。〃 He looked at his friend。 〃e now; I'm not usually the one to shore up your optimism。〃
 〃On a brighter note;〃 Bruda Viol said; 〃the Tleilaxu have removed the pilot of their attacked frigate from the witness list。 They provided no explanation。〃
 Leto heaved a long sigh of relief; but Hawat cautioned him; 〃We will still hear plenty of damn
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