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 unfortably changed。 What had gone wrong? As babies had they not both sucked on the same breast when Fenring's mother had been Shaddam's wet nurse? As boys; hadn't they been tutored side by side? Had they not concocted plots and schemes together as they grew older? Why was Shaddam suddenly refusing to listen to his advice?
 Fenring leaned close to the Crown Prince's ear。 He sounded as contrite as he could be。 〃My apologies; Sire; but; hm…m…m…ah; it has。。。already been done。 I was certain of your approval; and so the notes were cleverly delivered to the appropriate representatives; asking for them to support their Emperor when it es time to call for a vote in the trial。〃
 〃You dared that? Without consulting me first?〃 Shaddam purpled with outrage and could not find his voice for some moments。 〃You just thought I'd follow your lead? In whatever schemes you might contrive?〃
 Shaddam had grown incensed; too incensed。 What else was bothering him? Fenring backed one step away from the throne。 〃Please; Sire。 You're overreacting; losing perspective。〃
 〃On the contrary; I believe I'm gaining perspective。〃 His nostrils flared。 〃You don't think I'm terribly bright; do you; Hasimir? Since we were children you've had a snide way of explaining things to me in training class; of helping me on examinations。 And you were always the faster thinker; more intelligent; more ruthless  or so you made it appear。 But; believe it or not; I can handle situations by myself。〃
 〃I've never doubted your intelligence; my friend。〃 Fenring's overlarge head bobbed on his thin neck。 〃With your standing in House Corrino; your future has always been guaranteed; but I've had to fight for my position every step of the way。 I want to be your sounding board and confidant。〃
 Shaddam sat forward on the massive crystal throne that threw sparkle…fire from the glowglobes around the chamber。 〃Ah; yes。 You thought you'd be the power behind the throne; with me as your puppet?〃
 〃Puppet? Certainly not。〃 Fenring backed another step away now。 Shaddam was terrifyingly unstable; and Fenring didn't know how he had strayed onto such uncertain ground。 He knows something I don't。 Shaddam had never questioned his friend's actions before; had never wanted to know the details of bribery and violence。 〃Hm…m…m…m。。。I have always considered how best I might help you to bee a great ruler。〃
 Shaddam rose to his feet; slow and regal; looking down his nose at the weasel…faced man who stood at the foot of the dais。 Fenring decided not to back farther away。 What does he know? What news?
 〃But; I'd never do anything at your expense; old friend。 We've; ahhhh; known each other too long。 Indeed; we share too much blood on our hands。〃 He held his hand over his heart; in the way of the Imperium。 〃I am aware of how you think; and of your。。。limitations; hm…m…m…m…ah? In fact; you're exceptionally bright。 The problem is; you often find it hard to make the difficult but necessary decisions。〃
 Shaddam climbed down from the Golden Lion Throne and stalked across the floor of polished stones from a million Imperial worlds。 〃A hard decision is needed right now; Hasimir; and it regards your service to me in the immediate future。〃
 Fenring waited; afraid of what ill…advised ideas the Crown Prince might have gotten into his head。 But he dared not argue。
 〃Know this  I won't forget the grievous breach of conduct you have mitted。 If this bribery scheme es back to bite us; your head will roll。 I would have no qualms about signing an execution order for treason。〃
 Fenring paled; and the startled look on his narrow face sent a wave of pleasure through the Crown Prince。 In Shaddam's present mood; Fenring realized that his friend just might be capable of issuing such an order。
 The fidgety man's jaw clenched; and he decided to put an end to this foolishness immediately。 〃What I've said to you about friendship is the truth; Shaddam。〃 He measured his words carefully。 〃But I'd be a fool if I hadn't taken certain precautions that could expose your involvement in certain。。。mm…m…m…m。。。shall we call them; ah。。。adventures? If anything happens to me; all will be revealed: how your father really died; the artificial…spice activities on Ix; even the assassination of Fafnir when you were a teenager。 If I hadn't poisoned your brother; he would be sitting on the throne right now; not you。 We're in lockstep; you and I。 Up or down。。。together。〃
 Shaddam looked as if he had expected to hear nothing else。 〃Ah; yes。 Very predictable; Hasimir。 You always warned me not to be predictable。〃
 Fenring had the good grace to look embarrassed。 He held his silence。
 〃You're the one who got me into this risky scheme in the first place; and who knows when we'll see any payback from our dangerous investment on Ix。〃 Shaddam's eyes flashed fire。 〃Synthetic spice; indeed! I wish we'd never allied with the Tleilaxu。 And now I'm stuck with the unpleasant aftermath。 See where your scheming has gotten us?〃
 〃Hm…m…m…m…ah; I won't be drawn into an argument with you; Shaddam。 It wouldn't be productive。 But you knew the risks from the outset; and the enormous possible gains。 Please be patient。〃
 〃Patient? At the moment we're faced with two distinct possibilities。〃 Shaddam sat back down and hunched forward on the throne; hawklike。 〃As you said; either I will be crowned; and you and I can rise to the top together  or we go down together。。。into exile or death。〃 He let his breath out in a slow whistle。 〃At the moment we're both in mortal danger; all because of your infernal spice scheme。〃
 Fenring pressed his last desperate idea; large eyes flicking from side to side in search of some escape。 〃You have had some disturbing news; Sire。 I can sense it。 Tell me what has happened。〃 Few things in the Imperial Palace or the capital city occurred without Fenring knowing about them immediately。
 Shaddam clasped his long…fingered hands together。 Fenring flushed and leaned forward; his dark eyes widening with interest。 The Crown Prince sighed in resignation。 〃The Tleilaxu sent two assassins to kill Leto Atreides in his protected cell。〃
 Fenring's heart leaped; wondering if this was good news or bad。 〃And did they succeed?〃
 〃No; no。 Our young Duke somehow managed to smuggle a weapon in and protected himself。 But this causes me great concern。〃
 Fenring hunkered down; astonished at the news。 〃That's impossible。 I thought you'd already spoken to our Tleilaxu contact and told him in no uncertain terms 〃
 〃I did;〃 Shaddam snapped。 〃But apparently you aren't the only one who no longer listens to my mands。 Either Ajidica ignored my instructions; or he has no power to control his own people。〃
 Fenring growled; happy to divert the Crown Prince's anger。 〃We need to strike back in a similar manner: Let Hidar Fen Ajidica know that he must heed all orders from his Emperor; or the price will grow much higher。〃
 Shaddam looked at him; but his eyes were weary now and no longer as warm or open as they had once been。 〃You know exactly what to do; Hasimir。〃
 Fenring seized the chance to restore himself to the Crown Prince's good graces。 〃I always do; Sire。〃 He scuttled away across the long reception hall。
 Shaddam paced the polished floor in front
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