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 Looking up at a noise; Leto saw a guard shut down the humming confinement field to let Rhombur enter。 The Ixian Prince wore a white shirt with a Vernius helix on the collar。 His face was flushed from a session in the gym; his hair wet from a shower。 On his right hand; the fire…jewel ring glinted。
 Leto thought of the similarities between his situation and his friend's; with their Houses in disarray and near annihilation。 Rhombur; who had received the temporary protection of the court; came at the same time each day。
 〃Finish your exercises?〃 Leto inquired; forcing a hearty tone despite Hawat's grim pessimism。
 〃Today I broke the physical…training machine;〃 Rhombur responded with an impish smile。 〃The device must have been built by one of those disreputable Houses Minor。 No quality control。 Certainly not good Ixian stuff。〃 Leto laughed as he and Rhombur interlocked fingertips in the half handshake of the Imperium。
 Rhombur scratched his damp; tousled blond hair。 〃The hard exercise helps me to think。 These days it's difficult enough to concentrate on anything。 Uh; my sister sends her support; by the way; via a fresh Courier from Caladan。 I thought you'd like to know。 It might cheer you up。〃
 His expression grew serious; and revealed the layered strain of his long ordeal; the subtle signs of stress and instant maturity that a boy of sixteen shouldn't have had to endure。 Leto knew his friend was concerned about where he and Kailea would end up if House Atreides lost this trial。。。two great noble families destroyed in a frighteningly short time。 Perhaps Rhombur and Kailea would go in search of their renegade father。。。。
 〃Thufir and I were just discussing the merits of our case;〃 Leto said。 〃Or as he might put it; the lack of merits。〃
 〃I wouldn't say that; my Duke;〃 Hawat protested。
 〃Well; then; I bring good news;〃 Rhombur announced。 〃The Bene Gesserit wish to provide Truthsayers at the trial。 Those Reverend Mothers can draw falsehoods out of anyone。〃
 〃Excellent;〃 Leto said。 〃They'll end this whole problem in a moment。 Once I speak; they can verify I'm telling the truth。 Can it be that simple?〃
 〃Normally a Truthsayer's testimony would be inadmissible;〃 Hawat cautioned。 〃An exception may be granted here; but it's doubtful。 Witches have their own agendas; and legal analysts posit that they can therefore be bribed。〃
 Leto blinked in surprise。 〃Bribed? Then they don't know very many Reverend Mothers。〃 He began to think more about this; though; considering various possibilities。 〃But secret agendas? Why would the Bene Gesserit make such an offer? What do they have to gain by my innocence  or my guilt; for that matter?〃
 〃Be cautious; my Duke;〃 Hawat said。
 〃It's worth a try;〃 Rhombur said。 〃Even if it isn't binding; a Truthsayer's testimony would lend weight to Leto's version of events。 You and all the people around you  including Thufir; me; the frigate crew; and even your servants from Caladan  can all be scrutinized by Truthsayers。 And we know the stories will be consistent。 They'll prove your innocence beyond a shadow of a doubt。〃 He grinned。 〃We'll be back on Caladan before you know it。〃
 Hawat; though; remained unconvinced。 〃Exactly who contacted you; young Prince? Who among the Bene Gesserit made this generous offer? And what did she ask in payment?〃
 〃She; uh; didn't ask for anything;〃 Rhombur said; surprised。
 〃Not yet; maybe;〃 Hawat said; 〃but those witches think in the long term。〃
 The Ixian Prince scratched his temple。 〃Her name is Margot。 She's in Lady Anirul's entourage; here for the Imperial wedding; I suppose。〃
 Leto drew a quick breath as an idea occurred to him。 〃A Bene Gesserit is to be married to the Emperor。 Is this Shaddam's doing; then? In response to our message?〃
 〃The Bene Gesserit aren't errand girls for anyone;〃 Hawat said。 〃They're notoriously independent。 They made this offer because they wanted to; because it benefits them somehow。〃
 〃I didn't stop to wonder why she would e to me; of all people;〃 Rhombur said。 〃But think about it: Her offer could be of no advantage to us; unless Leto is indeed innocent。〃
 〃I am!〃
 Hawat smiled at Rhombur in admiration。 〃Of course。 But now we have proof that the Bene Gesserit know Leto's telling the truth; too; else they would never have made such a suggestion。〃 He wondered what the Sisters knew; and what they hoped to gain。
 〃Unless they were testing me;〃 Leto suggested。 〃Just by accepting their Truthsayer; they'd know I wasn't lying。 If I turned them down; they'd be convinced I have something to hide。〃
 Standing by the cell wall; Hawat gazed through an armor…plaz window。 〃Be mindful that we're in a trial that is a shell only。 Prejudices exist against the Bene Gesserit as well and their arcane weirding ways。 Truthsayers might betray their oath and lie for a greater purpose。 Witchcraft; sorcery。。。Perhaps we should not be so quick to accept their help。〃
 〃You think it's a trick?〃 Leto asked。
 〃I always suspect deception;〃 the Mentat said。 His eyes flashed。 〃It's in my nature to do so。〃 He switched to Atreides hand signals and signed to Leto; 〃These witches may be on an Imperial errand after all。 What alliances are hidden from us?〃
 The worst sort of alliances are those which weaken us。 Worse still is when an Emperor fails to recognize such an alliance for what it is。
 Discourses on Leadership
 Crown Prince Shaddam did as little as possible to make the Tleilaxu representative feel fortable or wele in the Palace。 Shaddam hated even being in the same room with him; but this meeting could not be helped。 Heavily armed Sardaukar escorted Hidar Fen Ajidica through a back passageway; through maintenance corridors; down unmarked stairways; and finally behind a succession of barred doors。
 Shaddam chose the most private room; a chamber so discreet it appeared on no printed floor plans。 Long ago; a few years after the death of Crown Prince Fafnir; Hasimir Fenring had uncovered this place during his usual skulking around。 Apparently; the hidden room had been used by Elrood in the early days of his interminable reign; when he had taken numerous unofficial concubines as well as those he formally adopted into his household。
 A single table remained in the chill room; illuminated by new glowglobes dragged in for the occasion。 The walls and floor smelled of dust。 The sheets and blankets on the narrow bed against the wall were now little more than frayed fibers and lint。 An ancient bouquet; now petrified into a clump of blackened leaves and stems; lay in a corner where it had been tossed decades ago。 The place conveyed the desired impression; though Shaddam knew the Bene Tleilax were not known for their attention to subtleties。
 Across the plain table; Hidar Fen Ajidica; swathed in his maroon robes; folded his grayish hands on the wooden surface。 He blinked his close…set eyes and looked across at Shaddam。 〃You summoned me; Sire? I came from my researches at your mand。〃
 Shaddam picked at a plate of glazed slig meat one of the guards had brought him; since he'd had no time today for a formal dinner。 He savored the buttery mushroom sauce; then grudgingly nudged the platter toward Ajidica to offer his g
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