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 The written Law of the Imperium cannot be changed; no matter which Great House holds dominion or which Emperor sits on the Golden Lion Throne。 The documents of the Imperial Constitution have been established for thousands of years。 This is not to say that each regime is legally identical; the variations stem from subtleties of interpretation and from microscopic loopholes that bee large enough to drive a Heighliner through。
 …Law of the Imperium: mentaries and Rebuttals
 Leto lay supine on the sling bed in his cell; feeling the warm throb of a massage mechanism beneath him as it worked the stress…tightened muscles of his neck and back。 He still didn't know what he was going to do。
 So far he had received no response from the Crown Prince; and Leto was now convinced that his wild bluff would not work。 Relying on the secret message had been a long shot anyway; and Leto himself had no idea what it meant。 Instead; for hour after hour; he and the Mentat had continued to discuss the merits of their case and the necessity of relying on their own skills。
 Personal articles and forts surrounded him for his use during the long hours of anticipation; contemplation; and boredom: filmbooks; fine clothing; writing instruments; even Couriers waiting outside his cell to carry personal message cubes to any recipients he chose。 Everyone knew how much was at stake in this trial; and not everyone on Kaitain wanted Leto to win。
 Technically; because of the legal procedures in which he was embroiled; he no longer owned any personal items; still; he appreciated the use of them。 The filmbooks and clothing provided a sense of stability; a link with what he thought of as his 〃former life。〃 Since the mysterious attack inside the Heighliner; he had been thrown into a state of chaos。
 Leto's whole future; the fate of his House; and his holdings on Caladan hung precariously on the Trial by Forfeiture; all or nothing。 If he failed here; his Great House would be even worse off than the renegade family Vernius。 House Atreides would no longer exist  at all。
 At least then; he thought with forced wryness; I won't have to worry about negotiating an appropriate marriage to make the best Landsraad connections。 He released a deep sigh; thinking of copper…haired Kailea and her dreams for a future that would never e to pass。 If he was stripped of his titles and possessions; Leto Atreides could choose to marry her without considering dynasties and politics。。。but would she; with her dreams of Kaitain and the Imperial Court; want him if he wasn't a Duke?
 Somehow; I always manage to find advantages; Rhombur had said。 He could use a little more of his friend's optimism now。
 At the crowded blueplaz desk; deep in silent concentration; Thufir Hawat flipped through holo…pages projected in front of his eyes  a pilation of the probable evidence that would be used against Leto; as well as analyses of Landsraad law。 This information included the input of Atreides attorneys and the Mentat projections Hawat himself had made。
 The case rested entirely on circumstantial evidence; but it was highly pelling; beginning with Leto's own angry statement in front of the Landsraad Council。 He had an obvious motive; having already declared a verbal war on the Tleilaxu。
 〃It all points to my guilt; doesn't it?〃 Leto said。 He sat up in the swaying bed; and the massage unit automatically paused。
 Hawat nodded。 〃Too perfectly; my Lord。 And the evidence continues to grow worse。 The multiphase projectile launchers on our bat pods were checked during the investigation; and found to have been fired。 Quite a damning result; and it adds to the body of evidence。〃
 〃Thufir; we know the projectiles were fired。 We've reported that from the beginning。 Rhombur and I went out on skeet…drone practice before the Heighliner folded space。 Every member of our crew can testify to that。〃
 〃The magistrates may not believe us。 The explanation sounds too convenient; as if it were a concocted alibi。 They'll think we practiced in order to establish a reason for the weapons results; because we knew we would fire upon the Tleilaxu。 A simple enough trick。〃
 〃You were always good at the intricate details;〃 Leto said with a gentle smile。 〃It's your security…corps training。 You pore over everything repeatedly; searching each layer; making calculations and projections。〃
 〃That is exactly what we need right now; my Duke。〃
 〃Don't forget that we have truth on our side; Thufir; and that's a powerful ally。 Holding our heads high; we will stand before the tribunal of our peers and tell them everything that happened; and most of all what didn't happen。 They must believe us; or else centuries of Atreides honor and honesty will mean nothing。〃
 〃I wish I had your strength。。。your optimism;〃 Hawat responded。 〃You show remarkable steadiness and posure。〃 A bittersweet expression crossed his weathered face。 〃Your father taught you well。 He would be proud of you。〃 He flicked off the holoprojector; and the dancing pages of evidence disappeared in the heavy prison air。 〃So far; among the magistrates and voting members of the Landsraad jury; we do have a few who are likely to find you innocent; thanks to past allegiances。〃
 Leto smiled; but noted how uneasy his Mentat was。 He swung out of bed onto the floor。 Wearing a blue robe; Leto left his feet bare as he paced。 A chill ran up his arms; and he adjusted the temperature in the cell。 〃There'll be more believers after they listen to my statement and see the evidence。〃
 Hawat looked at Leto as if he were a mere child again。 〃One advantage we have is that most of your allies will vote to acquit you solely because they despise the Tleilaxu。 Regardless of what they think you may have done; you are of noble blood from a respected Landsraad family。 You are one of them; and they would not destroy you to reward the Bene Tleilax。 Several Houses have given us their support because of prior respect for your father。 At least one magistrate was impressed by the boldness of your initial presentation at the Landsraad Council months ago。〃
 〃But everybody still believes I did such a terrible thing?〃 He frowned dejectedly。 〃Those other reasons are incidental。〃
 〃You are unknown to them; little more than a boy; reputed to be brash and impulsive。 For now; my Duke; we must be more concerned with the verdict itself; and less with the reasons。 If you succeed; you will have many years to rebuild your reputation。〃
 〃And if I lose; it won't matter a bit。〃
 Nodding solemnly; Hawat stood like a monolith。 〃There are no set rules for conducting a Trial by Forfeiture。 It is a freestyle forum without rules of evidence or procedures; a container without contents。 Without a disclosure process; we don't have to reveal to the court what evidence we'll present  but neither does anyone else。 We can't know the lies our enemies may tell; or what exhibits they may have doctored。 We won't see ahead of time what alleged proof the Tleilaxu possess; how their main witnesses will testify。 Many ugly things will be said about House Atreides。 Prepare yourself for it。〃
 Looking up at a noise; Leto saw a guard shut down the humming confinement field to let Rhombur enter。 The Ixian Prince wore a wh
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