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 I don't see a connection。〃
 Hawat pursed his stained lips and spoke aloud in a husky whisper。 〃Maybe there isn't one。 But it might not matter; so long as we can use the information in our darkest hour。 I propose a bluff; my Duke。 A spectacular; desperate bluff。〃
 In a Trial by Forfeiture; the normal rules of evidence do not apply。 There are no disclosure requirements that evidence be revealed to the opposition or to the magistrates prior to the court proceedings。 This places the person with secret knowledge in a uniquely powerful position  mensurate with the extreme risk he takes。
 …Rogan's Rules of Evidence; 3rd Edition
 As Crown Prince Shaddam read the unexpected message cube from Leto Atreides; a wave of crimson rage tinted his face。
 〃Sire; my defense documentation includes a full disclosure of your relationship with the Tleilaxu。〃
 〃Impossible! How could he know?〃 Shouting an obscenity; Shaddam smashed the cube against the wall; chipping the indigo…veined marble。 Fenring scuttled forward to pick up the pieces; anxious to preserve the evidence and read the message for himself。 Shaddam glared at his advisor; as if this were somehow Fenring's fault。
 It was early evening; and the two of them had left the Palace to go to Fenring's private penthouse for a few moments of peace。 Now Shaddam paced the perimeter of the spacious room; with furtive Fenring following the other like a shadow。 Shaddam; though not yet formally crowned; settled onto a massive balcony chair as if it were a throne。 With royal reserve; the Crown Prince eyed his friend。 〃So; Hasimir; how do you suppose my cousin learned about the Tleilaxu? What evidence does he have?〃
 〃Hm…m…m…m; he may simply be bluffing。。。。〃
 〃Such a guess can't be pure coincidence。 We don't dare call his bluff  if it is one。 We can't risk letting the truth e out in Landsraad court。〃 Shaddam groaned。 〃I don't approve of this Trial by Forfeiture business at all。 Never did。 It shifts responsibility for the allocation of a Great House's assets away from the Imperial throne; away from me。 I think it's very bad form。〃
 〃But there's nothing you can do about it; Sire。 It's an established law; dating back to Butlerian times when House Corrino was appointed to rule the civilizations of mankind。 Take heart that in the thousands of years since; this is only the fourth time forfeiture has ever been invoked; mm…m…m…m? It seems the all…or…nothing gambit is not very popular。〃
 Shaddam continued to scowl; looking across the evening skies at the prismatic domes of the faraway Palace; his gaze distant。 〃But how could he possibly know? Who talked? What did we miss? This is a disaster!〃
 Fenring stopped at the edge of the balcony; looking out at the stars with his close…set; glittering eyes。 He dropped his voice to an ominous whisper。 〃Maybe I should pay Leto Atreides a little visit in his cell; hm…m…m…m…ah? To find out exactly what he knows and how he learned of it。 It's the most obvious solution to our little dilemma。〃
 Shaddam slouched low in the balcony chair; but it felt too hard against his back。 〃The Duke won't tell you anything。 He's got too much to lose。 He may be grasping at straws; but I've no doubt he'll carry out his threat。〃
 The huge eyes darkened。 〃When I ask questions; Shaddam; I get answers。〃 Fenring clenched his fists。 〃You should know that by now; after all I've done for you。〃
 〃That Mentat Thufir Hawat won't leave Leto's side; and he is a formidable adversary。 He's called the Master of Assassins。〃
 〃My talent; too; Shaddam。 We can find a way to separate them。 You mand it; and I shall see that it is done。〃 He revealed eagerness at the prospect of killing; with his pleasure heightened by the challenge at hand。 Fenring's eyes shone; but Shaddam cut him off。
 〃If he's as smart as he seems; Hasimir; he'll have established many guarantees for himself。 Ah; yes。 The moment Leto suspects a threat; he could announce whatever he knows  and there's no telling what sort of insurance he's set up for himself; especially if this has been his plan all along。〃
 。 。 。 full disclosure of your relationship with the Tleilaxu。。。
 A cool breeze drifted across the balcony; but he did not go back inside。 〃If word of our。。。project。。es out; the Great Houses could block me from the throne and a Landsraad attack force would be dispatched against Ix。〃
 〃They've named it Xuttah now; Sire;〃 Fenring muttered。
 〃Whatever they call it。〃
 The Crown Prince ran a hand through his pomaded reddish hair。 The Atreides prisoner's single line of text had shaken him more than the overthrow of a hundred worlds。 He wondered how much this would have disturbed old Elrood。 More than the huge revolt in the Ecaz sector early in his reign?
 Watch; and learn。
 Oh; shut up; you old vulture!
 Shaddam's brow furrowed。 〃Think on it; Hasimir  it seems almost too obvious。 Is there any chance at all that Duke Leto didn't destroy the Tleilaxu ships?〃
 Fenring ran a finger along his pointed chin。 〃I doubt that very much; Sire。 The Atreides ship was there; as confirmed by witnesses。 The weapons had been fired; and Leto has made no secret of his anger toward the Bene Tleilax。 Remember his speech at the Landsraad? He is guilty。 No one could believe otherwise。〃
 〃I'd think even a sixteen…year…old could be more subtle than that。 Why would he demand a Trial by Forfeiture; then?〃 Shaddam hated it when he couldn't understand people and their actions。 〃A ridiculous risk。〃
 Fenring let a long pause hang in the air before he dropped his idea like a bombshell。 〃Because Leto knew all along he would send you that message?〃 He gestured toward the shrapnel of the message cube。 He had to point out the obvious; since Shaddam often let his rage get the best of his reasoning faculties。 He continued quickly。
 〃Perhaps you are thinking backward; Sire。 It may be that Leto purposely struck out at the Tleilaxu; knowing he could use the incident as a pretext to demand a Trial by Forfeiture  a public forum in the Landsraad court during which he could expose what he knew about us? All the Imperium will be listening。〃
 〃But why; why?〃 Shaddam studied the well…manicured nails on his fingers; flushed with confusion。 〃What does he have against me? I am his cousin!〃
 Fenring sighed。 〃Leto Atreides is in thick with the ousted Prince of Ix。 If he learned about our hand in the overthrow there and the Tleilaxu synthetic…spice work; wouldn't that be motive enough? He inherited a deep; misplaced sense of honor from his father。 Consider this; then: Leto took it upon himself to punish the Bene Tleilax。 But if we let him stand trial now before the Landsraad; he plans to tell of our involvement and take us down with him。 It's as simple as that; hm…m…m…m? He mitted the crime; all the while knowing we would have to protect him。。。to protect ourselves。 Either way; he'll have punished us。 At least he left a way out。〃
 〃Ah; yes。 But that's 〃
 〃Blackmail; Sire?〃
 Shaddam drew an icy breath。 〃Damn him!〃 Now he stood up; looking Imperial at last。 〃Damn him! If you're right; Hasimir; we have no choice but to help him。〃
 The written Law of the Imperium cannot be changed; no matter which Great House holds dominion or which Emperor sits on 
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