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une placed in limbo。 Perhaps they'll give Caladan to the Harkonnens; Leto thought in despair; just to spite us。
 The courtech handed him a magnapen。 Leto pressed his forefinger against the soft side of the tiny inking device and signed the crystal documents in a wide; flowing script。 He felt a faint crackle of static electricity on the top sheet; or perhaps that was just his own anxiety。 The courtech added his own ID print to witness the papers。 With obvious reluctance; Hawat did the same。
 As the courtech departed in a swirl of brown…and…teal livery; Leto announced across the table; 〃I am a moner now; without title or fief。〃
 〃Only until our victory;〃 Hawat said。 With the faintest tremor in his voice; he added; 〃Regardless of the oute; you will always be my Honored Duke。〃
 The Mentat paced the length of the cell like a captive marsh panther。 He paused with his back to a tiny window that looked out on the immense flat black plain of an outbuilding to the Imperial Palace。 The morning sun flowing from behind him cast Hawat's face in shadow。
 〃I have studied the official evidence; the data taken by scanners in the Heighliner hold; and eyewitness accounts。 I agree with your attorneys that it looks very bad for you; m'Lord。 We must begin with the assumption that you did not instigate this act in any way and extrapolate from there。〃
 Leto sighed。 〃Thufir; if you don't believe me; we have no chance whatsoever in the Landsraad court。〃
 〃I take your innocence as fact。 Now; there are several possibilities; which I will list in the order of least likelihood。 First; though it is a remote possibility; the destruction of the Tleilaxu ship may have been an accident。〃
 〃We need something better than that; Thufir。 No one will believe it。〃
 〃More likely; the Tleilaxu blew up their own ship simply to incriminate you。 We know the small value they place on life。 The passengers and crew on the destroyed craft may have only been gholas; and thus expendable。 They can always grow more duplicates in their axlotl tanks。〃
 Hawat tapped his fingers together。 〃Unfortunately; the problem is lack of motive。 Would the Tleilaxu concoct such a plex and outrageous scheme merely to get petty revenge against you for harboring the children of House Vernius? What would they gain by this?〃
 〃Remember; Thufir; I did declare my clear enmity against them in the Landsraad Hall。 They see me as an enemy as well。〃
 〃I still don't think that is sufficient provocation; my Duke。 No; this is something bigger; something for which the perpetrator was willing to risk all…out war。〃 He paused; then added; 〃I am unable to determine what the Bene Tleilax could possibly gain by the embarrassment or destruction of House Atreides。 You are a peripheral enemy to them; at best。〃
 Leto wrestled with the conundrum himself; but if even the Mentat could not find a chain of associations; then a mere Duke wouldn't be able to follow such subtle threads。 〃All right; what's another possibility?〃
 〃Perhaps。。。Ixian sabotage。 The result of an Ixian renegade who sought to strike back against the Tleilaxu。 A misguided attempt to assist the exiled Dominic Vernius。 It's also possible that Dominic himself was involved; though there have been no sightings of him since he went renegade。〃
 Leto digested this information; but the practical question nagged him。 〃Sabotage? By what means?〃
 〃Difficult to say。 The gutting of the Tleilaxu ship's interior suggests a multiphase projectile。 Chemical residue analysis also confirms this。〃
 Leto leaned back in the unfortable chair。 〃But how? Who could have fired such a projectile? Let's not forget that witnesses claim to have seen shots launched from the direction of our frigate。 The Heighliner hold was empty in the vicinity。 You and I were both watching。 Ours was the only ship close enough。〃
 〃The few answers I can suggest are extremely unlikely; my Duke。 A small attack craft could have fired such a projectile; but it is not possible to hide such a vessel。 We saw nothing。 Even an individual suited up with breathing apparatus would have been noticed in the cargo hold; so that rules out shoulder…launched missiles。 Besides which; no one is allowed outside the ships during foldspace transit。〃
 〃I'm no Mentat; Thufir。。。but I smell Harkonnens in this;〃 Leto mused as he ran his finger in circles on the slick; cold surface of the blueplaz table。 He had to think; had to be strong。
 Hawat gave him a concise analysis。 〃When a foul deed occurs; three principal trails invariably lead to the responsible party: money; power; or revenge。 This incident was a setup; designed to destroy House Atreides  possibly linked to the scheme that killed your father。〃
 Leto heaved an enormous sigh。 〃Our family had a few quiet years under Dmitri Harkonnen and his son Abulurd; when the Harkonnens seemed to let us live in peace。 Now I'm afraid the old feud has resurfaced。 From what I hear; the Baron revels in it。〃
 The Mentat smiled grimly。 〃Exactly what I was considering; m'Lord。 I am absolutely baffled as to how they might have acplished such an ambush with so many other ships watching。 Proving such a conjecture in Landsraad court will be even more difficult。〃
 A guard appeared at the force…barred cell and entered; carrying a small parcel。 Without uttering a word or even looking Leto in the eyes; he placed the package on the slick table and departed。
 Hawat ran a scanner over the suspicious parcel。 〃Message cube;〃 he said。 Gesturing for Leto to stand back; the Mentat removed the wrapping to reveal a dark object。 He found no markings; no indication of the sender; yet it seemed to be important。
 Leto held up the cube; and it glowed after recognizing his thumbprint。 Words flowed across its face in synchronization with his eye movements; two sentences that spoke volumes of provocative information。
 〃Crown Prince Shaddam; like his father before him; maintains a secret and illegal alliance with the Bene Tleilax。 This information may prove valuable to your defense  if you dare use it。〃
 〃Thufir! Look at this。〃 But the words dissolved before he could shift the face of the cube toward the Mentat。 Then the message cube itself crumbled to brittle debris in his palm。 He had no idea who could have sent such a bombshell to him。 Is it possible that I have secret allies on Kaitain?
 Suddenly uneasy; even paranoid; Leto switched to Atreides hand signals; the secret language Duke Paulus had taught close members of his household。 The young man's hawklike face darkened as he recounted what he had read and asked who could have sent it。
 The Mentat considered for just a moment; then answered with his own flickering hand gestures: 〃The Tleilaxu are not known for their military prowess; but this connection might explain how they could so easily crush the Ixians and their defensive technology。 Sardaukar might secretly maintain control over the downtrodden populace underground。〃 Thufir finished: 〃Shaddam is mixed up in this somehow; and doesn't want that fact revealed。〃
 Leto's fingers flashed in inquiry: 〃But what does that have to do with the attack inside the Heighliner? I don't see a connection。〃
 Hawat pursed his stained lips and spoke aloud in a husky whisper。 〃Ma
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