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ill remain here; nowhere。〃
 Leto thought of bluffing; threatening to fire lasguns at his own shields to cause the dreadful atomic interaction that would leave the gigantic Heighliner nothing but bits of molten flotsam。 Instead; he tried to be reasonable。 〃What is the point in further argument? I have surrendered; and will submit myself to the Landsraad on Kaitain for a Trial by Forfeiture。 I am merely trying to prevent a full…scale war over a mistaken assumption。 We did not mit this crime。 We are prepared to face the accusations and the consequences if we are found guilty。〃
 The line went dead; then crackled back on。 〃Spacing Guild agrees to conditions。 I guarantee safety of ship and crew。〃
 〃Know this; then;〃 Leto said。 〃Under the rules of Trial by Forfeiture; I; Duke Leto Atreides; intend to give up all legal rights to my fief and will place myself at the mercy of the tribunal。 No other member of my House may be subjected to arrest or to any legal proceeding。 Do you acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Landsraad in this matter?〃
 〃I do;〃 the Navigator assured him; in a firmer tone; more accustomed to speaking now。
 Finally; still nervous; Leto switched off the frigate's shields and sagged into his chair; trembling。 The other ships in the immense hold powered down their weapons; though the tempers of their crews continued to flare。
 Now the real battle would begin。
 In the long history of our House; we have been constantly shadowed by Misfortune; as if we were its prey。 One might almost believe the curse of Atreus from ancient Greek times on Old Terra。
 from a speech to his generals
 On the prism…lined promenade of the Imperial Palace; the Crown Prince's new fiancee Anirul and her panion Margot Rashino…Zea strode past three young women; members of the Imperial Court。 The showpiece city extended all the way to the horizon; and massive works filled the streets and buildings; colorful preparations for the uping spectacular coronation ceremony and the Emperor's wedding。
 The trio of young Court women chattered excitedly; barely able to move in their stuffed gowns; sparkling ornamental feathers; and kilograms of gaudy jewelry。 But now they fell silent as the black…robed Bene Gesserit drew near。
 〃Just a moment; Margot。〃 Pausing in front of the elaborately coiffed women; Anirul snapped with the barest hint of Voice; 〃Don't waste your time gossiping。 Do something productive for a change。 We have much to prepare before all the representatives arrive。〃
 One of the young women; a dark…haired beauty; glared for a moment with large brown eyes; but then had second thoughts。 Her manner took on a conciliatory expression and tone。 〃You are right; Lady;〃 she said; and abruptly led her panions down the promenade toward a wide; arched doorway of pitted Salusan lava rock that led to the Ambassadors' apartments。
 Exchanging smiles with the secret Kwisatz Mother; Margot quipped; 〃But aren't Imperial Courts about gossiping; Anirul? Isn't that their primary business? The ladies were performing their duties admirably; I'd say。〃
 Anirul glowered; looking much older than her young features。 〃I should have given them explicit instructions。 Those women are merely decorations; like the jeweled fountains。 They don't have the slightest idea how to be productive。〃
 After her years on Wallach IX; knowing through her Other Memory just how much the Bene Gesserit had acplished over the landscape of Imperial history; she considered human lives precious; each one a tiny spark in the bonfire of eternity。 But such courtesans aspired to be no more than。。。than morsels for the appetites of powerful men。
 In reality; Anirul had no jurisdiction over such women; not even as the Crown Prince's future wife。 Margot placed a soft hand on her forearm。 〃Anirul; you must be less impulsive。 Mother Superior recognizes your talent and skill; but says you must be tempered。 All successful life…forms adapt to their surroundings。 You are now at the Imperial Court; so adapt to your new environment。 We Bene Gesserit must work invisibly。〃
 Anirul gave her a wry smile。 〃I always considered my outspokenness to be one of my primary strengths。 Mother Superior Harishka knows that。 It enables me to discuss matters of interest and to learn things I might not have learned otherwise。〃
 〃If others are capable of listening。〃 Margot raised her pale eyebrows on her flawless forehead。
 Anirul continued down the promenade; head held high; like an Empress。 Precious gems glittered in a headpiece that covered her bronze hair like a spiderweb。 She knew the courtesans gossiped about her; wondering what secret tasks the Bene Gesserit witches were performing at Court; what spells they had woven to lure Shaddam。 Ah; if they only knew。 Their gossip and speculations would only serve to enhance Anirul's mystique。
 〃It seems that we have things to whisper about; ourselves;〃 she said。
 Margot brushed a lock of honey…blonde hair out of her eyes。 〃Of course。 Mohiam's child?〃
 〃And the Atreides matter as well。〃
 Anirul drew a deep breath from a hedge of sapphire roses as they reached a patio garden。 The sweet perfume awakened her senses。 She and Margot sat together on a bench; where they could observe anyone approaching; though they spoke in directed whispers; secure from any spies。
 〃What can the Atreides have to do with Mohiam's daughter?〃 As one of the Bene Gesserit's most acplished operatives; Sister Margot possessed inner…circle details on the next stage of the Kwisatz Haderach program; and now Mohiam herself had been briefed as well。
 〃Think in the long term; Margot; think of genetic patterns; of the ladder of generations we have plotted。 Duke Leto Atreides lies imprisoned; in peril of his life and title。 He may seem to be an insignificant noble of an unimpressive Great House。 But have you considered what a disaster this situation could be for us?〃
 Margot took a deep breath as pieces fell into place for her。 〃Duke Leto? You don't mean he is needed for。。。〃 She couldn't utter the most secret of names; Kwisatz Haderach。
 〃We must have Atreides genes in the next generation!〃 Anirul said; echoing the agitated voices in her head。 〃People are afraid to support Leto in this matter; and we all know why。 Some of the key magistrates can be made sympathetic to his cause for political reasons; but no one truly believes in Leto's innocence。 Why would the young fool do such an unwise thing? It goes beyond prehension。〃
 Margot shook her head sadly。
 〃Although Shaddam has publicly expressed his neutrality; he speaks against House Atreides in private。 He certainly doesn't believe in Leto's innocence;〃 Anirul said。 〃Yet there could be more to it。 The Crown Prince may have some relationship with the Tleilaxu; something he isn't revealing to anyone。 Do you think it possible?〃
 〃Hasimir has said nothing to me of it。〃 Margot realized she had used the familiar name; and smiled back at her panion。 〃And he does share some secrets with me。 In time; your man will share them with you as well。〃
 Anirul frowned; thinking of Shaddam and Fenring with their never…ending schemes; like games of politics。 〃So; they're up to something。 Together。 Maybe Leto's fate is p
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