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 at Kaitain。 By then; it would be far too late。
 Rabban hoped this would be more like a tavern brawl; he and his friends often marched into drinking establishments in outlying Giedi Prime villages and stirred up trouble; cracked open a few heads; and had a fine old time。
 A control…panel screen in the no…ship showed him a graphic of the immense cargo hold; with a gray dot representing each ship。 The dots changed to orange as the ships of various Houses Major powered up their weapons; prepared to defend themselves in what would bee an all…out brush war。
 Feeling like an unseen mouse on the floor of a crowded dance hall; Rabban piloted the no…ship behind a Harkonnen freighter; around to where no one in any other craft could see the Harkonnen ship open a hatch and allow the guerrilla craft inside。
 Within the safety of the mother ship; Rabban switched off the no…field; making the attack craft visible to the Harkonnen crew。 His hatch opened; and he stepped forth onto the platform; wiping sweat from his forehead。 His eyes sparkled with excitement。 〃Have the other ships started shooting yet?〃
 Klaxons sounded。 Panicky conversation spat out of the system like shrapnel from a maula pistol。 Frantic voices in Imperial Galach and battle code sounds spilled over from the crowded links inside the Heighliner: 〃The Atreides have declared war on the Tleilaxu! Weapons fired!〃
 Smug about his successful attack; Rabban shouted to the crew; 〃Activate our frigate's weapons array。 Make sure no one fires on us  those Atreides are ruthless; you know。〃 He chuckled。
 Cargo…handling equipment gripped the small craft; then lowered it into a space between false bulkheads。 Panels snicked shut over the opening; which even Guild scanners could not detect。 Of course no one would search for the craft anyway; since there was no such thing as an invisible ship。
 〃Defend yourselves!〃 another pilot shouted over the system。
 A Tleilaxu whine ensued。 〃We give notice that we intend to fire back。 We are well within our rights。 No provocation。。。blatant disregard for Guild rules。〃
 Another voice; coarse and deep: 〃But the Atreides frigate shows no weapons。 Maybe they were not the aggressors。〃
 〃A trick!〃 the Tleilaxu screeched。 〃One of our ships is destroyed; another severely damaged。 Can you not see with your own eyes? House Atreides must pay。〃
 Perfect; Rabban thought; admiring his uncle's plan。 From this crux point; several events could occur; and the plan would still work。 Duke Leto was known to be impetuous; and everyone now believed he had mitted a heinous and cowardly act。 With any luck; his ship would be destroyed in a retaliatory attack; and the Atreides name would go down in infamy for Leto's treacherous deed。
 Or this could just be the beginning of along and bloody feud between House Atreides and the Tleilaxu。
 In either case; Leto would never be able to untangle himself。
 ON THE MAND bridge of the Atreides frigate; Duke Leto struggled to calm himself。 Because he knew his ship had not fired; it took him some seconds even to understand the accusations being shouted at him。
 〃The shots came from very nearby; my Duke;〃 Hawat said; 〃from right under our bow。〃
 〃So that was no accident?〃 Leto said; as a dismal feeling came over him。 The destroyed Tleilaxu ship still glowed orange; while the pilot of the other vessel continued to scream at him。
 〃Vermilion hells! Somebody actually fired on the Bene Tleilax;〃 Rhombur said; peering out the armor…plaz porthole。 〃And it's about time; if you ask me。〃
 Leto heard the cacophony of radio traffic; including the outraged Tleilaxu distress calls。 At first he wondered if he should offer assistance to the damaged ships。 Then the Tleilaxu pilot started howling the Atreides name and demanding his blood。
 He noted the burned…out hull of the destroyed Tleilaxu craft  and saw the guns on its wounded panion swiveling toward him。 〃Thufir! What's he doing?〃
 The open link blared a furious debate between the Tleilaxu and those who refused to believe in Atreides culpability。 Increasingly; voices supported the Tleilaxu position。 Some claimed to have seen what happened; claimed to have witnessed the Atreides ship firing upon the Tleilaxu。 A dangerous momentum was building。
 〃Vermilion hells; they think you did it; Leto!〃 Rhombur said。
 Hawat had already dashed to the defensive panel。 〃The Tleilaxu have powered up weapons for a counterstrike against you; my Duke。〃
 Leto ran for the system and threw open a channel。 In only a few seconds his thoughts accelerated and pressed in a manner that astonished him; for he was not a Mentat capable of advanced reasoning powers。 It was like dream…pression; he realized。。。or the incredible array of visions that reportedly flashed across a person's mind when faced with imminent death。 That's a grim thought。 He had to see a way out of this。
 〃Attention!〃 he shouted into the voice pickup。 〃This is Duke Leto Atreides。 We did not fire upon the Tleilaxu ships。 I deny all accusations。〃
 He knew they would not believe him; would not cool down soon enough to avoid an eruption of open hostilities that could result in a full…scale war。 And in a flash he knew what else he had to do。
 Faces from his past scrolled across his mind; and he locked on to a memory of his paternal grandfather Kean Atreides gazing at him with expectation; his face a crease…map of his life experiences。 Gentle gray eyes like his own held a disarming strength that his enemies often overlooked; to their great peril。
 If only I can be as strong as my ancestors。。。。
 〃Do not fire;〃 he said; addressing the Tleilaxu pilot and hoping all the other captains would listen。
 Another image took shape in his mind: his father; the Old Duke; with green eyes and the same expression; but on a face that was Leto's age now; in his teens。 In a microflash; more images appeared: his Richesian uncles; aunts; and cousins; the loyal servants; domestic; governmental; and military。 All of them carried the same blank expression; as if they were one multiplexed organism; studying him from different perspectives; waiting to make a judgment about him。 He saw no love; approval; or disrespect in their faces  just a nothingness; as if he had truly mitted a heinous act and no longer existed。
 The sneering face of his mother appeared; faded。
 Don't trust anyone; he thought。
 A feeling of despondency settled over Leto; followed by extreme; bitter loneliness。 Deep inside himself; in a lifeless and bleak place; Leto saw his own emotionless gray eyes; staring back at himself。 It was cold here; and he shivered。
 〃Leadership is a lonely task。〃
 Would the Atreides lineage stop here with him at this nexus…moment; or would he father children whose voices would be added to those of all the Atreides since the days of the ancient Greeks? He listened for his children in the cacophony; but did not sense their presence。
 The accusing eyes did not waver。
 Leto spoke the words to himself。 Government is a protective partnership; the people are in your care; to thrive or die based upon your decisions。
 The images and sounds faded; and his mind became a quiet; dark place。
 Barely a second had passed in his tension…spawned mental
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