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ng a vital function; an act upon which the future of House Harkonnen depended。 The Baron had picked him for this mission; and he vowed to do it well。 He certainly didn't want to be sent back home to his father。
 Rabban maneuvered the ship into place slowly; gently  no hurry; now。 He had the entire transspace voyage in which to start a war。
 With the no…field around his attack craft; he felt like a hunter concealed in a blind。 This was a different kind of hunting; though; requiring more sophistication than blowing up sandworms on Arrakis; more finesse than chasing children in the Harkonnen forest preserve。 Here; his trophy would be a change in Imperial politics。 In the end he would hang the trophies of greater power and fortunes for House Harkonnen on his wall; stuffed and mounted。
 The invisible attack craft approached the Atreides frigate; almost close enough to touch。
 Noiselessly; Rabban powered up his weapons systems; making sure his full array of multiphase projectiles was ready to launch。 He would rely on manual targeting in a case like this。
 At point…blank range; he couldn't possibly miss。
 Rabban turned his no…ship; pointing the gunports toward two nearby vessels; Tleilaxu transports that had; through a substantial Harkonnen bribe paid to the Guild; been ordered to park adjacent to the Atreides frigate。
 Bound from Tleilax Seven; the ships undoubtedly carried genetic products; the specialty of the Bene Tleilax。 Each ship would be manded by Tleilaxu Masters; with a crew of Face Dancers; their shape…shifting servants。 The cargo might be slig meat; animal grafts; or a few of those abominable gholas  clones grown from the flesh of dead humans; copies nurtured in axlotl tanks so that bereaved families could once again see fallen loved ones。 Such products carried high price tags and made the gnomelike Tleilaxu extremely wealthy; despite the fact that they undoubtedly would never be granted Great House status。
 This was perfect! With all the Landsraad listening; young Duke Leto Atreides had declared his vendetta against the Tleilaxu; swearing vengeance for what they had done to House Vernius。 Leto had not been circumspect with regard to the statements he'd made on the record。 Everyone knew how much he must hate the occupants of these Tleilaxu ships。
 As a bonus; the renegade Rhombur Vernius was at this very moment aboard the Atreides frigate; yet another person to be caught in the Harkonnen web; yet another victim in what would soon be a bloody Atreides…Tleilaxu war。
 The Landsraad would accuse Duke Leto of being a hothead  brash; impetuous; and violent; pushed to ill…advised acts by his misplaced Ixian friendships and his inconsolable grief over the death of his father。 Poor; poor Leto; so inadequately trained to cope with the pressures bearing down on him。
 Rabban knew full well what conclusions the Landsraad and the Imperium would draw; because his uncle and the twisted Mentat had explained it to him in detail。
 Hovering immediately in front of the Atreides frigate; invisible and cloaked in anonymity; Rabban targeted the nearby Tleilaxu ships。 With a smile on his generous lips; he reached for the controls。
 And opened fire。
 Tio Holtzman was one of the most productive Ixian inventors on record。 He often went on creative binges; locking himself up for months on end so that he could work without interruption。 Sometimes upon emerging he required hospitalization; and there were constant concerns over his sanity and well…being。 Holtzman died young  barely past thirty Standard Years  but the results of his efforts changed the galaxy forever。
 …Biographical Capsules; an Imperial filmbook
 When Rabban departed from the Harkonnen frigate; full of his important duty; the Baron sat in a high observation chair; looking out into the enormous Heighliner hold。 The Navigator had already initiated the engines; sent the gigantic craft through foldspace。 The smaller ships sat arrayed like so much cordwood; unaware of the fire that was rushing toward them。。。。
 Even knowing where to look; he couldn't see the invisible ship; of course。 But the Baron glanced at his chronometer; knew the time was approaching。 He stared out at the unsuspecting Atreides frigate; silent and arrogant in its assigned berth; and kept his eyes on the nearby Tleilaxu craft。 Tapping his fingertips on the arm of the chair; he watched and waited。
 Long minutes passed。
 Planning the attack; Baron Harkonnen had wanted Rabban to use a lasgun on the doomed Tleilaxu ships  but Chobyn; the Richesian designer of the experimental craft; had left a murky warning scrawled in his notes。 The new no…field had some relationship with the original Holtzman Effect that formed the foundation for shields。 Every child knew that when a lasgun beam struck a shield; the resulting explosion resembled an atomic detonation。
 The Baron didn't dare take that risk; and since the Richesian inventor had already been disposed of; they couldn't ask further questions。 Perhaps he should have thought of that ahead of time。
 No matter。 Lasguns weren't needed to damage the Tleilaxu vessels anyway; since ships transported in a Heighliner hold were prohibited from activating their shields。 Instead; multiphase projectiles  the high…powered artillery shells remended by the Great Convention to restrict collateral damage  would do the job。 Such shells penetrated the fuselage of a target craft and destroyed the interior of the vessel in a controlled detonation; after which the phased secondary and tertiary explosions snuffed onboard fires and saved the remains of the fuselage。 His nephew hadn't understood the technical details of the attack; Rabban only knew how to aim and fire the weapons。 That was all he needed to know。
 Finally the Baron saw a tiny burst of yellow…and…white fire; and two deadly multiphase projectiles streaked out; as if fired from the front of the Atreides frigate。 The projectiles shot like gobbets of viscous flame; then impacted。 The doomed Tleilaxu transport vessels shuddered and glowed bright red inside。
 Oh; how the Baron hoped other ships had been watching this!
 A direct hit on one ship left it a hollow; incinerated hull in only a few seconds。 By design; the other projectile hit the tail section of the second Tleilaxu ship; disabling it without killing everyone aboard。 This would give the victims an excellent opportunity to fire back at the Atreides aggressors。 Then things would escalate nicely。
 〃Good。〃 The Baron smiled; as if he could speak directly to the frantic Tleilaxu crew。 〃Now you know what to do。 Follow your instincts。〃
 AFTER LAUNCHING THE projectiles; Rabban's no…ship darted away; passing between parked frigates that loomed high overhead。
 On an emergency frequency; he heard the damaged Tleilaxu ship transmit urgent distress messages: 〃Peaceful Bene Tleilax transports attacked by Atreides frigate! Violation of Guild law。 Assistance urgently requested!〃
 At that moment; the Guild Heighliner was nowhere  in transit between dimensions。 They could expect neither retaliation nor enforcement until they emerged from foldspace and arrived at Kaitain。 By then; it would be far too late。
 Rabban hoped this would be more like a tavern bra
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