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 for the latter。
 As Duke; he knew that flying in the face of Court politics was unwise。 But his heart told him to gamble when the stakes were important enough; when he was on the side of righteousness  where he always intended to be。 The Old Duke had taught him no less。
 His father had shown him that a gambit filled with bravado often paid off far more substantially than a conservative and unimaginative plan。。。so why not this? Would the Old Duke have done something similar; or would he; guided by his wife; have taken a safer course? Leto had no answer for that; but was thankful that he didn't have anyone like the stern and inflexible Lady Helena getting in his way now。 When he decided to marry; it would never be to anyone like her。
 He had sent a formal Courier to the Sisters in Isolation pound on the Eastern Continent; notifying his mother that he and Rhombur would journey to Kaitain。 He didn't delineate their plan or ment on the obvious risk involved; but he wanted her to be prepared for the worst。 With no other heirs; Lady Helena would bee the ruler of House Atreides should things go wrong; should Leto find himself executed or 〃accidentally〃 killed。 Though he knew she had instigated the murder of his father; he had no choice in this circumstance。 It was a matter of form。
 The final pieces of Atreides luggage and trunks were loaded aboard; and within seconds the big frigate leaped into the gray…locked skies of Caladan。 This would be different from his previous trips  the future of Rhombur's bloodline hung in the balance。。。and perhaps his own as well。
 With all the ceremonial fanfare; Leto was fortunate to have been granted an Imperial audience four days after the coronation。 At that time he and Rhombur would make a formal petition to Shaddam; stating their case and throwing themselves on his mercy。
 In the glorious first days of his regime; would the new Padishah Emperor risk casting a dark pall upon the festivities by renewing a sentence of death? Many Houses still saw omens in every action; and Shaddam was rumored to be as superstitious as any of them。 This omen would be clear enough。 By his own decision; Shaddam would establish the tenor of his reign。 Would the Emperor want to begin by denying justice? Leto hoped not。
 The ducal frigate took its assigned position inside the Heighliner's cavernous but crowded cargo bay。 Nearby; shuttles full of passengers moved delicately into position; along with transports and cargo ships filled with the trading goods of Caladan: pundi rice; medicinals from processed kelp; handmade tapestries; and preserved fish products。 Privately owned lighters were still loading merchandise into the hold; ferrying up from the surface to the Heighliner。 This huge Guild ship had gone from world to world on its roundabout route to Kaitain; and the province…sized cargo bay was dotted with ships from other worlds in the Imperium; all on their way to the coronation。
 While they waited; Thufir Hawat looked at the chronometer mounted on a bulkhead of the frigate。 〃We still have three hours before the Heighliner pletes loading and unloading and is ready to depart。 I suggest we use this time for training; m'Lord。〃
 〃You always suggest that; Thufir;〃 Rhombur said。
 〃Because you are young and require considerable instruction;〃 the Mentat countered。
 Leto's plush frigate was so full of amenities that he and his entourage could forget they were even off…planet。 But he'd had enough of relaxing; and the anxiety of impending events filled him with a nervous energy that he wanted to discharge。 〃You have a suggestion; Thufir? What can we do out here?〃
 The Master of Assassins' eyes lit up。 〃In space; there are many things a Duke  and a Prince 〃 he said with a nod to Rhombur;〃 can learn。〃
 A WINGLESS BAT pod the size of an ornithopter dropped out of the hold of the Atreides frigate and descended away from the Heighliner; into space。 Leto worked the controls with Rhombur sitting in the copilot's seat to his right。 It reminded Leto for a moment of their brief training attempt in the Ixian orship; a near disaster。
 Hawat stood behind them wearing a mobile crash restraint。 In his harness he looked like a pillar of wisdom; frowning down at the two young men as they felt their way through the bat pod's controls for the first time。 An emergency override panel floated in front of Hawat。
 〃This craft is different from a coracle at sea; young sirs;〃 Hawat said。 〃Unlike the larger ships; we're in zero gravity here; with all the flexibility and constraints that implies。 You have both done the simulations; but now you are about to discover what real space bat is all about。〃
 〃I get to fire the weapons first;〃 Rhombur said; repeating their prior arrangement。
 〃And I'm piloting;〃 Leto added; 〃but we switch in half an hour。〃
 Behind him; Hawat spoke in a monotone: 〃It's not likely; m'Lord Duke; that you will find yourself in a situation that requires space bat; but 〃
 〃Yes; yes; I should always be prepared;〃 Leto said。 〃If I've learned anything from you; Thufir; it's that。〃
 〃First you must learn maneuvering。〃 Hawat guided Leto through a series of cruising curves and sharp arcs。 He stayed sufficiently far from the enormous Heighliner; but close enough that he felt it constituted a genuine obstacle at this speed。 Once; Leto reacted too quickly and plunged the bat pod into an uncontrolled spin; which he pulled out of by firing reaction jets to stop them without sending the craft spiraling in the opposite direction。
 〃Reaction and counter…reaction;〃 Hawat said; with approval。 His now…tilted mobile crash restraint righted itself。 〃When you and Rhombur had your boating accident on Caladan; you were able to run aground on a reef to stop things from getting worse。 Here; though; there is no safety net to catch you。 If you spin out of control; you will continue to do so until the proper countermeasures are taken。 You could fall and burn up in the atmosphere; or in deeper space you might hurtle into the void。〃
 〃Uh; let's not do any of that today;〃 Rhombur said。 He looked over at his friend。 〃I'd like to try some practice shots now; Leto; if you can keep this thing flying straight for a few minutes。〃
 〃No problem;〃 Leto said。
 Bending to the weaponeer station between the boys; Hawat said; 〃I loaded skeet…drones into the hold。 Rhombur; try to fire and nullify as many of them as you can。 You have free range to use whatever weaponry you wish。 Lasbeams; conventional explosives; or multiphase projectiles。 But first; m'Lord〃  Hawat squeezed Leto's shoulder  〃please take us around to the other side of the planet where we won't have to worry about hitting the Heighliner when Rhombur's shots go wild。〃
 With a chuckle; Leto did as he was instructed; cruising high above the clouds of Caladan to the nightside; where the planet lay black below them except for necklaces of city lights strung along the distant coasts。 Behind them; the glare of Caladan's sun formed a halo against the dark eclipse of the planet。
 Hawat launched a dozen spinning; glittering globes that flew off on random paths。 Rhombur grabbed the weapons control  a stilo bar with multicolored panels  and blasted shots in all directions; most of whi
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