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 a stability (if not stagnation) across the Imperium。 No one remembered how to implement an orderly transition of power。
 All across the worlds; military forces were being increased in strength and placed on alert。 Shaddam's Sardaukar were no exception。 Spies were busier than ever; in all quarters。 At times he wondered if his reassignment of Elrood's trusted Chamberlain Aken Hesban might have been a mistake。 Hesban now sat in a tiny; rock…walled office deep in the gullet of an asteroid mine; ready to be recalled if things ever got too bad。
 But it'll be a cold day on Arrakis before that happens。
 Shaddam's unease made him jumpy; perhaps a little superstitious。 His old vulture of a father was dead  sent to the deepest hell described in the Orange Catholic Bible  yet still he felt the invisible blood on his hands。
 Before departing the Palace to meet with Sister Margot; Shaddam had; without much thought; grabbed a cloak to warm his shoulders against an imagined chill in the morning air。 The gold mantle had hung in the wardrobe with many other garments he had never worn。 Only now did he remember that this particular article had been a favorite of his father's。
 Realizing this; Shaddam's skin crawled。 He felt the fine material prickle him suddenly; making him shiver。 The fine gold chain seemed to tighten at his throat like a noose。
 Ridiculous; he told himself。 Inanimate objects did not carry spirits of the dead; couldn't possibly harm him。 He tried to put such concerns out of his mind。 A Bene Gesserit would certainly be able to read his disfort; and he couldn't allow this woman so much power over him。
 〃I love the artwork here;〃 Margot said。 She pointed toward a scaffold fixed to the face of the Landsraad Hall of Oratory; where fresco painters worked on a mural depicting scenes of natural beauty and technological achievement from around the Imperium。 〃I believe your great…grandfather Vutier Corrino II was responsible for much of this?〃
 〃Ah; yes  Vutier was a great patron of the arts;〃 Shaddam said with some difficulty。 Resisting an urge to remove the haunted cloak and throw it to the ground; he vowed to wear only his own clothes henceforth。 〃He said that spectacle without warmth or creativity meant nothing。〃
 〃I think you should make your point; please; Sister;〃 Fenring suggested; noting his friend's disfort; but guessing incorrectly as to its cause。 〃The Crown Prince's time is valuable。 There is much turmoil after the Emperor's death。〃
 Shaddam and Fenring had murdered Elrood IX。 That fact could never be erased; and they hadn't escaped suspicion entirely; not according to rumors。 War between the Landsraad and House Corrino might result unless the Crown Prince consolidated his position; and soon。
 Margot had been so persistent about the importance of a certain matter; using all the quiet clout of the Bene Gesserit; that an audience had been granted to her on short notice。 The only time open was during one of Shaddam's morning walks; an hour he normally reserved for quiet personal reflection (〃grief for his dead father;〃 according to the Court gossip Fenring had fostered)。
 Margot favored the weasel…faced man beside her with a pretty smile and a casual toss of her honey…blonde hair。 Her gray…green eyes studied him。 〃You know very well what I wish to discuss with your friend; Hasimir;〃 she said; employing a familiar tone that astonished the Imperial heir。 〃Didn't you prepare him?〃
 Fenring shook his head jerkily; and Shaddam saw him weaken in her presence。 The deadly man wasn't his usual forceful self。 The Bene Gesserit delegation had been here for some days; waiting; and Margot Rashino…Zea had spent a great deal of time with Fenring in close discussions。 Shaddam cocked his head; sensing some affection  or at least mutual respect  between the two。 Impossible!
 〃Hmm…m…m…ah; I thought you might phrase it better than I could; Sister;〃 Fenring said。 〃Sire; the lovely Margot has an interesting proposal for you。 I think you should listen to her。〃
 The Bene Gesserit looked at Shaddam strangely。 Has she noticed my distress? he wondered; suddenly panicked。 Does she know the reason for my feelings?
 The sigh of the fountain drowned out their words。 Margot took Shaddam's hands in hers; and they were pleasingly soft and warm to him。 Gazing into her sensual eyes; he felt her strength flow back into him; a fort。 〃You must have a wife; Sire;〃 she said。 〃And the Bene Gesserit can provide the best match for you and House Corrino。〃
 Startled; Shaddam glanced over at his friend and snatched his hands back。 Fenring smiled; uneasily。
 〃Soon you will be crowned Emperor;〃 Margot continued。 〃The Sisterhood can help you secure your power base  more than an alliance with any single Great House of the Landsraad。 During his life; your father married into the Mutelli; Hagal; and Ecaz families; as well as your own mother from Hassika V。 However; in these difficult times; we believe you would gain the greatest advantage by allying your throne with the power and resources of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood。〃 She spoke firmly; convincingly。
 He noticed that the entourage of Sisters had stopped a distance away and stood watching them。 Out of earshot; the Sardaukar remained watchful but motionless; like statues。 He looked at Margot's perfectly formed face; her golden hair; her hypnotic presence。
 She surprised him by turning back to the entourage and pointing。 〃Do you see the woman in the center over there? The one with bronze hair?〃
 Noting the gesture; a robed Reverend Mother stepped forward。 Shaddam squinted; assessing her features; her doelike face。 Even from a distance; he found her rather attractive; though she was not a classic beauty。 Not as lovely as Margot; unfortunately; but she did seem young and fresh。
 〃Her name is Anirul; a Bene Gesserit of Hidden Rank。〃
 〃What does that mean?〃
 〃It's just one of our titles; Sire; quite mon in the Sisterhood。 It means nothing outside the order and is irrelevant to your work as Emperor。〃 Margot paused a beat。 〃You need only know that Anirul is one of our best。 We are offering her to you in marriage。〃
 Shaddam felt a jolt of surprise。 〃What?〃
 〃The Bene Gesserit are quite influential; you know。 We can work behind the scenes to smooth over any difficulties you currently have with the Landsraad。 This would free you to perform the work of being Emperor and secure your place in history。 A number of your grandfathers have done this; to good effect。〃 She narrowed her gray…green eyes。 〃We are aware of the troubles you currently face; Sire。〃
 〃Yes; yes; I know all that。〃 He looked over at Fenring; as if the weasel…faced man could explain himself。 Then Shaddam beckoned for Anirul herself to e forward。 The guards looked at one another uneasily; not knowing whether they should acpany her。
 In front of him; Margot's gaze intensified。 〃You are now the most powerful man in the universe; Sire; but your political rule is balanced between yourself; the Landsraad Council; and the powerful forces of the Spacing Guild and the Bene Gesserit。 Your marriage to one of my Sisters would be。。。mutually beneficial。〃
 〃Besides; Sire;〃 Fenring added; his eyes even larger than usual; 〃an alliance wit
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