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ratory space and fabrication facilities in the armpit of Harkonnen influence。 The Mentat said he'd done so; and the Baron didn't ask further questions。 This tube transport; dispatched by de Vries; was taking them there。
 〃I want to know the whole plan; Uncle;〃 Rabban said; fidgeting next to him in the partment。 〃Tell me what we're going to do。〃
 Up front in the piloting cubicle; a deaf…mute vehicle specialist hurried them along。 The Baron paid no attention to the dark and blocky buildings flashing by; the clouds of exhaust and residue spilling from the factories。 Giedi Prime produced sufficient goods to pay for itself; and tidy sums came in from the whalefur trade on Lankiveil and mineral excavation on various asteroids。 The really big profits for House Harkonnen; however  dwarfing all the others bined  were from spice exploitation on Arrakis。
 〃The plan; Rabban; is simple;〃 he answered finally; 〃and I intend to offer you a key part in it。 If you can handle it。〃
 His nephew's heavy…lidded eyes lit up; and his thick lips twisted his generous mouth into a grin。 Surprisingly; he knew enough to remain quiet and wait for the Baron to continue。 Maybe; eventually; he'll learn。。。。
 〃If we succeed in this; Rabban; our fortunes will increase dramatically。 Better still; we can take personal satisfaction in knowing that we have at last ruined House Atreides; after all these centuries of feuding。〃
 Rabban rubbed his hands in delight; but the Baron's black stare became harder as he continued。 〃If you fail; however; I'll see to it that you're transferred back to Lankiveil; where you'll be trained any way your father wishes  plete with singalongs and the recitation of poems about brotherly love。〃
 Rabban glowered。 〃I won't fail; Uncle。〃
 The tube car arrived at an armored high…security laboratory; and the deaf…mute motioned for them to exit the vehicle。 The Baron couldn't have found his way back to Harkonnen Keep if his life had depended upon it。
 〃What is this place?〃 Rabban asked。
 〃A research establishment;〃 the Baron said; waving him forward 〃One where we are preparing a nasty surprise。〃
 Rabban marched ahead; eager to see the facility。 The place smelled of solder and waste oils; blown fuses; and sweat。 From the cluttered; open floor; Piter de Vries came up to greet them; stained lips smiling。 His mincing footsteps and slithery; jerky movements gave him the demeanor of a lizard。
 〃You've had weeks here already; Piter。 This had better be good。 I told you not to waste my time。〃
 〃Not to worry; my Baron;〃 the Mentat answered; gesturing for them to e deeper into the building's high bay。 〃Our pet researcher Chobyn has outdone himself。〃
 〃And I always thought Richesians were better at cheap imitations than actual innovations;〃 Rabban said。
 〃There are exceptions everywhere;〃 the Baron said。 〃Let's see what Piter has to show us。〃
 Filling most of the chamber was what de Vries had secretly promised the Baron: a modified Harkonnen warship; 140 meters in diameter。 Sleek and highly polished; this craft had been used to good effect in conventional battles to strike hard and escape quickly。 Now it had been converted according to Chobyn's exacting specifications; with the tail fins trimmed; the engine replaced; and a section of the troop cabin cut away to make room for the required technology。 All records of the craft's existence had been expunged from Harkonnen ledgers。 Piter de Vries was good at manipulations like that。
 A rotund man with a bald pate and steel…gray goatee emerged from the engine partment of the attack ship; stained with grease and other lubricants。
 〃My Baron; sir; I'm pleased you have e to see what I've acplished for you。〃 Chobyn tucked a tool into the pocket of his overalls。 〃Installation is plete。 My no…field will operate perfectly。 I've synchronized it with the machinery of this ship。〃
 Rabban rapped his knuckles on the hull near the cockpit。 〃Why is it so big? This hulk is large enough to carry an armored groundcar unit。 How are we going to do any secret work with this?〃
 Chobyn raised his eyebrows; not recognizing the burly young man。 〃And you are。。。?〃
 〃This is Rabban; my nephew;〃 the Baron said。 〃He raises a valid question。 I asked for a small stealth ship。〃
 〃This is the tiniest I could make it;〃 Chobyn answered with a huff。 〃A hundred and forty meters is the smallest cloak of invisibility the no…field generator can project。 The constraints are。。。incredible。 I…〃
 The inventor cleared his throat; suddenly impatient。 〃You must learn to think beyond your preconceptions; sir。 Realize what we have here。 Naturally; the invisibility more than makes up for any diminished maneuvering capability。〃 He wrinkled his brow again。 〃What difference does the size make; if no one can see it anyway? This attack craft will still fit easily inside the hold of a frigate。〃
 〃It will do; Chobyn;〃 the Baron said。 〃If it works。〃
 De Vries scuttled back and forth along the length of the ship。 〃If no one knows to look for the ship; Rabban; you won't be in any danger。 Imagine the chaos you can create! You'll be like a killer ghost。〃
 〃Oh; yes!〃 Rabban paused as realization flooded across his face。 〃Me?〃
 Chobyn closed an access hatch behind the engines。 〃Everything is simple and functional。 The ship will be ready by tomorrow when you depart for the Padishah Emperor's coronation。〃
 〃I have verified it; my Baron;〃 de Vries said。
 〃Excellent;〃 the Baron said。 〃You have proven yourself most valuable; Chobyn。〃
 〃I'm going to pilot it?〃 Rabban said again; as if he still couldn't believe the idea。 His voice cracked with excitement。 Baron Harkonnen nodded。 His nephew; despite his shortings; was at least an excellent pilot and an excellent shot; along with being the Baron's heir apparent。
 The inventor smiled。 〃I believe I made the correct choice in ing to you directly; Baron。 House Harkonnen has immediately seen the possibilities of my discovery。〃
 〃When the new Emperor learns of this; he'll demand a no…ship for himself;〃 Rabban pointed out。 〃He might even send the Sardaukar in to take it away from us。〃
 〃Then we must make sure Shaddam doesn't find out。 At least not yet;〃 Piter de Vries replied; rubbing his hands together。
 〃You must be a brilliant man; Chobyn;〃 the Baron said。 〃ing up with all this。〃
 〃Actually; I just adapted a Holtzman field to our uses。 Centuries ago Tio Holtzman's mathematics were developed for shields and foldspace engines。 I simply carried the principles several steps further。〃
 〃And now you expect to bee wealthy beyond your wildest dreams?〃 the Baron mused。
 〃Deservedly so; would you not agree; Baron?〃 Chobyn said。 〃Look what I've done for you。 If I'd stayed on Richese and gone through channels; I would have had to endure years of legalities; title searches; and patent investigations; after which my government would have taken the lion's share of profit derived from my own invention  not to speak of the imitators who would set to work once they got wind of what I was doing。 A minor adjustment here; another there; and then someone else has a different patent; one that acplishes essentially the same thing。〃
 〃So you kept it a secret until you came to us?〃 Rabban said。 
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