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 On calmer dawns; he and Rhombur might have gone down to the practice courtyard to train with knives and shields under the watchful eye of Thufir Hawat。 Today; though; Leto had hoped to get more rest; a hope that hadn't materialized。 He'd slept badly; haunted by the weight of decisions that seemed to make the stones of the tall Castle grind together under the burden。 Far below; the sea crashed like gnashing teeth  uneasy water that reflected Leto's churning thoughts。
 Wrapping himself in a robe lined with expensive imported whalefur; he cinched the sash at his waist and padded barefoot down the curving steps toward the main hall。 He smelled bitter coffee brewing and the faint hint of melange that would be added to his cup。 Leto smiled; knowing the cook would insist on the young Duke receiving an extra boost of energy。
 He could hear noises from the distant kitchen; food…prep units being primed; breakfast being prepared; old…fashioned fires being stoked。 The Old Duke had always preferred real crackling fires in some of the rooms; and Leto had continued the tradition。
 When he passed on bare feet through the Hall of Swords on the way to the banquet hall; he stopped upon encountering an unexpected person。
 The young stableboy; Duncan Idaho; had removed one of Paulus's tall and ornately carved ceremonial swords from the rack。 He held it; point downward; resting against the flagstoned floor。 Though the long weapon was nearly as tall as the ten…year…old; Duncan gripped its pommel with determination。 The inlaid rope pattern on the hilt gave him all the leverage he needed。
 Duncan spun around; startled at being discovered here。 Leto's voice caught in his throat in time to squelch a chiding speech。 He meant to demand what the boy was doing here; unsupervised and without permission。 Then Leto saw Duncan's wide eyes with the tracks of tears running like salty tributaries down his face。
 Embarrassed but filled with pride; the young man stood up straighter。 〃I am sorry; m'Lord Duke。〃 His voice was full of sorrow and much deeper than any child's had a right to be。 He looked down at the sword and then through the arched columns into the dining hall; where the portrait of dashing Paulus Atreides hung on the far wall。 The hawkish patriarch stared from the painting with burning green eyes; he wore his gaudy matador clothes as if nothing in the universe could knock him from his intended course。
 〃I miss him very much;〃 Duncan said。
 Feeling a lump in his throat that gradually expanded to bee a leaden weight in his chest; Leto approached the boy。
 Paulus had left his mark upon many lives。 Even this youth who worked with the bulls; a mere boy who had somehow managed to outwit Harkonnen hunters and escape from Giedi Prime; felt the loss like a mortal wound。
 I am not the only one who still feels the pain of my father's death; Leto realized。 He clasped Duncan's shoulder; and in silence they spoke more than hours of conversation could have municated。
 Duncan finally pulled away and leaned on the tall sword as if it were a crutch。 His flushed skin returned to its normal tone; and he drew a deep breath。 〃I came。。。I came to ask you a question; m'Lord; before you go to Kaitain。〃
 Pots clanged in the distance; and servants moved about。 Before long; someone would e up to Leto's room bearing a breakfast tray。 They would find his room empty。 〃Ask;〃 he said。
 〃It's about the bulls; sir。 With Yresk gone now; I've been tending them every day; me and some of the other stableboys  but what do you mean to do with them? Will you fight the bulls just like your father?〃
 〃No!〃 Leto said quickly; as a bolt of fear shot through him。 He pushed the reflex away。 〃No;〃 he repeated more calmly。 〃I think not。 The days of bullfighting on Caladan are over。〃
 〃Then what shall I do; m'Lord?〃 Duncan said。 〃Do I still need to tend the animals?〃
 Leto tried not to laugh。 At his age the boy should be playing; doing a few chores; and filling his head with imaginings of the grand adventures that awaited him in life。
 But when Leto looked into Duncan's eyes; he saw that the person before him was far more than just a boy。 He was much older inside。 〃You've eluded Harkonnens in their prison city; correct?〃
 Duncan nodded; biting his lower lip。
 〃You fought them in a forest preserve when you were only eight years of age。 You killed several; and if I remember your story right; you cut a tracking device out of your own shoulder and laid a trap for Harkonnen hunters。 You humiliated Glossu Rabban himself。〃
 Again Duncan nodded; not with pride; but simply confirming the summary of events。
 〃And you found your way across the Imperium; ing here to Caladan because this is where you wanted to be。 Even the distance of several continents didn't divert you from our doorstep。〃
 〃All that is true; m'Lord Duke。〃
 Leto indicated the large ceremonial sword。 〃My father used that blade for training。 It's overlarge for you  at least for now; Duncan  but perhaps with some instruction; you could bee a formidable fighter。 A Duke is always in need of trustworthy guards and protectors。〃 He pursed his lips; considering。 〃Do you think you're fit to be one of mine?〃
 The boy's blue…green eyes shone and he grinned; crinkling his skin around the drying tracks of tears。 〃Will you send me to the weapon schools of Ginaz so I can bee a swordmaster?〃
 〃Ho; ho!〃 Leto gave a booming laugh that startled his own ears; because it sounded so much like his father's。 〃Let's not get ahead of ourselves; Duncan Idaho。 We'll train you here to the limit of your abilities  then we'll see if you're good enough for such a reward。〃
 Duncan nodded solemnly。 〃I will be good enough。〃
 As Leto heard servants bustling by in the dining room; he raised a hand to signal them over。 He would breakfast with this boy and chat some more。
 〃You can count on me; my Duke。〃
 Leto drew a long; deep breath。 He wished he could share the unshakable confidence of this young man。 〃Yes; Duncan; I believe you。〃
 Innovations seem to have a life and a sentience of their own。 When conditions are right; a radical new idea  a paradigm shift  may appear simultaneously from many minds at once。 Or it may remain secret in the thoughts of one man for years; decades; centuries。。。until someone else thinks of the same thing。 How many brilliant discoveries die stillborn; or lie dormant; never to be embraced by the Imperium as a whole?
 …OMBUDSMEN OF RICHESE; Rebuttal to the Landsraad; The True Domain of the Intellect  Private Property; or Resources for the Galaxy?
 The tube transport dropped its two passengers into the depths of Harkonnen Keep and then; with programmed precision; shot them across an access rail。
 The capsule; with the Baron and Glossu Rabban inside; raced toward the swarming morass of Harko City; a smoky blot on the landscape where buildings crowded together。 To the Baron's knowledge; there was no detailed map of the city's underworld; since it continued to grow like a fungus。 He wasn't sure exactly where they were going。
 While scheming against the Atreides; he had insisted that Piter de Vries find extensive yet confidential laboratory space and fabrication facilities in the armpit of Harkonnen in
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