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 In his mother's arms; the baby Liet whimpered; then silenced himself。 Frieth continued to listen to her husband。
 〃A system maintains a certain fluid stability that can be destroyed by a single misstep in only one niche。 Everything es crashing down with the slightest of mistakes。 An ecological system flows from point to point。。。but if something dams that flow; then the order collapses。 An untrained person might miss the impending collapse until it is too late。〃
 Already the Fremen had introduced insect forms; populations of tunneling creatures to aerate the soil。 Kit fox; kangaroo mouse; and larger animals such as desert hares and sand terrapin; along with their appropriate predators; desert hawk and dwarf owl; scorpions; centipedes; and trapdoor spiders。。。even the desert bat and biting wasps  every small point interconnected on the web of life。
 He couldn't tell if Frieth understood what he was saying or if she was interested。 In her silence; she agreed with him wholeheartedly。 Just once; though; he wished his wife would debate with him。 But Pardot Kynes was her husband and considered a prophet among the Fremen。 Her own ingrained beliefs were too strong for her to question anything he said。
 Kynes drew a deep breath through his nose filters and continued up the side of the mountain。 If they didn't reach the cave opening before afternoon; the sun would pass overhead and bake them。 They'd have to find shelter and wouldn't get to Plaster Basin until the following day。 Anxious to show them his ecological treasure vault; Kynes picked up the pace。
 The rocks stood above them and to their right like the knobbed spine of a starving lizard; casting shadows; muffling sounds。 The kulon plodded along; sniffing the ground for something to eat。 Frieth; who carried the baby boy without plaint; suddenly froze。 Her blue eyes grew wide; flashing from side to side。 She cocked her head to listen。
 Kynes; weary and hot; but with a spring of eager anticipation in his step; went for five meters before he noticed that his wife had paused。 〃Husband!〃 she said in a quick; harsh whisper。 Frieth looked up into the blue…white sky; as if trying to see through the mountainous barricade。
 〃What?〃 he asked; blinking。
 An armored scout 'thopter thrummed over the ridge and rose high from the other side of the mountain wall。 Kynes stared up at it; standing out in the sunlit open path。 He noted the sandstorm…scarred Harkonnen markings; the scratched paint of the blue…griffin symbol。
 Frieth clutched the baby close and scrambled for cover。 〃Husband! This way!〃 She tucked their baby into a sheltered cranny of rock far too small for either of the adults; then ran back to get Kynes before he'd managed to react。 〃Harkonnens  we must hide!〃 She grabbed his stillsuit sleeve。
 The two…man 'thopter circled around close to the cliffside。 Kynes realized they had been seen; he and his family made obvious targets on the exposed ridge。 Harkonnen troops often made sport of attacking lone Fremen; hunting them down with impunity。
 Weapons emerged from the snub nose of the craft。 The plaz side window slid open so that one grinning soldier in Harkonnen uniform could extend his lasgun rifle。 He had room to swing the stock and take aim。
 As his wife passed the desert ass; she gave a bloodcurdling shriek and slapped the kulon hard on its hindquarters。 The startled animal brayed and bucked before galloping off up the winding path; spraying loose rocks with its hooves。
 Frieth turned the other way and ran downhill; her face hard and intent。 Kynes did his best to follow。 They stumbled back down the slope; dodging boulders; seeking shadows。 Kynes couldn't believe she had left Liet alone; until he realized that his young son was far more protected than either of them was。 The baby folded into the shadows; instinctively falling silent and remaining still。
 He felt clumsy and exposed; but Frieth seemed to know what to do。 She had been raised as a Fremen and understood how to melt into the desert。
 The 'thopter roared past them and targeted on the panicked kulon。 Frieth must have known the Harkonnens would pick off the animal first。 The side gunner leaned out of his open window; his sunburned face smiling。 He fired a near…invisible bolt of white…orange fire from the lasgun; which sliced the desert ass into slumping hunks of meat; several of which tumbled down the steep cliffside; while the head and forelegs lay steaming on the path。
 Then lasgun explosions began to track down the rock wall; sparking chips of stone that flew off。 Barely able to keep their footing; Kynes and Frieth ran pell…mell。 She threw him against the wall behind the barest protrusion of lava rock; and the lasgun bolts ricocheted off; missing them by centimeters。 Kynes could smell the fresh ozone and stone smoke in the air。
 The 'thopter came closer。 The side gunner leaned out; aiming his weapon; choosing this kind of sport rather than letting the pilot target them with the heavier weaponry built into the craft itself。
 At that moment Kynes's guardian troops opened fire。
 From hidden battlements in the camouflaged cliff wall near the cave; Fremen gunners shot the armored hull of the 'thopter。 Brilliant lasers dazzled the cockpit viewport。 One unseen defender used an old…fashioned artillery launcher; shoulder…mounted; to fire small explosives obtained from smugglers。 The artillery shell struck the underbelly of the scout craft; making it lurch and rock in the air。
 The sudden jolt knocked the precariously balanced side gunner from his seat。 He tumbled out of the craft; screaming; and fell through the air to shatter in an explosive spray of red flesh against the rocks far below; his abandoned lasgun rifle clattered after him。
 Frieth huddled against the cliff wall; holding Kynes close; astonished at the unexpected Fremen defense。 He could tell she had expected to fight the attackers single…handedly  but he had other protectors as well。
 As the Harkonnen 'thopter reeled in the sky; Fremen defenders opened fire on its vulnerable engine ponents。 The air smelled of fire and burned metal。 The pilot desperately attempted to stabilize; while black smoke spewed from exhaust ports and lifeblood lubricants sizzled out of severed transport lines。 The craft spun; whined; and lumbered toward the ground。
 The 'thopter struck the side of the cliff; split open; and continued to scrape down the rock wall。 In vain; the articulated wings kept beating; twitching like involuntary muscles; until the craft smashed into the base of the ridge。
 〃I know of no sietch up here;〃 Frieth said; breathless and confused。 〃Who are these people? What tribe claims them?〃
 〃Troops of mine; defending the project。〃
 Below; he noticed that the Harkonnen pilot had survived the crash。 Part of the canopy popped open; and the wounded man began to crawl out; holding one dangling arm。 Within moments camouflaged Fremen troops boiled out of the rocks and swarmed over the wreckage。
 The pilot tried to duck back into the dubious safety of his craft; but two Fremen pulled him out。 A flash of blue…white crysknife; then a splatter of crimson; and the pilot was dead。 Watermen  consecrated body handlers  whisked away the corpse 
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