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t served no useful purpose whatsoever。 〃Wherever did you e up with such an interesting creature?〃
 〃We are adepts with the forces of life; sir。〃 The eyes; Ajidica thought。 Watch his eyes。 They reveal dangerous emotions。 Vicious now。
 〃So you enjoy playing God?〃 Fenring said。
 With controlled indignation; Ajidica retorted; 〃There is but one God All High。 I would not presume to take His place。〃
 〃Of course not。〃 Fenring's eyes narrowed。 〃Our new Emperor sends his gratitude; but points out one gift he would have greatly preferred  a sample of artificial spice。〃
 〃We are working hard on the problem; sir; but we told Emperor Elrood from the outset that it would take many years; possibly even decades; to develop a pleted product。 Much of our labor heretofore has simply been consolidating our control on Xuttah and adapting the existing facilities。〃
 〃You've made no tangible progress; then?〃 Fenring's scorn was so extreme that he couldn't conceal it。
 〃There are many promising signs。〃
 〃Good; then may I tell Shaddam when he should expect his gift? He would like to receive it prior to his coronation; in six weeks' time。〃
 〃I don't think that is possible; sir。 You brought us a supply of melange as a catalyst less than a Standard Month ago。〃
 〃I gave you enough of the stuff to buy several planets。〃
 〃Of course; of course; and we are moving as quickly as possible。 But the axlotl tanks must be grown and modified; probably through several generations。 Shaddam must be patient。〃
 Fenring studied the little Tleilaxu; looking for signs of deception。 〃Patient? Remember; Ajidica; an Emperor does not have unlimited patience。〃
 The dwarf…sized man did not like this Imperial predator。 Something in Fenring's overlarge dark eyes and his speech carried a threatening undertone; even when discussing mundane subjects。 Make no mistake。 This man will be our new Emperor's enforcer  the one who will murder me if I fail。
 Ajidica took a deep breath; but concealed it in a yawn to avoid showing fear。 When he spoke; it was in the calmest of tones。 〃When God wills our success; it will happen。 We move according to His schedule; not our own; and not Prince Shaddam's。 That is the way of the universe。〃
 Fenring's huge eyes flashed dangerously。 〃You realize how important this is? Not only to the future of House Corrino and the economy of the Imperium。。。but to your personal survival; as well?〃
 〃Most certainly。〃 Ajidica did not react to the threat。 〃My people have learned the value of waiting。 An apple plucked too soon may be green and sour; but if one merely waits until it is ripe; then the fruit is sweet and delicious。 When perfected; the artificial spice will alter the entire power structure of the Imperium。 It is not possible to engineer such a substance overnight。〃
 Fenring glowered。 〃We have been patient; but that cannot continue。〃
 With a generous smile; Ajidica said; 〃If you wish; we can convene regular meetings to display our work and progress。 Such distractions; however; would only slow our experiments; our substance analyses; our settings。〃
 〃No; keep on;〃 Fenring growled。
 I've got the bastard where I want him; Ajidica thought; and he doesn't like it one bit。 Still; he had the distinct impression that this assassin would do away with him without a second thought。 Even now; despite the tightest security scans; Fenring no doubt carried a number of weapons concealed within his clothing; skin; and hair。
 He will make the attempt as soon as I'm not needed; when Shaddam thinks he has everything he wants。
 Hidar Fen Ajidica had his own concealed weapons; though。 He had set up contingency plans to deal with the most dangerous of outsiders。。。to ensure that the Tleilaxu remained in control at all times。
 Our laboratories may indeed e up with a substitute for the spice; he thought。 But no powindah will ever learn how it is made。
 Our timetable will achieve the stature of a natural phenomenon。 A planet's life is a vast; tightly interwoven fabric。 Vegetation and animal changes will be determined at first by the raw physical forces we manipulate。 As they establish themselves; though; our changes will bee controlling influences in their own right  and we will have to deal with them; too。 Keep in mind; though; that we need control only three percent of the energy surface  only three percent  to tip the entire structure over into our self…sustaining system。
 …PARDOT KYNES; Arrakis Dreams
 When his son Liet was a year and a half old; Pardot Kynes and his wife embarked on a journey into the desert。 They dressed their silent child in a custom…fitted stillsuit and robes to shield his skin against the sun and the heat。
 Kynes was delighted to spend time with his family; to show them what he had acplished in the transformation of Dune。 His entire life rested on sharing his dreams。
 His three apprentices; Stilgar; Turok; and Ommun; had tried to insist on going along to protect and guide him; but Kynes would hear none of it。 〃I've spent more years alone in the wilderness than any of you have been alive。 I can handle a few days' sojourn with my family。〃 He made a shooing gesture with his hands。 〃Besides; haven't I given you enough work to do  or shall I find additional tasks?〃
 〃If you have more for us to do;〃 Stilgar said; 〃we will gladly do it for you。〃
 〃Just。。。just keep yourselves busy;〃 Kynes said; nonplussed; then set off on foot with Frieth and young Liet。 The baby rode one of the sietch's three kulons; a domesticated desert ass that had been brought to Dune by smugglers and prospectors。
 The animal's water price was high; despite its inbred adaptation to a harsh; arid environment。 The Fremen had even developed a modified four…legged stillsuit for the beast; which saved some of the moisture the animal exuded。 But in such a contraption the kulon had difficulty moving  in addition to the fact that it looked ridiculous  and Kynes decided not to bother with such extreme measures。 This required taking extra water on the journey; which the animal carried in literjons attached to its back。
 In the shadow of morning; the tall; bearded Kynes led his small party up a winding thread that only a Fremen would have called a path。 His eyes; like Frieth's; were the blue of the Ibad。 The desert ass picked its way up the precipitous slope; but made no sound of plaint。 Kynes didn't mind walking; he had done so for much of his life; during his years of ecological study on Salusa Secundus and Bela Tegeuse。 His muscles rippled; whipcord…tough。 Besides; when he went on foot he could keep his eyes focused more on the pebbles and varying grains of sand beneath his boots than on the distant mountains or the sweltering sun。
 Eager to please her husband; Frieth turned her attention every time Kynes pointed out a rock formation; studied a spot of ground for its position; or assessed sheltered crannies as possible sites for planting future vegetation。 After a time of uncertainty; she also pointed things out to him。 〃A Fremen's greatest strength is in observation;〃 Frieth said; as if quoting an old proverb for him。 〃The more we observe; the more we know。 Such knowledge gives us power; especially when others fail to see。〃
 〃Interesting。〃 Kynes k
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