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 〃By what? Stop evading my questions。〃 Within another moment; Kynes was sure Rabban would cuff the desert man across the jaw。
 〃You have been on Arrakis for so long; and you did not know this; m'Lord Rabban? The Fremen consider the great sandworms to be gods;〃 Thekar answered quietly。 〃They name him; collectively; Shai…Hulud。〃
 〃Then today we shall kill a god;〃 Rabban announced in a loud voice; causing the other hunters in the back of the partment to cheer。 He turned sharply toward the desert guide。 〃I depart for Giedi Prime in two days; and must have a trophy to take back with me。 This hunt will be successful。〃
 Giedi Prime; Kynes thought。 Ancestral homeworld of House Harkonnen。 At least I won't have to worry about him once he's gone。
 〃You will have your trophy; m'Lord;〃 Thekar promised。
 〃No doubt about that;〃 Rabban said; but in a more ominous tone。
 Seated alone in the rear of the troop transport; huddled in his desert gear; Kynes felt unfortable in such pany。 He had no interest in the glorious ambitions of the Baron's nephew。。。but if this excursion gave him a good look at one of the monsters; it could be worth months of intensive effort on his own。
 Rabban stared out through the front of the transport; his hard; squinting eyes were surrounded by thick folds of skin。 He scrutinized the desert as if it were a delicacy he intended to eat; seeing none of the beauty Kynes noted in the landscape。
 〃I have a plan; and this is how we'll follow it。〃 Rabban turned to the troops and opened the system to the spotter ornithopters flying in formation around the transport。 They cruised out over the expanse of open sand。 The dune ripples below looked like wrinkles on an old man's skin。
 〃That outcropping of rock down there〃  he gestured; and read off the coordinates  〃will be our base。 About three hundred meters from the rock we'll touch down in the open sand; where we'll drop Thekar with a gadget he calls a thumper。 Then we'll lift off to the safety of the rock outcroppings; where the worm can't go。〃
 The lean desert man looked up in alarm。 〃Leave me out there? But m'Lord; I'm not 〃
 〃You gave me the idea。〃 He turned back to address the uniformed troops。 〃Thekar here says that this Fremen device; a thumper; will bring a worm。 We'll plant one along with enough explosives to take care of the beast when it es。 Thekar; we will leave you behind to rig the explosives and trigger the thumper。 You can run across the sands and make it to safety with us before a worm can e; right?〃 Rabban gave him a delicious little grin。
 〃I  I。。。〃 Thekar stammered。 〃It appears I have no choice。〃
 〃Even if you can't make it; the worm will probably go for the thumper first。 The explosives will get the beast before you bee its next target。〃
 〃I take fort in that; m'Lord;〃 Thekar said。
 Intrigued by the Fremen device; Kynes considered obtaining one for himself。 He wished he could watch this desert native up close to witness how he ran across the sands; how he eluded pursuit from the vibration…sensitive 〃Old Man of the Desert。〃 But the Planetologist knew enough to remain quiet and avoid Rabban's notice; hoping that the hot…blooded young Harkonnen wouldn't volunteer him to assist Thekar。
 Inside the personnel partment at the back of the craft; the Bator  a mander of a small troop  and his underlings looked through the weapons stockpile; removing lasguns for themselves。 They rigged explosives to the stakelike mechanism that Thekar had brought along。 A thumper。
 With curious eyes; Kynes could see that it was just a spring…wound clockwork device that would thunk out a loud; rhythmic vibration。 When plunged into the sand; the thumper would send reverberations deep below the desert to where 〃Shai…Hulud〃 could hear them。
 〃As soon as we land; you'd better rig up these explosives fast;〃 Rabban said to Thekar。 〃The engines of these ornithopters will do a good job of attracting the worm; even without the help of your Fremen toy。〃
 〃I know that all too well; m'Lord;〃 Thekar said。 His olive skin now had a grayish; oily tinge of terror。
 The ornithopter struts kissed the sands; throwing up loose dust。 The hatch opened; and Thekar  determined; now  grabbed his thumper and sprang out; landing with spread feet on the soft desert。 He flashed a longing glance back up at the flying craft; then turned toward the dubious safety of the line of solid rock some three hundred meters away。
 The Bator handed the explosives down to the hapless desert man; while Rabban gestured for them to hurry。 〃I hope you don't bee worm food; my friend;〃 he said with a laugh。 Even before the doors could close on the ornithopter; the pilot lifted off the sands again; leaving Thekar alone。
 Kynes and the other Harkonnen soldiers rushed to the starboard side of the transport; crowding the windowplaz to watch their guide's desperate actions out on the open sands。 The desert man had reverted to a different; feral human being as they watched。
 〃Excuse me。 Just how much explosive does it take to kill a worm?〃 Kynes asked curiously。
 〃Thekar should have plenty; Planetologist;〃 the Bator answered。 〃We gave him enough to wipe out an entire city square。〃
 Kynes turned his attention back to the drama below。 As the craft rose higher; Thekar worked in a flurry; grabbing the explosive ponents; piling them in a mound and linking them together with shigawire cables。 Kynes could see tiny ready lights winking on。 Then the whip…thin man stabbed his thumper into the sand next to the deadly cache; as if he were pounding a stake into the heart of the desert。
 The troop 'thopter swerved and arrowed straight toward the bulwark of rock where the great hunter Rabban would wait in fort and safety。 Thekar triggered the thumper's spring…wound mechanism and began to run。
 Inside the ornithopter; some of the soldiers placed bets on the oute。
 Within moments the craft alighted on the ridge of blackened; pitted rock that looked like a reef in the soft desert。 The pilot shut down his engines; and the 'thopter doors opened。 Rabban shoved his troops aside to be the first to stand upon the shimmering rock。 The others in the party piled out afterward; Kynes waited his turn and emerged from the rear。
 The guards took up watch positions; directing the oil lenses of their binoculars at the small running figure。 Rabban stood tall; holding a high…powered lasgun; though Kynes couldn't imagine what he intended to do with the weapon at this point。 Through a spotting…scope; the Baron's nephew stared out into the heat…addled air; seeing the ripples and mirages。 He centered on the clacking thumper and the dark landmark of piled explosives。
 One of the high spotter 'thopters reported possible wormsign about two kilometers to the south。
 Out on the desert; Thekar ran frantically; kicking up sand。 He advanced toward the archipelago of safety; the rocky islands in the sea of sand  but he was still many minutes away。
 Kynes watched the odd manner in which Thekar placed his footsteps。 He seemed to jitter and hop erratically; running like a spastic insect。 Kynes wondered if this was some sort of arrhythmic pattern to fool an oning sandworm。 Was this technique something that desert travelers lear
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