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or; no matter the incredible expense of consulting one。 Life; it seemed; was an endless string of problems。
 〃It smells like bear piss in here;〃 de Vries plained as he squirmed through the hole。
 〃How would you know what bear piss smells like?〃 Rabban said; pushing the Mentat deeper inside to make room for himself。
 〃I've smelled you。 A wild animal can't be any more rank than that。〃
 The three men stood up inside; and the Baron illuminated a small glowglobe; which floated up to shine against the near wall in the back of the low cave。 The place was rough and moss…covered; smudged with dust; showing no sign of human habitation。
 〃Quite a good mimetic projection; isn't it?〃 the Baron said。 〃The best work our people have done。〃 He reached forward with a ring…studded hand; and the image of the wall blurred; became indistinct。
 Rabban located a slight protrusion of rock and pushed; the entire rear wall rumbled back and fell away to reveal an access tube。
 〃A very special hiding place;〃 the Baron said。
 Lights flared on; illuminating a passage that led into the heart of the bluff。 After they stepped inside and sealed the false…wall projection behind them; de Vries looked around in amazement。 〃You kept this a secret even from me; my Baron?〃
 〃Rabban found this cave on one of his hunts。 We've。。。made some modifications using a new technology; an exciting technique。 I think you'll see the possibilities; once I explain it all to you。〃
 〃Quite an elaborate hiding place;〃 the Mentat agreed。 〃One can't be too careful about spies。〃
 The Baron raised his hands toward the ceiling and shouted at the top of his lungs; 〃Damn Crown Prince Shaddam to the cesspits! No  make that to the lowest depths of a filth…encrusted; lava…blasted hell…grotto!〃
 The treasonous outburst shocked even de Vries; and the Baron chuckled。 〃Here; Piter  and nowhere else on Giedi Prime  I'm not in the least worried about eavesdroppers。〃
 He led them into a main chamber。 〃We three could hide here and resist an attack even from contraband atomics。 No one would find us。 Nullentropy bins hold supplies and weapons to last forever。 I have placed everything vital to House Harkonnen in here; from genealogical records to financial documents; to our blackmail material  all the nasty; fascinating details we have on the other Houses。〃
 Rabban took a seat at a highly polished table and punched a button on a panel。 Suddenly the walls became transparent; glowing yellow to spotlight distorted corpses; twenty…one in all; hanging suspended in the gaps between plaz sheets; on display。
 〃Here's the construction team;〃 Rabban said。 〃It's our special。。。memorial to them。〃
 〃Rather pharaonic;〃 the Baron said; in a lighthearted tone。
 The flesh of the corpses was discolored and bloated; the faces contorted in macabre death grimaces。 The victims' expressions contained a larger measure of sad resignation than terror of impending death。 Anyone building such a secret chamber for the Harkonnens must have realized they'd be doomed from the start。
 〃They'll be unpleasant enough to look at while they rot;〃 the Baron said; 〃but we'll eventually have nice clean skeletons to admire。〃
 The remaining walls were layered with intricate scrollwork showing blue Harkonnen griffins as well as gross and pornographic images of human and human…animal copulation; suggestive designs; and a mechanical clock that would have offended most observers。 Rabban looked at it and chuckled as the male and female parts interacted in a steady; eternal rhythm。
 De Vries turned around; analyzing the details and applying them to his own Mentat projection。
 The Baron smiled。 〃The room is surrounded by a shielding projection that renders an object invisible in all wavelengths。 No scanner can detect this enclosure by sight; sound; heat; or even touch。 We call it a no…field。 Think of it。 We're standing in a place that doesn't exist as far as the rest of the universe is concerned。 It's the perfect spot for us to discuss our。。。delicious plans。〃
 〃I've never heard of such a field  not from the Guild; not from Ix;〃 de Vries said。 〃Who invented it?〃
 〃You may remember our。。。visiting researcher from Richese。〃
 〃Chobyn?〃 the Mentat asked; then answered his own question。 〃Yes; that was his name。〃
 〃He came to us in secret with a cutting…edge technique the Richesians had developed。 It's a new and risky technology; but our friend Chobyn saw its possibilities。 He wisely brought it to House Harkonnen for our private exploitation; provided we give him sufficient remuneration。〃
 〃And we've certainly paid him enough;〃 Rabban added。
 〃Worth every solari;〃 the Baron continued。 He drummed his fingers in a habitual rhythm on the tabletop。 〃Inside this no…globe; not a soul can overhear us; not even a Guild Navigator and his damnable prescience。 We've now got Chobyn working on。。。something even better for us。〃
 Rabban impatiently slumped back in one of the seats。 〃Let's get on with what we need to talk about。〃
 De Vries sat down at the self…scrubbing table; eyes bright; Mentat capabilities already whirling and grasping the implications of an invisibility technology。 How it could be used。。。
 The Baron shifted his gaze from his blunt…featured nephew to his twisted Mentat。 What an utter contrast these two are; representing the extremes of the intellectual spectrum。 Rabban and de Vries both needed constant supervision; the former because of his thick skull and short fuse; and the latter because his brilliance could be equally dangerous。
 Despite his obvious deficiencies; Rabban was the only Harkonnen who could possibly succeed the Baron。 Certainly Abulurd wasn't qualified。 Other than those two bastard daughters the Bene Gesserit had forced from him; the Baron had no children of his own。 He therefore had to train his nephew in the proper uses and abuses of power; so he could eventually die content with the knowledge that House Harkonnen would continue as it always had。
 It would be even better; though; if the Atreides were destroyed。。。。
 Perhaps Rabban should have two Mentats to guide him; instead of the customary one。 Because of his bullish nature; Rabban's rule would be especially brutal; perhaps on a scale never before seen on Giedi Prime; despite the Harkonnens' long history of torture and harsh treatment of slaves。
 The Baron's expression became grim。 〃Down to business。 Now listen; both of you。 Piter; I want you to use your full Mentat abilities。〃
 De Vries removed his small bottle of sapho juice from a pocket inside his robe。 He gulped; and smacked his lips in a manner that the Baron found repulsive。
 〃My spies have reported very distressing information;〃 the Baron said。 〃It involves Ix and some plans that the Emperor seems to have made before he died。〃 He drummed his fingers in time to the little ditty that always ran through his head。 〃This plot has serious implications for our family's fortunes。 CHOAM and the Guild don't even know about it。〃
 Rabban grunted。 De Vries sat up straight; awaiting more data。
 〃It seems that the Emperor and the Tleilaxu have made some kind of an alliance to do unorthodox and highly illegal work。〃
 〃Sligs and shit go together;〃 Rabban said。
 The Baron chuck
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