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d his mind。 She was; after all; his mother; and he was not like her。 Besides; getting her out of his sight was a practical matter; for he'd been left with vast holdings to manage; and the welfare of the citizens of Caladan had priority。 He needed to get down to the business of running House Atreides。
 From a chest of items; Rhombur brought out a set of old…fashioned handmade playing cards and some of the Old Duke's awards; including military badges of honor; a chipped knife; and a small bloodstained banner。 Leto discovered seashells; a colored scarf; an unsigned love poem; a lock of auburn hair (not Helena's color); then a lock of blonde hair; and enameled brass armbands designed for a woman; but he had no idea how to explain the items。
 He knew his father had taken mistresses; though Paulus had brought none of them into the Castle as bound concubines。 He'd merely enjoyed himself; and had no doubt showered the women with trinkets or fabrics or sweetmeats。
 Leto ignored those items and closed the heavy lid of the box。 Duke Paulus was entitled to his own memories; his past; and his secrets。 None of these mementos had any bearing on the fortunes of House Atreides。 He needed to concern himself with politics and business。 Thufir Hawat; other Court advisors; and even Prince Rhombur were doing their best to guide him; but Leto felt like a newborn; having to learn everything from scratch。
 As the rain continued outside; Kailea poured a mug of the mulled wine and handed it to Leto; then drew two more for herself and her brother。 Thoughtfully the Duke sipped it; savoring the spicy flavor。 Warmth seeped into his bones; and he smiled when he thanked her。
 She looked down at the odd paraphernalia and adjusted one of the gold bs in her deep copper hair。 Leto noticed that her lower lip was trembling。 〃What is it; Kailea?〃
 She took a deep breath and looked at her brother; then at Leto。 〃I'll never have a chance to go through my mother's things like this。 Not from the Grand Palais; not even the few precious items she took with her when we fled。〃
 Rhombur came forward and held his sister; but she continued to look at Leto。 〃My mother had keepsakes from the Emperor himself; treasures he gave her when she left his service。 She had so many memories; so many stories left to tell me。 I didn't spend enough time listening to her when she was alive。〃
 〃It'll be all right;〃 Rhombur said; trying to console her。 〃We'll make our own memories。〃
 〃And we'll make them remember us;〃 Kailea said; her voice suddenly brittle。
 Feeling sick inside; and deeply weary; Leto rubbed the ducal signet ring on his finger。 It still felt strange and heavy there; but he knew he would never remove it until someday far in the future; when he would pass it to his own son to continue the traditions of House Atreides。
 Outside; the storm flung more rain at the walls and windows of the ancient stone Castle; while the sea shushed a foamy lullaby against the cliffs far below。 Caladan felt very large and overwhelming around him; and Leto seemed incredibly small。 Though it was still an inhospitable night; when the young Duke exchanged smiles with Kailea and Rhombur; he felt warm and fortable in his home。
 LETO LEARNED OF the Emperor's death as he and three attendants were struggling to hang the mounted Salusan bull's…head in the dining hall。 Workers used ropes and pulleys to haul the monstrous trophy onto a spot on the previously unadorned; highly polished walls。
 A grim Thufir Hawat stood by; watching with hands clasped behind his back。 Absently; the Mentat touched the long scar on his leg; a souvenir of the time when he had rescued a much younger Paulus from another rampaging bull。 This time; however; he had not acted swiftly enough。。。。
 Kailea shuddered as she looked up at the ugly creature。 〃It's going to be hard to eat in this hall; with that thing staring down at us。 I can still see the blood on its horns。〃
 Leto regarded the bull's…head with an appraising eye。 〃I see it as a reminder that I must never let my guard down。 Even a dumb animal  albeit with the interference of human conspirators  can conquer the leader of a Great House of the Landsraad。〃 He felt a shiver。 〃Think of that lesson; Kailea。〃
 〃I'm afraid that's not a very forting thought;〃 she murmured; her green eyes bright with unshed tears。 Blinking to clear her vision; she turned back to her own activities。
 With a ridulian crystal report folder open before her on the table; she devoted her energies to studying the household accounts。 Using what she had learned in the Orb Office on Ix; Kailea analyzed the ine streams for Atreides holdings in order to determine how work and productivity were distributed on Caladan's continents and seas。 She and Leto had been discussing the matter in depth; despite their youth。 The exiled Kailea Vernius had an excellent head for business; Leto was delighted to discover。
 〃Being a good Duke is not all swordplay and bullfighting;〃 Thufir Hawat had told him once; long before all the latest troubles and challenges。 〃Management of little things is often a more difficult battle。〃 For some reason the statement had stuck in Leto's mind; and now he was discovering the wisdom of the words。。。。
 When the Imperial messenger marched into the dining hall; fresh off a Guild Heighliner; he stood tall; formally dressed in scarlet…and…gold Imperial colors。 〃I request an audience with Duke Leto Atreides。〃
 Leto; Rhombur; and Kailea all froze; remembering the horrible news they'd received the last time a crier had entered the great receiving room。 Leto prayed that nothing had happened to the fugitive Dominic Vernius in his continued flight。 But this official messenger wore House Corrino colors; and looked as if he had delivered his announcement a dozen times already。
 〃It is my duty to announce to all members of the Great and Minor Houses of the Landsraad that the Padishah Emperor Elrood Corrino IX has died; struck down by an extended illness in the one hundred thirty…eighth year of his reign。 May history fondly remember his long rule; and may his soul find eternal peace。〃
 Leto stepped back; astounded。 One of the workers almost let the mounted bull's…head slip from its position on the wall; but Hawat shouted for the man to attend to his tasks。
 The Emperor had been a fixture in the galaxy for two normal lifetimes。 Elrood lived on Kaitain; surrounded by guards; protected from all threats; and heavily addicted to the geriatric spice。 Leto had never considered that the old man might die someday; though in the past year or two he'd heard that Elrood had been growing increasingly frail。
 Leto turned to the messenger; nodded formally。 〃Please give Crown Prince Shaddam my condolences。 When is the funeral of state to be held? House Atreides will attend; of course。〃
 〃Not necessary;〃 the Courier replied in a crisp voice。 〃At the request of the throne; there will only be a small private ceremony for the immediate family。〃
 〃I see。〃
 〃However; Shaddam Corrino; soon to be crowned Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe; Shaddam IV; graciously requests your appearance; and your oath of fealty; when he formally ascends to the Golden Lion Throne。 Details of the coronation
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