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powerful presence and recalled the cheers as they stood in the arena; holding a bull's…head high。
 Gazing across the sea of bored; dignified representatives; Leto took a deep breath。 Amplifiers would snatch his words and transmit them so that all listeners could hear; shigawire recordings were made for documentation purposes。 This would be a vital speech for him  most of these people had no inkling of his personality; and few even knew his name。 Realizing that they would form their impression of him from the words he said that day; Leto felt the weight on his shoulders grow even heavier。
 He waited to be certain he had everyone's attention; though so late in the Council meeting he doubted anyone had the mental energy required to concentrate on anything new。
 〃Many of you were friends and allies of my father; Paulus Atreides;〃 he began; then dropped his bombshell; 〃who was recently murdered through a heinous and cowardly act of assassination。〃 He glanced pointedly over at the seats held by representatives of House Harkonnen。 He didn't know the names or titles of the two men there representing the enemy household。
 His implication was clear enough; though he made no specific accusation; nor did he have any specific proof。 Stablemaster Yresk; who had not survived his interrogation as Leto had requested; had confirmed Helena's plicity; but could give no further details about coconspirators。 So the new Duke Atreides simply used his statement to gain the attention of the bored people in the chamber  and now he certainly had it。
 The Harkonnens whispered among themselves; casting nervous and angry looks at the podium。 Leto ignored them and turned back to the central cluster of representatives。
 Directly in front of him in the seat of House Mutelli he recognized old Count Flambert; an utterly ancient gentleman whose memory was said to have failed him many years before。 With his long…term recollection gone; he kept at his side a squat former Mentat candidate with blond hair; who served as a portable memory for the Count。 The failed Mentat's sole duty was to remind the ancient Flambert of things; providing every bit of data the nobleman might require。 Though he had never pleted his training as a human puter; the failed Mentat served the senile Count's needs well enough。
 Leto's voice carried across the assemblage; as clear and concise as the pealing of buoy bells on a cool Caladan morning: 〃A sign over the Emperor's own door declares that 'Law is the ultimate science。' Thus; I stand here not on my own behalf; but on behalf of a former Great House; one that can no longer e here to speak。 House Vernius was a close ally of my family。〃
 Several people on nearby benches groaned。 A few others fidgeted impatiently。 They had already heard too much about Vernius。
 Boldly; the young Atreides continued: 〃Earl Dominic Vernius and his family were forced to declare themselves renegade after the illegal takeover of Ix by the Bene Tleilax  whom all here know to be a depraved and disgusting breed; and unworthy of representation before this august body。 While House Vernius cried out for help and support against this outrageous invasion; all of you hid in the shadows and dallied until such assistance became irrelevant。〃 Leto was careful not to point the finger at Elrood himself; though it was clear in his mind that the Emperor had encouraged the stalling。
 A great murmur arose in the Landsraad Hall; acpanied by expressions of confusion and outrage。 Leto could see that they now viewed him as a young upstart; a brash and ill…mannered rebel who didn't know the true order of things in the Imperium。 He'd had the bad form to bring such unpleasant matters out into the open。
 Leto was unswayed; though。 〃You all knew Dominic Vernius as an honorable; trustworthy man。 You all traded with Ix。 How many of you did not call Dominic your friend?〃 He looked around quickly; but spoke again before anyone could get up the nerve to raise a hand in public。
 〃Though I am not a member of the Vernius family; the Tleilaxu invaders threatened my own life; and I barely escaped through my father's assistance。 Earl Vernius and his wife also fled; forsaking all their possessions  and recently the Lady Shando Vernius was murdered; hunted down like an animal!〃 His vision spun with anger and grief; but he took a deep breath and continued。
 〃Know; all who can hear me; that I express grave reservations about the Bene Tleilax and their recent outrageous actions。 By any means; kanly or otherwise; they must be brought to justice。 House Atreides is no ally of the illegal government of Ix  how dare they rename the planet Xuttuh? Is the Imperium civilized; or do we drown in a sea of barbarians?〃 He waited。 His pulse pounded loudly in his head。 〃If the Landsraad ignores this incredible tragedy; can you not see that this could happen to any one of you?〃
 A representative of House Harkonnen spoke without even the courtesy of standing to announce his intention。 〃House Vernius declared itself renegade。 By ancient law; the Emperor's Sardaukar and any other bounty hunters had a perfect right to hunt down and eliminate the renegade's wife。 Have a care; young pup of a Duke。 We're only granting you the right to give her children asylum out of the goodness of our hearts。 There is no requirement that we do so。〃
 Leto believed the Harkonnen was wrong; but did not wish to argue a point of law; especially without Thufir's guidance。 〃So any House can be persecuted; their members assassinated by Sardaukar on a whim; and no one here believes it is wrong? Any power can crush a Great House of the Landsraad; and the rest of you will simply cover your eyes and hope it doesn't happen to you next?〃
 〃The Emperor does not act on a whim!〃 someone shouted。 A number of voices of assent called out。。。but not many。 Leto realized this bit of patriotism and loyalty was probably a consequence of Elrood's severely failing health。 The ancient man had not been seen at functions for months; was supposedly bedridden and near death。
 Leto put his hands on his hips。 〃I may be young; but I'm not blind。 Consider this; members of the Landsraad; with your shifting alliances and false loyalties  what pledge can you offer one another if your promises blow away like dust?〃 He then repeated the words his father had greeted him with when he'd stepped off the rescue ship from Ix。 〃House Atreides values loyalty and honor far above politics。〃
 He raised a hand; and his voice took on a sweeping; manding resonance。 〃I admonish each of you to remember House Vernius。 It can happen to you; and it will if you are not careful。 Where can you place your trust if each House turns upon the other at the slightest opportunity?〃 He saw his words strike home to some of the representatives; but he knew in his heart that when he called for a vote to advocate removal of the blood price on House Vernius; few would stand in his support。
 Leto took a long breath。 He turned; pretending to be finished; but called back over his shoulder。 〃Perhaps you would all be better advised to think about your own situations。 Ask yourselves this: Whom can you really trust?〃
 He stalked toward the arched doorway of the Landsraad Council chamber。 Ther
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