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 Now they would be looking for him specifically。
 We all live in the shadows of our predecessors for a time。 But we who determine the fate of planets eventually reach the point at which we bee not the shadows; but the light itself。
 Discourses on Leadership
 As an official member of the Federated Council of Great and Minor Houses; Duke Leto Atreides embarked on a Heighliner and traveled to Kaitain for the next Landsraad meeting。 Wearing his formal mantle off…planet for the first time; he thought he had recovered enough from the loss of his father to make a major public appearance。
 After Leto had made his decision to attend; Thufir Hawat and several other Atreides protocol advisors had locked themselves with him in Castle meeting rooms to give him crash courses in diplomacy。 The advisors hovered around him like stern teachers; insisting that he be brought up to speed on all the social; economic; and political factors a Duke must take into account。 Harsh glowglobes lit the stone…walled room; while a sea breeze drifted in through the open window; bringing with it the sound of crashing waves and screaming gulls。 Despite the distractions; Leto attended to the lectures。
 For his turn; the new Duke had insisted that Rhombur sit beside him during the training sessions。 〃One day he will need to know all these things; when his House is restored;〃 Leto had said。 Some advisors had looked skeptical; but they did not argue。
 As he departed from Cala City Spaceport; acpanied only by Thufir Hawat as his escort and confidant; Leto's counselors had warned him against rash behavior。 Leto had pulled his cloak tighter around his shoulders。 〃I understand;〃 he said; 〃but my sense of honor drives me to do what I must do。〃
 By ancient tradition it was Leto's right to appear in the Landsraad forum and put forth his demand。 A demand for justice。 As the new Duke; he had an agenda; and enough anger and youthful naivete to believe he just might succeed; no matter what his advisors might tell him。 Sadly; though; he remembered the few times when his father had petitioned the Landsraad; Paulus had always returned home red…faced; expressing scorn and impatience at the bumbling bureaucracy。
 But Leto would start fresh; with high hopes。
 Under the eternally sunny skies of Kaitain; the massive Landsraad Hall of Oratory stood high and imposing; the tallest peak in a mountain range of legislative edifices and government offices surrounding an ellipsoidal mons。 The Hall had been erected by contributions from all the Houses; each noble family trying to outdo the others in grandeur。 Representatives from CHOAM had helped to procure resources from across the Imperium; and only by special order of a former Emperor  Hassik Corrino III  had the exorbitant Landsraad construction plans been curtailed; so as not to overshadow the Imperial Palace itself。
 Following the nuclear holocaust on Salusa Secundus and the relocation of the Imperium's seat of government; everyone had been anxious to establish an optimistic new order。 Hassik III had wanted to show that even after the near obliteration of House Corrino; the Imperium and its business would continue at a more exalted level than ever before。
 Banners of the Great Houses rippled like a rainbow of dragon scales along the outer walls of the Landsraad Hall。 Standing there in the glittering mons surrounded by towering metal…and…plaz buildings; Leto was hard…pressed to locate the green…and…black flag of House Atreides; but finally found it。 The purple…and…copper colors of House Vernius had been taken down and publicly burned。
 Thufir Hawat stood beside the young Duke。 Leto longed for the presence of his friend Rhombur; but it was not yet safe for the exiled Ixian Prince to leave the sanctuary of Caladan。 Dominic Vernius still had not emerged from hiding; even following reports of Shando's death; Leto knew the sharp…eyed man would be mourning in his own way。 And plotting revenge。。。。
 In any case; Leto would have to do this himself。 His father would have expected no less of him。 So; under the bright Kaitain sunshine; he squared his shoulders; thought of his family history and all that had occurred since the dark days of Atreus; and fixed his gaze forward。 He marched ahead along the flagstoned streets; not allowing himself to feel small in the face of the Landsraad's grandeur。
 As they entered the Hall of Oratory in the pany of other family representatives; Leto spotted the colors of House Harkonnen; with its pale blue griffin symbol。 Just looking at the banners; he could name a few other families: Houses Richese; Teranos; Mutelli; Ecaz; Dyvetz; and Canidar。 In the center of all the flags hung the much larger Imperial banner of House Corrino; in striking scarlet and gold with its central lion symbol。
 The fanfare surrounding his entrance; and that of the other arriving representatives; was deafening and constant。 As the men and a few women entered; a crier announced each person's name and position。 Leto saw only a few true nobles; most arrivals were Ambassadors; political leaders; or paid sycophants。
 Even though he himself carried a royal title; Leto did not feel powerful or important。 After all; what was the Duke of a mid…level House pared with even the prime minister of one of the wealthy families? Though he controlled the economy and population of Caladan and the other holdings of Atreides; many Great Houses held dominion over far more wealth and worlds。 He envisioned himself for a moment as a small fish among sharks; then quashed such thoughts before they could diminish his confidence。 The Old Duke had never allowed him the luxury of feeling small。
 In the enormous Hall he wondered where he might find the empty seats formerly occupied by House Vernius; he took only small satisfaction in knowing that; though they now held Ix; the Bene Tleilax would never receive any such honors。 The Landsraad would not allow despised Tleilaxu representatives into this exclusive club。 Normally Leto would have had no patience for such wholesale prejudice; but in this case he made an exception。
 As the Council meeting menced with interminable formalities; Leto took his seat in a plush black…and…maroon booth along one side; similar to those provided for the dignitaries of other Houses。 Hawat joined him; and Leto watched the business unfold; eager to learn; ready to do his part。 But he had to wait until his name was called。
 The real family heads could not be bothered to attend every such meeting; and as a number of trivial matters were heard  items that dragged on for far longer than was necessary  Leto soon understood why。 Little business was acplished despite all the talking and arguing and niggling over fine points of protocol or Imperial law。
 Newly installed in his title; though; Leto would make this his formal reception。 When the scrolling agenda signaled his turn to speak at long last; the young man crossed the dizzying expanse of polished floor in the cavernous chamber; unacpanied by the warrior Mentat or any other assistant; and climbed to a central lectern。 Trying not to look like a mere teenager; he remembered his father's powerful presence and recalled the cheers as they st
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