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 Though it would have been better for him to remain silent; Yresk shouted; 〃Leto; boy; you can't believe this fatherless stable…rat over me 〃
 Leto looked at the frantic; scarecrowish man and pared his demeanor with the proud young Duncan's。 Yresk's puffy…eyed face sparkled with perspiration。 〃I do find him more credible; Yresk;〃 Leto said slowly。 〃And never call me 'boy' again。〃
 Hawat stepped forward。 〃We might retrieve further information through deep interrogation。 I shall personally question this stablemaster。〃
 Leto's gaze fell on his Mentat。 〃In private would be best; Thufir。 No one but you。〃 He closed his eyes for the briefest moment and swallowed hard。 Later; he knew; he would have to send a message to Hawat that the stablemaster must not be allowed to survive the interrogation。。。for fear of what else he might reveal。 The Mentat's fractional nod told Leto that he understood much that had been left unsaid。 All information Hawat extracted would remain a secret between himself and his Duke。
 Yresk howled as the guards grasped his thin arms。 Before the stablemaster could shout anything; Hawat clapped a hand over his mouth。
 Then; as if it had been timed to occur during the moment of greatest confusion; the guards opened the main hall doors to allow the entry of a uniformed man。 He strode in; eyes fixed on Leto and Leto alone; who sat on the chair at the end of the hall。 His electronic identity badge marked him as an official Courier; newly disembarked from a lighter at Cala City Spaceport。 Leto stiffened; knowing this man could not possibly bear good tidings。
 〃M'Lord Duke; I bring terrible news。〃 The Courier's words sent an electric shock through everyone in the Court。 The hall guards holding Yresk captive stood still; and Hawat gestured for them to leave before the announcement。
 The messenger marched up to the chair and stood straight; then drew deep breaths to prepare himself。 Knowing the situation here on Caladan with the new Duke and the exiled Ixians; he chose his words carefully。
 〃It is my sad duty to inform you that the Lady Shando  branded as a renegade and traitor by Emperor Elrood IX  has been tracked down and; in accordance with Imperial decree; executed by Sardaukar on Bela Tegeuse。 All members of her entourage have also been killed。〃
 Rhombur; looking as if the wind had been knocked from him; slumped in shock onto the polished marble step beside the ducal chair。 Kailea; who had watched the entire proceedings in silence; now sobbed。 Tears spilled unchecked from her emerald eyes。 She leaned against a wall; pounding a stone pillar with a fragile fist until blood blossomed from her hand。
 Helena looked at her son with sadness and nodded。 〃You see; Leto? Another punishment。 I was right。 The Ixians and all those who assist them are cursed。〃
 Giving his mother a look of hatred; Leto snapped to the guards; 〃Please take my mother to her chambers and instruct her servants to pack for a long journey。〃 He fought to keep his voice from trembling。 〃I believe the stress of recent days requires that she take a quiet rest; someplace far; far from here。〃
 In adverse circumstances; every creature bees something else; evolving or devolving。 What makes us human is that we know what we once were; and  let us hope  we remember how to change back。
 Dispatches in Defense of Ix
 The hiding chamber's silent alarm system woke him again。 Damp with sweat from recurring nightmares; C'tair sat bolt upright; ready to fight and fend off the invaders hunting for him。
 But the Bene Tleilax hadn't found this place yet; though they had e close; using their damnable scanners。 His transmission…shielded bolt…hole was equipped with an automatic internal monitor that should have operated for centuries without trouble; but the fanatical investigators used technology…scanning devices to detect the operation of unapproved machines。 Sooner or later they would catch him。
 Working with quiet efficiency; he scrambled to shut everything down: all the lights; ventilation; heating elements。 Then he sat in the stifling utter darkness; sweating; waiting。 He heard nothing except his own breathing。 No one pried at the concealed door。 Nothing。
 After a tong time; he allowed himself to move。
 The random scanners would cause serious harm to his shield's ability to continue hiding him and his stockpile。 C'tair knew he had to steal one of the devices。 If he could analyze how the Tleilaxu technology worked; he might set up a system to counter its effects。
 Most mornings; the halls and public rooms of the former Grand Palais (now a Tleilaxu government office building) were empty。 C'tair slipped out of a concealed access shaft and into a storage room near the main corridor。 From there; it was only a short distance to a lift tube that led straight out of the building; across to other stalactite structures; and even down to the lower levels。 He could keep moving; keep up appearances  and keep himself alive。 But his chances would be better if he could foil the technology scanners。
 The routine investigator might still be in this facility; or the man might have already moved to a different level。 C'tair sprinted out on the hunt; listening; watching corridor lights; creeping along。 He had already learned all the secrets of this part of the building。
 Although C'tair carried a stun…pistol and a lasgun at his side; he feared that Tleilaxu sensor nets would detect their use。 Then dedicated teams would be sent out specifically to find him。 That was why he held a long; sharp blade in one hand。 It would be efficient and silent。 The best choice。
 Setting up his trap; he finally spotted a balding; pinch…faced Tleilaxu man who approached down the hallway。 With two hands he held a little screen that spewed the hues and patterns of fireworks。 The investigator was so intent on the readings he did not at first notice C'tair  until the dark…haired man raced forward with the knife blade extended。
 C'tair wanted to shout his hatred; scream out a challenge; but he only hissed instead。 The Tleilaxu man's mouth dropped open in an O to reveal little white teeth like pearls。 Before the investigator could cry out; C'tair had slashed his throat。
 The man tumbled to the floor in a spray of blood; but C'tair caught the scanning device before it could strike the hard surface。 He stared hungrily at the scanner; barely noticing his dying enemy's convulsions as a slowing lake of blood spread across the ornate; polished tiles of what formerly had been the Grand Palais of House Vernius。
 C'tair felt no remorse whatsoever。 He had already mitted plenty of crimes for which he would be executed if the fanatics ever got hold of him。 What did one more matter; so long as his conscience was clear? How many people had the Tleilaxu annihilated? How much Ixian history and culture had their takeover destroyed? How much blood did they already owe?
 Moving quickly; C'tair dragged the body into the access shaft that led up to his secret quarters inside the solid rock; then cleaned up the leftover blood。 Exhausted; sticky with crusting red liquid; C'tair froze for a moment as a flash of his former life pierced his hardened conscience。 Looking d
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