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 by his Chamberlain but signed with the old man's palsied hand。 〃A great man of the people has fallen;〃 the Emperor's note read。 〃You have my sincere condolences and prayers for your future。〃
 For some inexplicable reason; this had sounded to Leto like a threat  something sinister in the slant of the signature; perhaps; or in the selection of words。 Leto had burned the message in the fireplace of his private quarters。
 Most important of all to him; Leto received heartfelt gestures of grief from the people of Caladan: fresh flowers; baskets of fish; embroidered banners; poems and songs written by would…be bards; carvings; even drawings and paintings depicting the Old Duke in his glory; victorious in the bullring。
 In private; where no one could see his weakness; Leto cried。 He knew how much the people had loved Duke Paulus; and he remembered the feeling of power that had blanketed him the day he and his father had stood holding their bull's…head trophy in the Plaza de Toros。 At that time; he had longed to bee Duke himself; had felt the love and loyalty wrapped around him。 House Atreides!
 Now he wished for any other fate in the universe。
 Lady Helena had locked herself in her chambers and ignored the servants who tried to attend her。 Leto had never observed much love or affection between his parents; and right now he couldn't tell if his mother's grief was sincere or merely an act。 The only people she agreed to see were her personal priests and spiritual advisors。 Helena clung to the subtle meanings she pried loose from verses of the Orange Catholic Bible。
 Leto knew he needed to bring himself out of this morass  he had to reach deep for strength and turn to the business of running Caladan。 Duke Paulus would have scorned Leto's misery and chastised him for not immediately facing the priorities of his new life。 〃Grieve during your private time; lad;〃 he would have said; 〃but never reveal any sign of weakness on the part of House Atreides。〃
 Silently; Leto vowed to do his best。 This would be the first of many sacrifices he would no doubt have to make in his new position。
 Prince Rhombur came up beside Leto as he sat in the heavy ducal chair in the empty meeting hall。 Leto brooded; his eyes fixed on a large portrait on the opposite wall that showed his father in full matador regalia。 Rhombur put a hand on his panion's shoulder and squeezed。 〃Leto; have you eaten? You've got to maintain your strength。〃
 Taking a deep breath; Leto turned to look at his rade from Ix; whose broad face was filled with concern。 〃No; I haven't。 Would you care to join me for breakfast?〃 He rose stiffly from the unfortable chair。 It was time to go about his duties。
 Thufir Hawat acpanied them at a morning meal that extended for hours as they laid out plans and strategies for the new regime。 During a pause in the discussion; the warrior Mentat bowed his head and met young Leto's gray…eyed gaze。 〃If I have not yet made it apparent; my Duke; I give you my utmost loyalty and renew my pledge to House Atreides。 I will do everything I can to assist and advise you。〃 Then his expression hardened。 〃But you must understand that all decisions are yours and yours alone。 My advice may contradict Prince Rhombur's or your mother's; or that of any other advisors you choose。 You must decide in each case。 You are the Duke。 You are House Atreides。〃
 Leto trembled; feeling the responsibility hover over him like a Guild Heighliner ready to crash。 〃I'm aware of that; Thufir; and I'll need all the assistance I can get。〃 He sat up straight and sipped sweet cream from a bowl of warm pundi rice pudding; prepared by one of the chefs who knew it had been his favorite as a boy。 Now it didn't taste the same; though; his taste buds seemed dulled。
 〃How goes the investigation into my father's death? Was it truly an accident; as it appears? Or only made to look that way?〃
 The Mentat frowned; and a troubled expression clouded his leathery face。 〃I'm hesitant to say this; my Duke; but I fear it was murder。 Evidence is mounting of a devious plan; indeed。〃
 〃What?〃 Rhombur said; pounding his fist on the table。 His face flushed。 〃Who did this to the Duke? How?〃 He felt affection not only for Leto; but for the Atreides patriarch who had granted sanctuary to him and his sister。 A visceral; sinking feeling told Rhombur the motivation might have been to punish Paulus for showing kindness to the Ixian exiles。
 〃I am the Duke; Rhombur;〃 Leto said; resting a hand on his friend's forearm。 〃I will have to handle this。〃
 Leto could almost hear the wheels humming inside the Mentat's plex mind。 Hawat said; 〃Chemical analysis of muscle tissue in the Salusan bull revealed faint traces of two drugs。〃
 〃I thought the beasts were checked before every fight。〃 Leto narrowed his eyes; but for a moment he could not drive away the memory flashes of his younger days; when he had gone to look at the massive bulls in the stables and puffy…eyed Stablemaster Yresk had let him feed the beasts  to the horror of the stableboys。 〃Was our veterinarian in on a plot?〃
 〃The usual tests were performed as required; before the paseo。〃 A frown on his red…stained lips; Thufir tapped his fingers on the table as he marshaled his thoughts and assessed his answer。 〃Unfortunately; the prescribed analyses tested for the wrong things。 The bull had been enraged by a harsh stimulant that gradually built up in its body over days; delivered in time…released amounts。〃
 〃That wouldn't have been enough;〃 Leto said; flaring his nostrils。 〃My father was a good fighter。 The best。〃
 The Mentat shook his shaggy head。 〃The bull was also given a neutralizing agent; a chemical that counteracted the neurotoxin in the Duke's banderillas and simultaneously triggered a release of the stimulant。 When the bull should have been paralyzed; the stimulant was increased instead。 The beast became an even more dangerous killing machine; just as the Old Duke was growing tired。〃
 Leto glowered。 With an angry lurch he rose from the breakfast table and glanced up at the omnipresent poison…snooper。 He paced; letting his rice pudding grow cold。 Then he turned and spoke sharply; summoning all the techniques of leadership he had been taught。 〃Mentat; give me a prime projection。 Who would do this?〃
 Thufir sat motionless as he entered deep Mentat mode。 Data streamed through the puter inside his skull; a human brain that simulated the capabilities of the ancient; hated enemies of mankind。
 〃Most likely possibility: a personal attack from a major political enemy of House Atreides。 Because of the timing; I suspect it may be a punishment of the Old Duke for his support of House Vernius。〃
 〃My suspicion exactly;〃 Rhombur muttered。 The son of Dominic Vernius seemed very much an adult now; hardened and tempered; no longer just a good…natured study panion who had lived a pampered life。 Since ing to Caladan he had trimmed down; tightened his muscles。 His eyes had taken on a flinty gleam。
 〃But no House has declared kanly on us;〃 Leto said。 〃In the ancient rite of vendetta there are requirements; forms to be followed; are there not; Thufir?〃
 〃But we can't trust all of the Old Duke's enemies to adhere to such niceties;〃 Hawat said。 〃We m
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